blackwhitehere / stat-nlp-book2

Interactive book on Statistical NLP

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Live Online Version

We are running a live online version of the book. Due to security reasons the content is not editable. If you want to play with the code and execute it you need to install the book locally, as described below.

Setup and run the book

Before running any of the following comands, make sure you have all the prerequisites installed.

After installing prerequisites, install the following libraries to a local repository by running the following:

git clone; cd scalaplot
mvn clean install -Dgpg.skip=true; cd ..
git clone; cd htmlgen
mvn clean install -Dgpg.skip=true; cd ..

Clone the repository (1), Initialize sub-modules (wolfe & moro) (2), compile the project (3) and compile wolfe, and publish it to your local ivy repository (4), setup the project specific configuration file (5) and run moro (6).

  1. git clone; cd stat-nlp-book
  2. git submodule update --init --recursive
  3. sbt compile
  4. cd wolfe; sbt compile; sbt publish-local; cd ..
  5. cp moro/conf/application-statnlpbook.conf moro/conf/application.conf
  6. cd moro; git checkout master; sbt run
  7. ln -s $PWD/src/main/moro/figures $PWD/moro/public/figures


  • ignore [error] (wolfe-examples/compile:doc) Scaladoc generation failed when executing step 4
  • step 4 - You may have to delete the wolfe directory in the ivy cache to make sure you get the newest version.
  • step 6 - You might me bugged by your firewall here. Set it to allow the application. This step might take some time depending on your computer performance. Do not panic over warning messages :)

Download Data

To download the OHHLA files

scripts/ j_live
scripts/ YFA_roots.html
scripts/ YFA_rakim.html

Browse the Book

Everytime you want to run the book, you have to go to the stat-nlp-book/moro directory and call sbt run.

Once you have the book running (step 6), proceed to the COMPGI19 entry point here.

Live editing in IntelliJ

You can write code in IntelliJ and access it from moro after you compile it (either through IntelliJ or sbt)

Contact your TAs

If you have a question that is not specific to you but could be interesting for other students as well, please post it in the discussion forum. Otherwise, contact us directly.

When contacting us, please send a single e-mail to all four of us so we can coordinate the response.


Interactive book on Statistical NLP


Language:Scala 98.2%Language:Shell 1.8%