blackjack26 / IntroRepository

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Cognitive Release


A text-adventure game that is more than just a dream, it is reality...or is it? The user does not get much of an option except whether they are a boy or a girl. At the start of the game all the user can do is look around and the story goes from there


Prison Experimentation Facitilty


  • Other inmates
  • Guards
  • Traps
  • Objective Items


  • Look Forward/Backward
  • Inspect
  • Use Item
  • Shout
  • Take Item

End Game:

The user finds a newspaper that says "Man Goes to Jail for Killing a Man to Death". When he escapes the prison he falls and finds himself in his bed in his house. He looks at the date and it is the day he gets sent to the facility. The doorbell rings (you can choose to open the door or look first). A man is standing at the door and he tries to force himself in (Can push or punch) and then the man says "What? Are you going to do the same to me that you did to my brother?!". You are taken by surprise and then remember the newspaper. You look back and see that the man isn't there anymore, its the man's mother. "Why did you do this to my son? What did he do to hurt you?". You go to respond but she is no longer there and it is the man you were accused of killing. "It was me, I kidnapped her. I was jealous and if I couldn't have her, no one could. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have". You grab hold of him and have two options to fight or forgive. Before you get to choose he pulls out a gun and gives it to you and pulls the trigger and he falls to the ground. [Sirens]



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