bkueng / qMasterPassword

stateless Master Password Manager

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Atrate opened this issue · comments


Are you accepting translations? If so, what files need to be modified?


Yes, sure. It's a Qt project, so it should be fairly straight-forward. Some preparations will be required, as documented here: https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/internationalization.html#enabling-translation. Is that something you can/want to look into?

I don't really have any experience with Qt development, but I can edit XML/other localization files when needed without a problem and make a PR.

Ok, I'll look into it and let you know once I have set it up.

Which langage will you translate?


You can translate the translation_pl.ts file in https://github.com/bkueng/qMasterPassword/tree/translation/data/translations (branch translation) using Qt Linguist. Afterwards you can send me the translated .ts file (directly or preferably via pull request).

Sure! If the source and translated text of a string are the same, should I paste it in the "translation" fielt or just accept it without inputting anything, @bkueng ?

Now that I think about it, they should be copied, makes more sense.