bkmorse / Comments

A Craft CMS plugin for managing comments directly within the CMS.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Comments is a Craft CMS plugin that allows your users to comment on elements. Not a fan of using Disqus? All you comments are stored in your Craft install, and hooked up to your existing users.

Currently in Beta

Please be aware that Comments is being released at this stage very much in beta. As such, there will be lots of rapid, breaking changes being made to the plugin. It's for this reason that it's not suitable for use in a production environment just yet. It's certainly safe to do so - you just may be updating it a lot!

We would greatly value your feedback through the beta process, so feel free to make a suggestion


  • Threaded comments - users can comment on other comments.
  • Anonymous users can comment (configurable).
  • Comment moderation by admins - prevent comments from appearing on your site until approved.
  • Supports upvoting and downvoting, along with flagging inappropriate comments.
  • Front-end editing and deleting of comment for logged in users.
  • Ready-to-go, single template tag for full comments list and reply forms.
  • Template override folder, so you can completely customise your own comment forms.
  • Full-featured examples including CSS and JS to get started quickly.
  • Comments can be made on any element type (entries, users, assets, etc).
  • Set permissions for each element (and element type) to allow or disable comments.


  • Add the comments directory into your craft/plugins directory.
  • Navigate to Settings -> Plugins and click the "Install" button.

Plugin Settings

  • Allow anonymous comments
  • Comments require moderation
  • Template Folder Override
  • Flagged comments threshold
  • Downvote comments threshold
  • Auto-close comments


Please visit the Wiki for all documentation, including template tags, and an overview of how Comments functions.

Note: This is being constantly added to and being improved during the beta process.



  • Add permissions to control commenting settings per section.
  • Provide a set of hooks for third-party plugins.
  • Support craft.spamguard.
  • Support querying comments via votes (up and down), and flags (see #20).


  • Provide security policies through:
    • Ban unwanted users from current topic
    • Ban users from all comment forms


  • Support email notifications for subscribing to topics.
  • Provide front-end comment editing.


  • Support Facebook/Twitter for sharing with App ID and other credentials
  • Provide simple WYSIWYG editor for front-end forms. Optional.
  • Social media login integration.
  • Gravatar support.
  • Support field layouts to allow full customisation over comment form. Especially useful for capturing more than name/email for anonymous users.
  • Create Pusher-integrated real-time example comments form.
  • Utalise sessions to show user's unread comments from others (see #5).
  • Dashboard widget (see #15).



  • Fixes for field settings messing things up. Notice The Comments fieldtype will soon be removed in favour of centralized permissions.
  • Other bugfixes and improvements.
  • Ensure works well on Craft Client/Craft Personal.


  • Added the ability to get total comments per element id using {{ craft.comments.total(elementId) }}.


  • Added security measures. You can now provide values to check against all attributes of a comment and action accordingly. Comments can be marked as pending, spam, or simply not allowed to be submitted. See Security
  • Support sorting comments by votes.
  • Added optional flood-control settings. Enforces minimum time to wait between posts. Works for anonymous and logged-in users.


  • Added Schema Tags to templates (see #19).


  • Added threshold for downvotes - if over specified limit, isPoorlyRated will be true.
  • Comments can be set to auto-close after a defined amount of days since the elements creation.


  • Altered settings pane - now with multiple tabs.
  • Updated permissions UI.
  • Comments can be closed, disabling editing, deleting and replies. Accessible through isClosed.


  • Added basic sharing comment options. Provides permalink, Twitter and Facebook sharing.


  • Organise examples seperately. Better testing locally (symlinks).
  • Added standard, non-Ajax example.
  • Cleanup Ajax example - refactor.
  • Checked all routes perform either via Ajax, or standard POST.


  • Added edit/delete (trashing) for users. Anonymous users can't do either.
  • Added new set of templates for different comment statuses, allowing different templates for pending, approved, trashed and spam comments.
  • Cleaned up comments UI to include dropdown options. Better user-handling.
  • Alter Ajax example, ajax for voting, flagging, editing, deleting.
  • Fixed, users could vote on their own comments.
  • Fixed, remove voting arrows when unable to vote.
  • Added canVote, canUpVote, canDownVote variables for better handling in templates. Checks are also done server-side.
  • Some serious spelling mistakes for voting functions :)
  • Added back voteCount.


  • Seperated plugin settings to its own 'real' tab. Bad UX being directed off to plugin settings, then being redirected to plugins screen.
  • Added Permissions to control elements (and element types) comments are allowed to be made on. More convenient/centralised that custom field for each element.


  • Preserve comment formatting. Changed comment field to textarea in templates.
  • Comments have access to objects for flags and votes. Removed flagCount and votesCount in favour of using length Twig filter.


  • Added support for comments to be made on any element type (entries, users, assets, etc).


  • Added support for voting on comments.
  • Added support for flagging inappropriate comments.
  • After set amount of flags made against a comment, the 'isFlagged' property on the comment is true. Configurable through settings.


  • Initial beta release.


A Craft CMS plugin for managing comments directly within the CMS.

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 63.8%Language:HTML 32.8%Language:CSS 2.3%Language:JavaScript 1.1%