bkauf / attached

attached cluster terraform

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Attach a Cluster to GCP Anthos

The following instructions are for EKS and AKS Clusters. For non EKS/AKS installs refer to V1 installation instructions below.


a. Enter the following configuration details for your attached cluster. The MEMBERSHIP_NAME is the name that will show up in the GCP Console. The cluster name is what shows up in the EKS or AKS console.

export MEMBERSHIP_NAME="attached-cluster" 
export CLUSTER_NAME=""
export ADMIN_EMAILS="example@example.com"
export GCP_PROJECT_NUMBER="xxxxxx"
export KUBECONFIG_PATH="~/.kube/config"

b. Choose the closest GCP Region to your cluster where the multi-cloud API is available. The GCP Multi-Cloud API will be hosted in this region

export GCP_REGION=[enter location]

c. Now execute the following command to view avaiable Attached cluster versions in that region.

gcloud container attached get-server-config  \

d. Enter the Attached cluster version that matches the K8s version of your cluster



Login to your EKS cluster and get the OIDC config

export AWS_REGION="us-east-"
aws eks --region $AWS_REGION update-kubeconfig --name $CLUSTER_NAME
export OIDC_URL=$(aws eks describe-cluster --name $CLUSTER_NAME --region $AWS_REGION --query "cluster.identity.oidc.issuer" --output text)


a. Supply your Resource Group and get the OIDC config. OIDC Issuer Feature in preview

export CLUSTER_RG=""
az aks get-credentials --resource-group $CLUSTER_RG --name $CLUSTER_NAME

b. Get the current context which should be the cluster to register

export KUBECONFIG_CONTEXT=$(kubectl config current-context) 

Turn on OIDC issuer in cluster if it is not already there

az aks update -g $CLUSTER_RG -n $CLUSTER_NAME --enable-oidc-issuer 

Get the OIDC URL

export OIDC_URL=$(az aks show -n $CLUSTER_NAME -g $CLUSTER_RG --query "oidcIssuerProfile.issuerUrl" -otsv)

Register the Cluster

a. Get the current context which should be the cluster to register

export KUBECONFIG_CONTEXT=$(kubectl config current-context) 

b. Choose your K8s distrovution(eks or aks for the Attached Cluster V2 product, instruction for V1 below)

export DISTROBUTION="eks"

c. Register the cluster

gcloud container attached clusters register $MEMBERSHIP_NAME \
  --location=$GCP_REGION \
  --fleet-project=$GCP_PROJECT_NUMBER \
  --platform-version=$PLATFORM_VERSION \
  --distribution=$DISTROBUTION \
  --issuer-url=$OIDC_URL \
  --admin-users=$ADMIN_EMAILS \
  --kubeconfig=$KUBECONFIG_PATH \
  --description="Attached Cluster"

d. Use the connect gateway to login to the cluster through Google Cloud

gcloud container hub memberships get-credentials $MEMBERSHIP_NAME
kubectl get nodes

Deregister V2 Cluster

gcloud container attached clusters delete $MEMBERSHIP_NAME \
    --ignore-errors \
    --allow-missing \

V1 Attached Cluster Version - Register non EKS/AKS clusters

a. For Non EKS/AKS clusters use the registration command below

 gcloud container hub memberships register $MEMBERSHIP_NAME \
   --context=$KUBECONFIG_CONTEXT \
   --kubeconfig="~/.kube/config" \
   --enable-workload-identity \

b. Connect to the cluster with the Connect Gateway( V1 Clusters only,) Use the following gcloud command to generate the nessessary impersonation rule and clusterrolebindings to authorize a GCP user to connect through the connect gateway. Replace [example@example.com] with a list of emails comma seperated.

export GCP_PROJECT_ID=""
export ADMIN_EMAILS="[example@example.com,"example2@example.com]"
export $MEMBERSHIP_NAME="Attached Cluster"

gcloud alpha container hub memberships generate-gateway-rbac  \
--membership=$MEMBERSHIP_NAME \
--role=clusterrole/cluster-admin \
--users=$ADMIN_EMAILS \
--project=$GCP_PROJECT_ID \
--kubeconfig="~/.kube/config" \

c. Take the output yaml and apply it to the cluster. Then you can connect with a new kubeconfig generated by gcloud

gcloud container hub memberships get-credentials $MEMBERSHIP_NAME
kubectl get nodes


attached cluster terraform


Language:HCL 100.0%