bkader / KuiNameplates-WoTLK

Kui_Nameplates for WoTLK.

Repository from Github https://github.combkader/KuiNameplates-WoTLKRepository from Github https://github.combkader/KuiNameplates-WoTLK

Kui_Nameplates (260) for WoTLK.


  1. Download the package.
  2. Open the archive, then open folder KuiNameplates-WoTLK.
  3. Extract the folder Kui_Nameplates to Interface\AddOns.
  4. if you want to use the auras module, extract the folder Kui_Nameplates_Auras as well.
  5. Enjoy!

Show Love & Support

Though it's not required and I have never asked for it but people keep asking for it, if you want to show love and support, your PayPal donations are most welcome to bkader[at]email.com.


Kui_Nameplates for WoTLK.


Language:Lua 100.0%