bjfish / rack-blog-oracle-db

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Rack Blog Oracle DB

This app demonstrates a blog app connect to an Oracle DB using:

  • rack
  • puma
  • nginx
  • ruby-oci8 gem

Use the Dockfile.rack in rails-docker-oracle for setup.

Run the example app

  1. bundle install
  2. bundle exec puma

Run on OCI with Dockerfile

  1. Follow the steps to run the rails example migrations.
  2. Clone this project into the Dockerfile.rack directory: git clone rackapp
  3. Configure user, password, and database_name in the file.
  4. Build: docker build -f Dockerfile.rack -t rbenv:rack .
  5. Run docker run -v /home/opc/wallet:/usr/lib/oracle/21/client64/lib/network/admin:Z,ro -d -p 3000:80 rbenv:rack



Language:Ruby 100.0%