bjepson / Brian-s-TextMate-Bundles

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This is a collection of useful TextMate settings and bundle items to working with O'Reilly's SVN-based DocBook tool chain. You need to check this out and copy the contents into your TextMate application support directory (but check the contents of both Brian-s-TextMate-Bundles and ~/Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/ so you know what you're probably overwriting):

$ cd /tmp
$ git clone
$ cp -R Brian-s-TextMate-Bundles/ ~/Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/

Bundles/DocBook.tmbundle:   DocBook commands and snippets
Bundles/AsciiDoc.tmbundle:  I've got some AsciiDoc stuff in here, too!
Bundles/XML.tmbundle:       XML customizations
Bundles/asciidoc.tmbundle:  Tweaks to the asciidoc bundle (
Themes/Mac Classic.tmTheme: Customized theme for syntax highlighting (see below)

To use the DocBook preview, install three packages with MacPorts:

  sudo port install docbook-xml xmlcatmgr docbook-xsl

You should also go into TextMate's advanced preferences and set this environment variable:

Value:    /opt/local/etc/xml/catalog

If you'd like to use FileMerge to view SVN diffs visually, you should install fmdiff, which you can get from Set this environment variable in TextMate:

Value:    /usr/local/bin/fmdiff

(change /usr/local/bin/fmdiff to wherever you actually installed fmdiff).

The XML customizations define three scope selectors that you can use for custom syntax highlighting (see TextMate>Preferences>Fonts & Colors):

  index.block.xml:          Index terms. Make them nearly invisible if you'd like
  title.block.xml:          Any title
  sect1title.block.xml:     Any title of a sect1
  programlisting.block.xml: A programlisting

The XML customizations will also allow you to pick section 1 titles from the function index popup at the bottom of the screen.
