bitvice / JS-StyleGuide

bitVice Style Guide for JavaScript

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bitVice Style Guide for JavaScript

The general JavaScript coding styles that our team uses in our code. If you find this useful, we encourage you to fork it and use it for your own team's guide.

Table of contents

  1. File naming
  2. Syntax and Formatting

File naming

The names that we give to a file is important as it should describe it's contents. We are using lowercase, dashed splitted letters when naming a file. We suggest not to combine letters as the filename will be verry hard to read and understand.

We are using this composition rule: {file descriptor}.[{file type}].js

File type table
File type Suffix Example
Generic file generic-file.js
Bootstrap file index index.js
Simple Class file class my-first-car.class.js
Abstract Class abstract service.abstract.js
Interface file interface animal.interface.js
Module file mod bitvice-osi.mod.js

Syntax and Formatting

One of the simplest forms of a styleguide is a set of rules regarding syntax and formatting. Having a standard way of writing code means that code will always look and feel familiar to all members of the team.

  • Use 4 spaces indents - use spaces over tabs because tabs aren't always displayed the same size on all devices;
  • Use an empty line after an open block bracket {;
  • Don't leave any empty row before close block bracket };
  • Use 3 empty lines space between blocks of code with different meanings;
  • Never mix spaces with tabs;
  • Use 80 character wide columns;
  • Meaningful use of whitespace helps reading code much faster;
  • Use UTF-8 as the source file encoding;
  • Delete trailing whitespace;
  • Each file ends with a blank newline.
Syntax table
Type Convention Example
ClassName PascalCase - with an initial capital letter MightyBalrog, MagicWeapon
Public method CamelCase - with an initial lowercase letter castDimensionalDoorway, rollForInitiative
Public variable CamelCase - with an initial lowercase letter materialComponents, hasTrackingAbilities
Private method Underscore followed by a camelCase phrase _getHealth
Private variable Underscore followed by a camelCase phrase _backstabAbility
Method arguments CamelCase - with an initial lowercase letter halfOrcArmy
Local variables CamelCase - with an initial lowercase letter isHumanoid, levelCount
jQuery objects Dollar symbol followed by a camelCase phrase $mainMenu
Constant Uppercase with underscores CLERIC_PLAYER, GAME_MASTER


bitVice Style Guide for JavaScript