bitsmuggler / kubernetes-cheatsheet

Kubernetes commands

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Commandline client for accessing Kubernetes master node endpoint

Description Command
Starts a local proxy to access the kubernetes api kubectl proxy
Get Cluster info kubectl cluster-info
List namespaces kubectl get namespaces
Create a deployment kubectl create deployment test-nginx --image=nginx:1.17.9-alpine
Delete a deployment kubectl delete deployments myDeployment
Get deployments, ReplicaSets and Pods (shortnames) kubectl get deploy,rs,po
Get deployments, ReplicaSets and Pods (shortnames) with a specific label kubectl get deploy,rs,po -l app=test-nginx
Get pods with specific label keys kubectl get pods -L label1, label2
Get services kubectl get services
Expose a pod with type NodePort kubectl expose pod my-pod --type=NodePort --port=80
Scale the deployment up to 3 replicas kubectl scale deploy test-nginx --replicas=3
Show pod configuration kubectl describe pod <<Pod Name>>
Show deplyoment configuration kubectl describe deployment test-nginx
Show rollout history of a deployment kubectl rollout history deploy test-nginx
Show details of a specific revision entry kubectl rollout history deploy test-nginx --revision=1
Set a image on a deployment kubectl set image deploy test-nginx nginx=nginx:1.16-alpine
Rollback a deployment to a past revision kubectl rollout undo deployment test-nginx --to-revision=1
Show kubectl client configuration file kubectl config view
Create namespace kubectl create namespace test-namespace
Create object from filename kubectl create -f test-file.yml
Get certificate signing requests kubectl get csr
Approve certificate singing request kubectl certificate approve my-csr
Extract the approved certificate from the csr, decode it with base64 and save it as a cert file kubectl get csr my-csr -o jsonpath='{.status.certificate}'
Configure the user's credentials by assingin the key and certificate kubectl config set-credentials student --client-certificate=my.crt --client-key=my.key
Create a new kontext entry in the kubect config file for the new user associated with a specific namespace kubectl config set-context test-context --cluster=minikube --namespace=test-namespace --user=my-test-user
Get role-bindings of a namespace kubectl -n test-namespace get rolebindings
Remove a specific rolebinding in a namespace kubectl -n test-namespace delete rolebinding existing-test-role-binding
Create the ConfigMap kubectl create configmap test-config --from-literal=key1=value1 --from-literal=key2=value2
Read the ConfigMap kubectl get configmaps test-config -o yaml
Create a secret kubectl create secret generic my-password --from-literal=password=mysqlpassword
Get secret kubectl get secret my-password
Describe secret kubectl describe secret my-password
Create secret from a file kubectl create secret generic my-file-password --from-file=password.txt
Get ingress objects kubectl get ingress
Apply changes by a specific manifest kubectl apply -f my-manifest.yaml
Port forwarding kubectl port-forward --namespace my-namespace pod-id 5000:5000


Tool for starting kubernetes locally (All-in one single node installation)

Description Command
Start minikube (Kubernetes locally) minikube start
Show dashboard minikube dashboard
Try to open a service in the browser via minikube minikube service web-service
Start ssh connection with the minikube vm minikube ssh
Enable ingress addon in minikube minikube addons enable ingress

learning resources


Kubernetes commands