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CHIP-BCMR: Bitcoin Cash Metadata Registries

    Title: Bitcoin Cash Metadata Registries
    Type: Standards
    Layer: Applications
    Maintainer: Jason Dreyzehner
    Status: Draft
    Initial Publication Date: 2022-10-31
    Latest Revision Date: 2024-01-31
    Version: 2.1.0-draft
Table of Contents


A standard for sharing authenticated metadata between Bitcoin Cash wallets.


This proposal does not require coordinated deployment. Clients can begin implementation upon acceptance of CHIP-2022-02-CashTokens.


Bitcoin Cash software requires standards for locating and verifying metadata, allowing user-recognizable names, descriptions, icons, ticker symbols, and other information to be associated with on-chain artifacts like identities, tokens, and contract systems.


Extensible JSON Schema

Metadata registries use an extensible JSON schema, ensuring a baseline of compatibility across all ecosystem software while enabling individual vendors and industry groups to create extensions and rapidly innovate.

Interpretation of NFT Commitments

Registries can encode structured information about non-fungible token (NFT) commitment APIs, allowing ecosystem software to parse and understand the contents of any NFT. This enables generalized user interfaces for all NFTs, and application-specific extensions can build on this NFT parsing infrastructure to enable richer experiences – for example:

  • A table of the user's open orders for a decentralized exchange with sums for "Total Tokens for Sale" and "Total BCH Order Value".
  • A list of the user's active crowdfunding pledges with information on each campaign and a sum of "Total BCH Pledged".
  • A view of the user's tickets with times, dates, location, seat, class, gate, etc. prominently displayed.
  • A gallery of the user's collectable NFTs for a particular game ecosystem with images and other metadata displayed using information encoded in each NFT.

Decentralized Publishing & Verification

Metadata registries can be published by any entity or individual without an approval process. Registries can be authenticated via the Domain Name System (DNS) or via on-chain transactions, enabling strong censorship resistance.

Contract-Held Identities

Identities are held by BCH contracts, enabling identities to employ the same security strategies as those used to secure funds and tokens, e.g. multisignature wallets, offline signers, time-delayed vaults, bounties/honeypots, and more. Identities can modify their security requirements over time, offering built-in support for key rotation and incremental security enhancement.

SPV Validation of Identities and Claims

Identities can be verified by validating only the last transaction in a chain of transactions, so validation can be performed by low-resource clients using lightweight proofs (measured in kilobytes).

Bootstrapped Trust via DNS

Registries may be published via both DNS and on-chain transactions, allowing trust in the registry's identity to be bootstrapped from a domain name that is already known to the user.

Technical Specification

A Bitcoin Cash Metadata Registry (BCMR) is an authenticated JSON file containing metadata about tokens, individual and organizational identities, contract applications, and other on-chain artifacts. BCMRs conform to a Metadata Registry JSON Schema, and they can be published and maintained by any entity or individual.

Client software – wallets, indexers, and other software that utilizes metadata – can acquire and authenticate metadata registries using multiple strategies. Metadata-validating clients are clients that fully support acquiring and authenticating chain-resolved registries; DNS-only clients are clients that support only DNS-resolved registries.

Embedded Registries

Embedded metadata registries are built in to published releases of client software, providing a default registry of metadata assembled by the software publisher.

It is recommended that all client software include an initially-trusted, embedded registry. Client software may support updating embedded registries via DNS or via on-chain transactions.

Manually-Imported Registries

Where appropriate, client software may provide advanced users with the ability to manually import registries (e.g. from a file or from an arbitrary URL). Note that malicious registries can mislead users into mislabeling token, identities, and contract applications, leading to loss of value. Implementers supporting manually-imported registries should review the Guidelines for Client Software.

DNS-Resolved Registries

DNS-resolved metadata registries are associated with a particular Fully-Qualified Domain Name (FQDN); they are acquired and authenticated using Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS).

DNS resolution allows registries to bootstrap trust from domain names that are already known to users. After initially importing a DNS-resolved registry, clients can receive faster updates and prevent targeted attacks by upgrading to on-chain resolution.

Well-Known URI

DNS-resolved metadata registries are published using a Well-Known URI with the https scheme and a suffix of bitcoin-cash-metadata-registry.json. For example, given a fully-qualified domain name of, the metadata registry must be published at and accessed via GET request.

Registries must allow Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) using Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *.

If the registry is returned with a max-age directive in its Cache-Control HTTP header, clients must invalidated and refetch the registry after the stated expiration. If no max-age is set, clients should consider downloaded registries to expire after 7 days (max-age=604800).

HTTP Redirect Handling

All clients must support the HTTP 301 Moved Permanently and 302 Found redirect status response codes when fetching DNS-resolved metadata registries.

Clients may handle a status response code of 302 without notifying the user. The registry must be fetched from the alternative URL provided in the Location header, and Location URLs that do not conform to the Well-Known URI are acceptable.

Clients must handle a status response code of 301 by notifying the user of the permanent redirection. The registry must be fetched from the alternative URL provided in the Location header, and Location URLs that do not conform to the Well-Known URI are acceptable. The client must update its records of the canonical Fully-Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) for the metadata registry being fetched; future registry updates must be fetched from the Well-Known URI using the updated FQDN (even if the returned Location URL did not conform to the Well-Known URI).

Upgrade to On-Chain Resolution

DNS-resolved metadata registries may indicate a preference for on-chain resolution by specifying an authbase in the registryIdentity property of the metadata registry.

If a received registry indicates a registryIdentity authbase, clients with support for chain-resolved registries (metadata-validating clients) must update their records to set the indicated authbase as the root of trust for that registry and immediately begin to fetch the registry using chain resolution. Clients without support for on-chain resolution (DNS-only clients) should warn the user that the fetched registry prefers on-chain resolution, but the client only supports DNS resolution.

If the DNS-resolved registry includes the authchain extension for the authbase indicated in registryIdentity, chain resolution should be accelerated using the provided authchain data. (Note, the registry's authhead transaction must commit to the hash of the published registry, so the registry identity's authchain extension is expected to not include the latest authhead transaction.)

Chain-Resolved Registries

Chain-resolved metadata registries are associated with a particular authbase, a 32-byte, hex-encoded transaction hash (A.K.A. TXID) for which the zeroth-descendant transaction chain (ZDTC) authenticates and publishes all registry updates.

Chain resolution offers stronger security and better user experiences than DNS resolution:

  • Enhanced identity security – identities are controlled by unspent transaction outputs, so identity owners can employ the same security strategies used to secure funds and tokens (e.g. multisignature wallets, offline signers, time-delayed vaults, bounties/honeypots, etc.); this avoids many classes of attacks possible against DNS-resolved registries.
  • Prevention of targeted attacks – a hash of the registry is published on the blockchain, so clients can ensure that a received registry is identical to that received by every other client.
  • Real-time updates – identity updates are broadcasted by spending the identity's latest identity output, so clients can detect updates using standard light wallet infrastructure (e.g. Simplified Payment Verification).

Zeroth-Descendant Transaction Chains

A zeroth-descendant transaction chain – also known as an authchain – is a chain of transactions where the output at index 0 for each transaction is spent by the following transaction. In the context of authchains, the transaction output at index 0 is known as the transaction's identity output. Because all Bitcoin Cash transactions must have at least one output, every valid transaction has a single identity output.

The first transaction in an authchain is referred to as the authbase transaction; authbase transactions have no distinguishing features, and any valid transaction can serve as an authbase transaction. The final transaction in an authchain is referred to as the authhead transaction. By definition, the identity output of the authhead transaction is unspent.

Bitauth Identities on Bitcoin Cash

Authchain Resolution

To resolve an authchain (a zeroth-descendant transaction chain), clients must recursively identify the transaction that spent the output at index 0 of the current transaction, beginning with the authbase transaction. (Note, this process can be accelerated using data from authchain extensions in registries.)

Once validated, clients should retain a mapping of the authbase to the latest identity input to accelerate future resolutions. To track an identity for future updates, clients should monitor the latest identity input for spends (e.g. wallets may monitor tracked identity outputs as if they were UTXOs held by the wallet).

Burned Identities

Identities for which the authhead transaction includes a data-carrier output (an output beginning with OP_RETURN/0x6a) as the identity output are considered "burned". Identities may be burned to broadcast that the identity is no longer maintained and can be safely forgotten or archived by clients. Other standards may make use of identity-burning data-carrier output to broadcast additional information about the burned identity.

Note that identities undergoing name changes or other significant changes to metadata need not burn the identity; updated metadata can be published via on-chain identity claims. Note also that identities can be seamlessly merged (e.g. after a merger or acquisition) by spending both identity outputs in the same transaction, so burning actively-used identities is rarely necessary.

On-Chain Identity Claims

By including standardized data-carrier outputs in authhead transactions, identities can broadcast on-chain identity claims – public attestations by the identity about various topics.

On-chain identity claims can be used to broadcast information like metadata registries, hashes of software updates, warrant canaries, tamper-evident logs, reusable payment addresses, onion service addresses, and other information relating to the broadcasting identity. (Note, metadata registry extensions offer an off-chain alternative to on-chain identity claims.)

Metadata Registry Publication Outputs are the only type of on-chain identity claim standardized by this specification.

On-Chain Metadata Registry Resolution

To resolve a metadata registry that is published on chain, clients must first resolve and validate the authchain for the registry's identity. Once the registry's authhead transaction has been acquired and validated, the client must inspect the authhead transaction's outputs to locate the metadata registry publication output, then fetch and verify the registry using the appropriate strategy for that publication output (either IPFS or HTTPS).

Metadata Registry Publication Outputs

Chain-resolved registries are published using metadata registry publication outputs, data-carrier outputs that include the hash and – optionally – one or more utf8-encoded URIs from which the registry can be downloaded.

The locking bytecode of publication outputs must conform to the following structure:

OP_RETURN <'BCMR'> <hash> [<uri> <uri> ... <uri>]

Metadata registry publication outputs are identified by the locking bytecode prefix OP_RETURN <'BCMR'> (0x6a0442434d52). Following the locking bytecode prefix, the SHA-256 hash (encoded in OP_SHA256 byte order1) of the registry contents must be pushed. Thereafter, any number of utf8-encoded URIs may be pushed to provide clients with multiple download options2.

Every transaction can have zero or one metadata registry publication output; if multiple outputs share the required locking bytecode prefix, the first (the output at the lowest-value index) is considered the definitive publication output, and later outputs sharing the prefix must be ignored. (Note, even if the first matching output is malformed – e.g. it does not push a hash – later matching outputs should not be considered by clients.)

  1. This is the byte order produced/required by all BCH VM operations which employ SHA-256 (including OP_SHA256 and OP_HASH256), the byte order used for outpoint transaction hashes in the P2P transaction format, and the byte order produced by most SHA-256 libraries. For reference, the genesis block header in this byte order is little-endian – 6fe28c0ab6f1b372c1a6a246ae63f74f931e8365e15a089c68d6190000000000 – and can be produced by this script: <0x0100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003ba3edfd7a7b12b27ac72c3e67768f617fc81bc3888a51323a9fb8aa4b1e5e4a29ab5f49ffff001d1dac2b7c> OP_HASH256. (Note, this is the opposite byte order as is commonly used in user interfaces like block explorers.)
  2. For example, a registry hosted at with a hash of 0x6fe28c0ab6f1b372c1a6a246ae63f74f931e8365e15a089c68d6190000000000 would be encoded using the locking script: OP_RETURN <'BCMR'> <0x6fe28c0ab6f1b372c1a6a246ae63f74f931e8365e15a089c68d6190000000000> <''> producing the locking bytecode: 0x6a0442434d52206fe28c0ab6f1b372c1a6a246ae63f74f931e8365e15a089c68d61900000000000b6578616d706c652e636f6d.
Publication Output URIs

Clients may select from any of the pushed URIs to download the registry referenced by a publication output. Following successful download, clients should verify that the hash of the downloaded registry matches the published hash.

At minimum, all clients must support the HTTPS and IPFS protocols within publication outputs. Additional protocols like dns, ftp, git, magnet, rsync, Tor (using .onion addresses), ssh, etc. may optionally be supported by some clients. Publication outputs with no URIs are understood to require that clients request the provided hash via a content-addressed resolution protocol, but client support for this behavior is not required (i.e. clients must only support ipfs://-prefixed IPFS URIs).

HTTPS Publication Outputs

URIs without a protocol prefix must be assumed to use HTTPS, and HTTPS URIs without a file path (the URL segment following the hostname, beginning with /) must be assumed to use the Well-Known URI for that domain. E.g. is encoded as <''> (0x0b6578616d706c652e636f6d), while a registry hosted at the root of (rather than at is encoded as <''> (0x11746573742e6578616d706c652e636f6d2f).

To avoid leaking connection information to registry hosts, clients may choose to download the registry via Tor or via a trusted proxy, VPN, or mirror service. Because the hash of the downloaded registry is verified, sources need not be trusted for registry integrity.

IPFS Publication Outputs

All clients must support registry download via IPFS. Clients without access to full IPFS nodes may use one or more HTTP Gateways. Gateways need not be trusted, as the downloaded registry may be verified using the published hash.

IPFS URIs must include the ipfs:// prefix. It is recommended that IPFS-distributed registries be published as a single file rather than as part of a larger archive (see Publication of Static Data).

Metadata Registry JSON Schema

Metadata registries conform to the Metadata Registry JSON Schema (source TypeScript type definitions). The JSON schema is internally-documented, but notable features are discussed below.


Identities are the core primitive of metadata registries – they can encapsulate metadata about the metadata registry itself, other metadata registries, individuals, organizations, products, tokens, and various on-chain entities.

Every identity is defined by an authbase. An identity's authbase is both a globally-unique identifier and its root of trust: the entire history of an identity – it's authchain – can be trustlessly verified by light clients, including globally-broadcasted, on-chain identity claims.

Metadata registries map any number of authbases to concise representations of each identity's history. By standardizing a strategy for describing notable evolutions of an identity over time, clients can provide more consistent user experiences across the ecosystem.

Identity Snapshots

All identity metadata is organized into identity snapshots, data structures that contain metadata for a particular identity as of a specific time.

Snapshots can include general information about the identity like name, description, tags, and uris. For identities that represent token categories, snapshots can include the current category, display information like symbol, and decimals, and detailed technical metadata like parsing, encoding, and semantic information about various types of NFTs available within the token category.

At any moment in time, only one snapshot is considered "current" for an identity. However, using the IdentitySnapshot.migrated property, a snapshot can indicate that the identity's prior snapshot remains relevant (e.g. an in-circulation token identity is gradually migrating to a new token category).

Identity History

Each identity in a metadata registry is represented by an IdentityHistory data structure, a map of ISO timestamps to IdentitySnapshots. IdentityHistory data structures allow clients to construct a timeline of the evolution of a particular identity, helping users recognize and disambiguate identities that have changed significantly since the user last interacted with that identity.

The current identity information is the snapshot associated with the latest timestamp reached. If no timestamp has yet been reached, the snapshot of the oldest timestamp is considered current. Future-dated timestamps indicate planned migrations.

This strategy allows wallets and other user interfaces to offer better experiences when an identity is rebranded, a token redenominated, or other important metadata is modified in a coordinated update. For example, a wallet may warn token holders of a forthcoming rebranding of fungible tokens they hold; after the change, the wallet may continue to offer prominent interface hints that the rebranded token identity was recently updated.

Timestamps may be order by time via lexicographical sort. For determinism, it is recommended that implementations sort from newest to oldest in exported registry JSON files.


Tags allow registries to classify and group identities by a variety of characteristics. Tags are standardized within a registry and may represent either labels applied by that registry or designations by external authorities (certification, membership, ownership, etc.) that are tracked by that registry.

Examples of possible tags include: individual, organization, token, wallet, exchange, staking, utility-token, security-token, stablecoin, wrapped, collectable, deflationary, governance, decentralized-exchange, liquidity-provider, sidechain, sidechain-bridge, acme-audited, acme-endorsed, etc.

Tags may be used by clients in search, discovery, and filtering of identities, and they can also convey information like accreditation from investor protection organizations, public certifications by security or financial auditors, and other designations that signal integrity or value to users.

URI Identifiers

Both the IdentitySnapshot and Tag types may include a uris property mapping any number of URI Identifiers to URIs. Conforming clients must support both https and ipfs URIs. (Note: rudimentary support for ipfs can be implemented using trusted HTTPS gateways.)

Several URI identifiers are standardized by this specification, and any number of custom URI identifiers may also be used by other standards or vendor-specific software. All URIs must be provided in full, including protocol prefix (e.g. https:// or ipfs://). Other protocol prefixes may be specified, but they might not be supported by all clients.

Recommended URI Identifiers

The following identifiers are strongly recommended for IdentitySnapshots and Tags:

Identifier Description
icon A URI pointing to a square, static icon that represents this identity or tag. Transparency is supported, and icons should be suitable for display against both light and dark backgrounds. Acceptable formats are SVG, AVIF, WebP, or PNG; SVG is recommended. For raster formats, the recommended size is 400px by 400px.
web The URI for a website offering information about this registry, identity, or tag.
Optional URI Identifiers

The following optional URI identifiers are standardized for IdentitySnapshots and Tags:

Identifier Description
blog A URI identifying a blog or other news source for this identity or tag.
chat A URI identifying a community chatroom for this identity or tag.
forum A URI identifying a community forum for this identity or tag.
icon-intro A URI pointing to a square, animated icon that represents this identity or tag. The animation should play once (without looping) to introduce the static icon. Transparency is supported, and icons should be suitable for display against both light and dark backgrounds. Acceptable formats are SVG, AVIF, or WebP. For raster formats, the recommended size is 400px by 400px.
registry The primary-source registry URI for this identity or tag. For DNS-resolved registries, this is the full, Well-Known URI from which the registry can be downloaded. For chain-resolved registries and other identities, this is the full URI of the latest registry published on-chain by the identity. For tags, The registry identifier should only be used when a tag represents a formal designation by a particular authority (certification, membership, ownership, etc.); when present, this URI points to the canonical registry published by that authority. Tags without this identifier are assumed to be created and applied by the containing registry.
support A URI offering user-facing support for this identity or tag.

The following optional URI identifiers are standardized only for IdentitySnapshots:

Identifier Description
image A URI pointing to a static image of the asset represented by this identity. Transparency is supported, and images should be suitable for display against both light and dark backgrounds. Acceptable formats are SVG, AVIF, WebP, or PNG.
migrate A URI identifying a resource with information about the change resulting in this snapshot. For snapshots in which token.category is modified (e.g. a re-issuance, vote, payout, dividend, etc.), this resource should provide guidance about how holders of the previous token category may exchange tokens for those of the new category.
Custom URI identifiers

Custom URI identifiers allow for sharing social networking profiles, p2p connection information, and other application-specific URIs. Identifiers must be lowercase, alphanumeric strings, with no whitespace or special characters other than dashes (as a regular expression: /^[-a-z0-9]+$/).

For example, some common identifiers include: discord, docker, facebook, git, github, gitter, instagram, linkedin, matrix, npm, reddit, slack, substack, telegram, twitter, wechat, youtube. Note that the CC0-1.0-licensed Simple Icons project offers icons for these and many other identifiers.


A Registry may include a locales property to specify a mapping of Unicode locale identifiers (conforming to those of ECMAScript's Intl.Locale object, e.g. es for Spanish) to localized versions of metadata registry contents.

Localized values for registryIdentity objects and all identities, tags, chains, and extensions may be provided by reproducing the Registry object as a child of the appropriate locale property, e.g. provides a Spanish (es) localization for the registry identity's description. Registries should not localize property keys, including URI and tag identifiers, to ensure that values can be associated across locales.

Outside of the locales property, metadata registries are considered to use the English Unicode locale (identifier: en). All other locales – including regional English locales like en-US or en-GB – must be provided via the locales property.

It is acceptable for registries to be partially-localized. For example, some locales may exclude identities that appear in the en locale (and vice versa). Clients with localization support should attempt to use metadata from the user's preferred locale, falling back to metadata from the closest available locale.

Note, it is not necessary for registries to include any metadata for the en locale, e.g. registries that omit the identities, tags, chains, and/or extensions properties from the top-level (en locale) may still include those properties for any number of other locales using the locales property.

Assembling Localized Registries

A localized registry is produced by the following algorithm:

  1. Given the user's preferred locale, locate the registry's closest specified locale in the locales property. If a precise match is not available, fall back recursively to the closest available locale. If no matching language is available, default to en. E.g. If the user's preferred locale is de-AT, fall back to de, then en.
  2. Beginning from the closest available locale, assemble a list of matching locales in reverse order of specificity. E.g. ["en", "de", "de-AT"]. (Note, en is a special case; other en locales should not be included in this list for non-english locales.)
  3. Create a localized registry by inheriting from each locale beginning with the least specific locale:
    1. From the current locale, assign all identities, tags, chains, and extensions to the generated locale, overriding the full definition at that identifier with the localized definition from the more-specific locale. (Note, replacement is object-level; do not attempt to merge two definitions for the same identifier.)
    2. If this client is deeply-validating the registry, verify the consistency of recognized, non-localized metadata and emit an error if any differences are found (e.g. metadata such as token.category and token.symbol should not vary between locales).
    3. Repeat using the next-most-specific locale until all locales have been applied.

When the locales property is specified, clients supporting localization should use this localized registry for all metadata.


The metadata registry includes an optional extensions property for registries, identities, tags, NFT types, and NFT fields. Extensions offer the flexibility to associate arbitrary, vendor-specific metadata with a particular registry, identity, or tag.

For example, a contact extension could specify common contact information for an identity:

  "extensions": {
    "contact": {
      "phone": "+1 (123) 456-7890",
      "email": "",
      "postal-address": "New Hampshire State House Museum\n107 N Main St\nConcord, NH 03301"

Like Custom URI identifiers, extensions identifiers must be lowercase, alphanumeric strings, with no whitespace or special characters other than dashes (as a regular expression: /^[-a-z0-9]+$/).

This specification standardizes the authchain extension.

Authchain Extension

The authchain extension is standardized for IdentitySnapshots. When provided, authchain reduces the work and data required for clients to verify the metadata of a particular identity.

The authchain extension value must be an numerically-indexed object of strings, where all indexes are contiguous integers beginning with 0. The first string (index 0) must be the hex-encoded authbase transaction for the identity (the identity's authbase is this transaction's ID). Each subsequent string must be the next transaction in the authchain, and the final string must be the latest known authhead transaction for the identity.

Clients may use the authchain extension to rapidly update their records for a particular identity using the following validation algorithm:

  1. Verify that the string at index 0 is the authbase transaction by double sha-256 hashing it and verifying the result is equal to the identity's known authbase.
  2. Decode each successive transaction in the authchain, verifying that an input in each transaction spends the identity output (output index 0) of the previous transaction.
  3. After verifying that the final transaction spends the identity output of the second-to-last transaction, attempt to verify that the identity output of the final transaction is currently present in the Unspent Transaction Output (UTXO) set:
    1. If currently in the UTXO set, the authchain is verified and this transaction is the identity's authhead – metadata verification can proceed immediately.
    2. If not in the UTXO set, attempt to continue resolution from this transaction. (The identity may have been updated since the registry was published.)
  4. If any of these verifications fail – or if continued resolution from the last transaction fails, notify the user that registry's view of the chain has diverged from that of the client. (For trusted registries, this may indicate a network split or a client software bug; in other cases, this may indicate a flaw in the registry.)

Guidelines for Token Issuers

The following recommendations are made for issuers of CashTokens.

Ticker Symbol Selection

A ticker symbol must be associated with any identity for which token information is specified. Symbols must contain only capital letters, numbers, and hyphens (regular expression: ^[A-Z0-9]+[-A-Z0-9]*$).

Within each ticker symbol, the base symbol is the segment of capital letters and numbers occurring prior to the first hyphen (-). Base symbols should be globally unique among unrelated assets, and it is recommended that base symbols be 4 to 6 characters in length (inclusive) for identities of fungible tokens or 6 to 13 characters in length (inclusive) for identities associated primarily with an NFT collection (see Symbol Length Recommendations for details).

Base symbols may be shared by multiple classes of a particular asset, e.g. classes of stock (e.g. XAMPL-A, XAMPL-B), pre-dividend and post-dividend tokens (e.g. XAMPL-23Q1, XAMPL-23Q2), multiple types of non-fungible tokens within a category (e.g. XAMPL-20231115-C-012345678, CAMPAIGN2023-21-100), etc. While assets sharing a base symbol are not interchangeable, user interfaces may consolidate them into unified views by base symbol to simplify user experiences.

Token issuers should be aware that ticker symbols are not assigned by a centralized authority. To be included in commonly-trusted registries, token issuers must achieve widespread consensus around their chosen symbol; assets with issuer-chosen symbols that are unclear or misleading may instead come to be identified by the wider ecosystem using an alternative symbol.

Providing for Continued Issuance of Fungible Tokens

If additional fungible tokens of a category may be needed in the future, token issuers should initially mint an excess supply (e.g. the maximum supply of 9223372036854775807) and hold the unissued tokens in the matching identity output to indicate that they are part of the Unissued/Reserved Supply. This enables continued issuance from the identity output while maintaining the ability for light clients to verify the maximum possible Circulating Supply.

Associating Information with NFTs

Issuers of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) can associate icons, traits, and other information with each NFT via one of two general strategies:

  • Sequential NFTs: the on-chain commitments of the category's NFTs include only a positive integer identifier. All other metadata for each NFT is associated with the NFT's identifier by metadata registries. An NftCategory with an undefined parse.bytecode value uses sequential NFTs.
  • Parsable NFTs: the on-chain commitments of the category's NFTs directly include parsable metadata for each NFT. The procedure for identifying and parsing the meaning of each NFT type in the category is propagated by metadata registries. An NftCategory with a defined parse.bytecode value uses parsable NFTs.

Where possible, NFT issuers should prefer to issue sequential NFTs unless the intended use case requires parsable NFTs. Sequential NFTs are more efficient than parsable NFTs, reducing the bandwidth and transaction fees required to transfer each NFT. Because all metadata beyond the NFT's identifier is stored off-chain and resolved using metadata registries, sequential NFTs have no meaningful limits on the composition or size their associated metadata. (Note, categories using sequential NFTs should not include any NftCategory.fields or NftType.fields.)

Parsable NFTs encode up to 40 bytes of metadata in their on-chain commitment. Encoding this metadata in the on-chain commitment allows each NFT to convey authenticated information to on-chain contract systems and sparsely-connected, off-chain systems at the cost of a slight increase in required transaction fees and dust output values. Parsable NFTs can encode a wide variety of NFT fields, data shared by all NFTs of a particular type, e.g. BCH Pledged, Tokens Sold, Settlement Locktime, Seat Number, IPFS Content Identifier, HTTPS URL, etc. Like sequential NFTs, parsable NFTs may also have additional off-chain metadata associated with each NFT type in the category.

Note that for both sequential and parsable NFTs, it's technically possible to create multiple NFTs with precisely the same commitment; these are sometimes called semi-fungible tokens. Often, token categories with parsable NFTs require support for these semi-fungible tokens (e.g. two pledge receipts for precisely the same BCH amount are mutually fungible), while sequential NFT use cases often require strict uniqueness. To guarantee uniqueness, token issuers may choose to either:

  • Issue all NFTs in one or a few initial minting transactions (thereafter burning any minting NFTs), or
  • Assign all minting NFTs for the token category to covenant contracts that enforce uniqueness in all future minting transactions.

Guidelines for Registry Publishers

The following recommendations are made for publishers of Bitcoin Cash Metadata Registries, and this proposal includes several example registries.

Authentication of Static Data

Registry publishers should ensure that URIs expected to reference remote, static data (e.g. icon, icon-intro, and other image or binary data) use either content-addressed IPFS URIs or HTTPS URIs referencing only domains trusted by or under the control of the registry publisher/identity. This ensures that static data remains available over time and prevents attacks in which other entities could replace static data with ambiguous, misleading, or malicious content.

Publication of Static Data

Where possible, registry publishers should publish static data using content-addressed IPFS URIs; this enables caching and deduplication across registries, more resilient resource resolution, and data integrity guarantees. Static data should be either individually-addressed or archive-addressed within an archive containing only static data required by that registry, that is, files not referenced by the registry and the registry file itself should be excluded from the archive.

Guidelines for Client Software

The following recommendations are made for wallets, indexers, and other client software.

Adding and Updating Registries

To prevent malicious registries from causing users to misidentify tokens, clients should attempt to verify that newly imported identities are not impersonating identities that might be recognized by the user.

It is recommended that all supporting client software include at least one embedded registry to serve as a basis for anomaly detection. Additionally, clients should include a list of reserved token symbols that trigger further verification when used to represent token identities imported via metadata registries. For reference, this repository includes two sample lists reserved-token-symbols-ISO-4217.json (based on ISO 4217) and reserved-token-symbols-cryptocurrencies.json (top 100 cryptocurrencies by market cap at initial publication).

When adding or updating a registry, clients should perform basic validation of the newly-received registry:

  1. Using the client's existing registries, build a mapping of identity TokenCategory.symbol values to known authbases.
  2. Iterating through the newly-received registry, verify that each new TokenCategory.symbol:
    1. Passes token symbol validation. (Regular expression: ^[A-Z0-9]+[-A-Z0-9]*$)
    2. Maps to the same authbase in existing registries as is represented in the new registry.
    3. Has a globally unique base symbol and does not appear on the client's list of reserved token symbols.

If this validation fails, clients should either:

  • Notify users of each collision and request user confirmation that each newly-imported identity is acceptable;
  • Refuse to import new identities that failed validation; or
  • Refuse to import the new registry.

Handling Identity Snapshot Migrations

Each IdentitySnapshot within an IdentityHistory is assigned to a timestamp at which the snapshot began or will begin to take effect. If the snapshot does not include a migrated timestamp, the migration is considered instant: the new information should be displayed immediately after the assigned timestamp has been reached. If IdentitySnapshot.migrated is provided, the snapshot's migration is considered gradual: the migration period begins at the IdentitySnapshot's initial timestamp and completes upon reaching the migrated timestamp.

Where possible, clients should notify users about upcoming and recent migrations that impact in-use identities. In particular, changes to name, uris.icon, and token category, symbol, and decimals settings should be clearly highlighted for identities and assets relevant to the user.

Note that while it is technically possible for registries to encode two overlapping migrations, clients should only attempt to use information from the latest migration (between the current and previous snapshot).

Rendering Ticker Symbols

All identities with token information must include a category and ticker symbol to label that identity's tokens in clients (decimals may optionally be included and defaults to 0).

Like other properties of an identity, token category, symbol, and decimals may all change over time as an asset is rebranded, re-denominated, re-issued, or migrated for technical reasons (e.g. on-chain voting, payouts, dividend issuance, etc.). To handle these circumstances, clients should map symbols to tokens using the following strategy:

  1. Create a mapping of token categories to category metadata (name, symbol, etc.) given all metadata across all trusted registries; this includes previous identity snapshots in which an identity's token.category had a different value than the current snapshot.
  2. Map the category of the token(s) to be identified to matching metadata.
    1. Token symbols from current snapshots should be truncated to remove content after the base symbol (symbol content including and following the first hyphen).
    2. Token symbols from previous snapshots should be rendered without truncation.
    3. If the wallet holds tokens of both the current snapshot and previous snapshots, the two groups of assets should be distinguished, e.g. XAMPL (XAMPL-23Q2 from a current snapshot) and XAMPL-23Q1 (tokens from a previous snapshot and not yet redeemed for a payout and the new XAMPL-23Q2 tokens).

Note that collections of NFTs should also be grouped in multi-asset user interfaces by these computed symbols – NFTs of categories associated with current snapshots may be grouped by their base symbol (e.g. XAMPL), while NFTs of categories associated with older snapshots should be grouped separately by their fully-qualified symbol (e.g. XAMPL-ISSUE1).

For a summary of expected symbol length ranges, see Symbol Length Recommendations.

Rendering NFTs in User Interfaces

Metadata registry entries for identities which incorporate non-fungible tokens (NFTs) should include an NftCategory definition that describes how clients may ascertain the meaning of NFTs in that category. There are two general classifications of NFTs distinguished by how metadata is associated with each NFT: sequential NFTs and parsable NFTs. An NftCategory where parse.bytecode is undefined uses sequential NFTs; those with a defined parse.bytecode use parsable NFTs.

While some clients may support additional rendering standards for ecosystems like ticketing, access passes, crowdfunding, trading, gaming, digital art, and other application-specific verticals, a particular client is considered to fully support NFT rendering if the below, minimal rendering requirements for both sequential NFTs and parsable NFTs are supported.

Sequential NFTs

Sequential NFTs belong to an NftCategory where parse.bytecode is undefined. It is not necessary to evaluate any parsing bytecode to derive the meaning of sequential NFTs: each commitment value is a VM number mapping directly to an index of parse.types.

At minimum, user interfaces displaying sequential NFTs should provide for rendering each NFT's name, icon (uris.icon), description, and web URI (uris.web). It must also be possible to list and either copy or activate all other provided URIs, though clients are not expected to provide special handling for any particular URI identifiers beyond icon and web (see URI Identifiers).

It is technically possible for NFTs in sequential NFT categories to contain commitments that decode to negative or invalid VM numbers; these NFTs should be considered to have a name equivalent to their NFT ticker symbol and no icon or other metadata.

Parsable NFTs

Parsable NFTs belong to an NftCategory where parse.bytecode is defined. To derive the meaning of a parsable NFT, clients evaluate each NFT using parse.bytecode, a segment of hex-encoded Bitcoin Cash VM bytecode that parses UTXOs holding NFTs of this category, identifies the NFT's type within the category (among parse.types), and returns a list of the NFT's field values via the altstack. Evaluation results are deterministic for the life of each UTXO, so clients can permanently store parsed metadata alongside the UTXO. See the documentation for ParsableNftCollection for details.

Each type of parsable NFT (as specified in parse.types) incorporates a particular set of fields for that NFT type, e.g. BCH Pledged, Tokens Sold, Settlement Locktime, etc. (see Associating Information with NFTs for details); these fields can be modeled as columns in a table of NFTs of that type.

At a minimum, user interfaces displaying parsable NFTs should provide for rendering each NFT type as a grouping of NFTs (e.g. as independent tables), where the assigned fields are displayed within each grouping (e.g. as table columns). The contents of each field should be rendered according to the fields specified encoding, see the the documentation for NftCategoryField for details.

NFT Ticker Symbols

Where appropriate, user interfaces may indicate a ticker symbol for any NFT. If a particular NFT has no defined name, the name should default to the NFT's ticker symbol.

Like ticker symbols for fungible tokens, NFT ticker symbols use only capital letters, numbers, and hyphens; unless associated with a shorter base symbol from a fungible token category, it is recommended that non-fungible token collections use a base symbol between 6 and 13 characters in length, inclusive (see Symbol Length Recommendations).

The full ticker symbol for a particular NFT is the concatenation of it's TokenCategory.symbol, a hyphen (-), and the NFT ticker symbol encoding of the NFT type's key within NftCategory.parse.types: if the key can be minimally-encoded as a positive VM number, the resulting number, otherwise, the hex-encoded key prefixed with X (see Sequential NFT Commitment Encoding). Test vectors are provided below given a category ticker symbol of XAMPL.

NFT Type Key NFT Ticker Symbol
'' (empty string, VM number 0) XAMPL-0
01 (VM number 1) XAMPL-1
64 (VM number 100) XAMPL-100
7f (VM number 127) XAMPL-127
80 (VM number -0) XAMPL-X80
81 (VM number -1) XAMPL-X81
ff (VM number -127) XAMPL-XFF
8000 (VM number 128) XAMPL-128
ff00 (VM number 255) XAMPL-255
ff7f (VM number 32767) XAMPL-32767
8080 (VM number -128) XAMPL-X8080
ff80 (VM number -255) XAMPL-XFF80
ffff (VM number -32767) XAMPL-XFFFF


This section documents design decisions made in this specification.

Use of Absolute URIs

This standard requires all URIs to be fully qualified, including protocol prefix (e.g. https:// or ipfs://). This requirement simplifies client implementations and eliminates several authentication vulnerabilities.

Alternatively, this proposal could allow for relative HTTPS URIs, reducing the file size and complexity of some registries. However, this change would also entail several significant tradeoffs:

  • Resolution ambiguity: resolution of a relative URI is typically based on the URI of the referencing resource; this would prevent a registry from maintaining its semantic meaning when downloaded or relocated.
  • Tight coupling with protocol: relative URIs typically exclude the URI protocol identifier (https://, ipfs://, etc.) as well as the path to the resolver's working directory. A relative URI scheme would require standardizing expected client handling of relative URIs for both HTTPS and IPFS, and introduce additional ambiguity in the use of other protocols.
  • Inconsistency across registries: while snapshots containing absolute URIs can safely be copied between registries (e.g. by pulling changes made by a token issuer into an embedded registry), relative URIs require special handling in both publisher updates and client verification.

Note, many use cases that would seem to benefit from relative URIs – like art collections in which many graphics share a single fully qualified domain name (e.g.,, etc.) – are better implemented with content-addressed IPFS URIs (see Publication of Static Data). Content-addressed URIs combine resource resolution with data integrity, ensuring that changes in the resolved data must be accompanied by an update to the referencing registry (e.g. adding a new snapshot to the collection's identity). Additionally, clients can safely use previously-cached, content-addressed resources following registry updates, as such resources are guaranteed to have remained unchanged.

Sequential NFT Commitment Encoding

To improve interoperability between off-chain and on-chain use cases, this standard recommends that sequential NFTs use VM number encoding within commitments, mapping commitment contents to NFT ticker symbols with numeric suffixes. This recommendation ensures that contracts can read and operate on sequential NFT commitment values. For example, a sequential NFT minting covenant can enforce uniqueness across all NFTs in a collection by simply incrementing a counter (OP_1ADD) within a covenant-tracking minting NFT, inserting the new value into the newly-minted sequential NFT. Additionally, as parsable NFTs are likely to prefix many NFT types with VM Number 0 through 16, this convention is likely to improve consistency between ticker symbols of sequential NFTs and parsable NFTs (see Token API single-byte bias).

Symbol Length Recommendations

To create greater certainty around user interface requirements and capabilities, this standard recommends that:

The 4-character minimum recommended length for fungible tokens is derived from widespread usage in existing markets. Fewer than 50,000 unique 3-character base symbols can exist1, and most of these symbols are already in use across one or more existing markets. While issuers of these existing assets may migrate issuance to use fungible CashTokens and carry over their existing symbols, new issuers must usually select a base symbol with a length of at least 4 characters for global uniqueness.

By establishing maximum recommended base symbol lengths, this standard ensures wider compatibility across user interfaces; base symbols remaining within this range have the maximum likelihood of being displayed without truncation in most user interfaces.

The 6-character minimum recommended length for NFTs is chosen to reduce overlap with base symbols of fungible tokens (which can be expected to prefer 4 or 5-character base symbols). NFTs tend to be more specialized and less commonly used as exchange media, appearing in fewer trading pairs and user interfaces requiring symbol brevity. In fact, NFT base symbols are rarely used without full qualification, e.g. XAMPLE-2354, BRANDNAME-100, etc. Given this fundamental difference from fungible tokens, longer base symbols tend to be advantageous for NFTs, where clarity and differentiation (e.g. in keyword search) are more valuable than brevity in character length. Following this recommendation, many NFT collections can be visually distinguished from fungible tokens purely on the basis of symbol length.

The 13-character maximum recommended length for base symbols is derived from the minimum recommended length of fungible token base symbols and from the distribution of word lengths in the English language. In existing markets, relatively-long base symbols are commonly used to embed trading pairs. For example, NAMEUSDEUR might refer to an interest in NAME that earns a share in the profits of NAME's USD/EUR market. For these use cases, a 13-character base symbol can accommodate a 5-character entity symbol associated with two other 4-character base symbols, e.g. XAMPLCORNGOLD. Additionally, a 13-character maximum base symbol best accommodates readable symbols in the english language; approximately 96.7% of English words occupy 13 characters or less, with rapidly diminishing improvement in coverage beyond 13 characters2.

Finally, this standard advises clients to plan for adequate space in asset-specific user interfaces to render ticker symbols of up to 26 characters in length. This limit accommodates existing ticker symbol standards (e.g. Options Clearing Corporation's 21-character option symbols following the Options Symbology Initiative), allows for the maximum value sequential NFT with a 6-character base symbol (e.g. XAMPL1-9223372036854775807), and provides adequate space for a variety of future standards using a 6-character base symbol, a 1 character type indicator (e.g. put, call, limit, etc.), and two 8-character data elements (e.g. a date and strike price), each separated by hyphens (-).

  1. Maximum number of globally unique 3-character base symbols, where each character may be a capital letter or number: (26+10)**3 = 46,656 (4-character base symbols: (26+10)**4 = 1,679,616; 5-character base symbols: (26+10)**5 = 60,466,176).
  2. As of 2023, 13 characters encompass approximately 96.7% of words in the American English wordlist on Debian: awk '{ print length($0); }' /usr/share/dict/words | sort -n | uniq -c. The distribution of word lengths yields significantly diminishing returns beyond 13 characters: 9 characters covers 67.9%, 10 characters covers 79.5%, 11 covers 88.0%, 12 covers 93.6%, 13 covers 96.7%, 14 covers 98.4%, 15 covers 99.3%, 16 covers 99.7%, 17 covers 99.8%, etc.

Test Vectors

A variety of Bitcoin Cash Metadata Registry examples are provided in this proposal.


The following software is known to support Bitcoin Cash Metadata Registries:

(pending initial implementations)

Feedback & Reviews


Thank you to Mathieu Geukens, bitcoincashautist, Tom Zander, and George Donnelly, for reviewing and contributing improvements to this proposal, providing feedback, and promoting consensus among stakeholders.


This section summarizes the evolution of this document.

  • Draft v2.1.0
    • Simplify guidelines for reserved supply (#13)
    • Lift locales from extensions to top level (#14)
  • v2.0.0 - 2023-05-26 (7b99f321)**
    • Established limits for Extensions (#7)
    • Support for multiple chains (defaults: mainnet, chipnet, testnet4) (#7)
    • Simplified registry's conception of time (#7)
    • Standardized parsing transaction to eliminate undefined behavior (#7)
    • Converted identities from an array to an object (#7)
    • Expanded guidelines for issuers and clients
    • Defined NFT ticker symbols (#8)
    • Simplified publication output encoding (#10)
    • Added registry examples
  • v1.0.0 – 2022-10-31 (5b24b0ec)
    • Initial publication


This document is placed in the public domain.


CHIP: Bitcoin Cash Metadata Registries


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