bitanon / hashlib

Secure hash functions, checksum generators, and key derivation algorithms in pure Dart

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This library contains implementations of secure hash functions, checksum generators, and key derivation algorithms optimized for Dart.


There is only 1 dependency used by this package:


Block Hash Algorithms

Algorithm Available methods Source
MD4 md4 RFC-1320
MD5 md5 RFC-1321
SHA-1 sha1 RFC-3174
SHA-2 sha224, sha256, sha384, sha512, sha512t224, sha512t256 RFC-6234
SHA-3 sha3_224, sha3_256, sha3_384, sha3_512 FIPS-202
SHAKE-128 Shake128, shake128, shake128_128, shake128_256 FIPS-202
SHAKE-256 Shake256, shake256, shake256_256, shake256_512 FIPS-202
Keccak keccak224, keccak256, keccak384, keccak512 Team Keccak
Blake2b blake2b160, blake2b256, blake2b384, blake2b512 RFC-7693
Blake2s blake2s128, blake2s160, blake2s224, blake2s256 RFC-7693
xxHash-32 XXHash32,xxh32,xxh32code Cyan4973
xxHash-64 XXHash64,xxh64,xxh64code Cyan4973
xxHash3-64 XXH3, xxh3, xxh3code Cyan4973
xxHash3-128 XXH128, xxh128, xxh128code Cyan4973
RIPEMD ripemd128, ripemd256, ripemd160, ripemd320 ISO/IEC 10118-3:2018
SM3 sm3 GB/T 32905-2016

Password / Key Derivation Algorithms

Algorithm Available methods Source
Argon2 Argon2, argon2d, argon2i, argon2id RFC-9106
PBKDF2 PBKDF2, pbkdf2, #.pbkdf2 RFC-8081
scrypt scrypt, Scrypt RFC-7914

Message Authentication Code (MAC) Generators

Algorithms Available methods Source
HMAC HMAC, #.hmac RFC-2104
Poly1305 Poly1305, poly1305, poly1305pair RFC-8439

OTP generation for 2FA

Algorithms Available methods Source

Other Hash Algorithms

Algorithms Available methods Source
CRC crc16, crc32, crc64 Wikipedia
Alder32 alder32 Wikipedia


A demo application is available in Google Play Store featuring the capabilities of this package.

Get it on Google Play

demo app preview

Getting Started

The following import will give you access to all of the algorithms in this package.

import 'package:hashlib/hashlib.dart' as hashlib;

Check the API Reference for details.


Examples can be found inside the example folder.

import 'package:hashlib/hashlib.dart';
import 'package:hashlib_codecs/hashlib_codecs.dart';

void main() {
  var text = "Happy Hashing!";
  var key = "password";
  var pw = key.codeUnits;
  var salt = "some salt".codeUnits;
  print("text => $text");
  print("key => $key");
  print("salt => ${toHex(salt)}");

  // Example of hash code generations
  print('[XXH32] => ${xxh32code(text)}');
  print('[CRC32] => ${crc32code(text)}');
  print('[Alder32] => ${alder32code(text)}');
  print('[CRC16] => ${crc16code(text)}');

  // Examples of Hash generation
  print('[CRC64] => ${crc64sum(text)}');
  print('[XXH64] => ${xxh64sum(text)}');
  print('[XXH3] => ${xxh3sum(text)}');
  print('[XXH128] => ${xxh128sum(text)}');
  print('[MD4] => ${md4.string(text)}');
  print('[MD5] => ${md5.string(text)}');
  print('[SHA-1] => ${sha1.string(text)}');
  print('[SHA-224] => ${sha224.string(text)}');
  print('[SHA-256] => ${sha256.string(text)}');
  print('[SHA-384] => ${sha384.string(text)}');
  print('[SHA-512] => ${sha512.string(text)}');
  print('[SHA-512/224] => ${sha512t224.string(text)}');
  print('[SHA-512/256] => ${sha512t256.string(text)}');
  print('[SHA3-224] => ${sha3_224.string(text)}');
  print('[SHA3-256] => ${sha3_256.string(text)}');
  print('[SHA3-384] => ${sha3_384.string(text)}');
  print('[SHA3-512] => ${sha3_512.string(text)}');
  print('[Keccak-224] => ${keccak224.string(text)}');
  print('[Keccak-256] => ${keccak256.string(text)}');
  print('[Keccak-384] => ${keccak384.string(text)}');
  print('[Keccak-512] => ${keccak512.string(text)}');
  print('[SHAKE-128] => ${shake128.of(20).string(text)}');
  print('[SHAKE-256] => ${shake256.of(20).string(text)}');
  print('[BLAKE-2s/256] => ${blake2s256.string(text)}');
  print('[BLAKE-2b/512] => ${blake2b512.string(text)}');
  print('[SM3] => ${sm3.string(text)}');

  // Examples of MAC generations
  print('HMAC[MD5] => ${md5.hmac(pw).string(text)}');
  print('HMAC[SHA1] => ${sha1.hmacBy(key).string(text)}');
  print('HMAC[SHA256] => ${sha256.hmacBy(key).string(text)}');
  print('HMAC[SHA3-256] => ${HMAC(sha3_256, pw).string(text)}');
  print("[BLAKE-2b/224] => ${Blake2bMAC(28, pw).string(text)}");
  print("[BLAKE-2b/256] => ${blake2b256.mac(pw).string(text)}");

  // Examples of PBKDF2 key derivation
  print("PBKDF2[HMAC[SHA256]] => ${pbkdf2(pw, salt, 100)}");
  print("PBKDF2[HMAC[SHA1]] => ${sha1.hmac(pw).pbkdf2(salt, 100)}");
  print("PBKDF2[BLAKE2b-256-MAC] => ${blake2b256.mac(pw).pbkdf2(salt, 100)}");
  print("PBKDF2[HMAC[BLAKE-2b-256]] => ${blake2b256.pbkdf2(pw, salt, 100)}");

  // Examples of OTP generation
  int nw = ~/ 30000;
  var counter = fromHex(nw.toRadixString(16).padLeft(16, '0'));
  print('TOTP[time=$nw] => ${TOTP(salt).value()}');
  print('HOTP[counter=$nw] => ${HOTP(salt, counter: counter).value()}');

  // Examples of Argon2 key derivation
  var argon2Test = Argon2Security.test;
  print("[Argon2i] => ${argon2i(pw, salt, security: argon2Test)}");
  print("[Argon2d] => ${argon2d(pw, salt, security: argon2Test)}");
  print("[Argon2id] => ${argon2id(pw, salt, security: argon2Test)}");

  // Examples of scrypt key derivation
  var scryptLittle = ScryptSecurity.little;
  print("[scrypt] => ${scrypt(pw, salt, security: scryptLittle, dklen: 24)}");



With 5MB message (10 iterations):

Algorithms hashlib PointyCastle crypto hash
MD4 2.22 Gbps 864 Mbps
2.57x slow
MD5 1.43 Gbps 756 Mbps
1.89x slow
1.14 Gbps
1.25x slow
638 Mbps
2.24x slow
HMAC(MD5) 1.36 Gbps 1.09 Gbps
1.25x slow
652 Mbps
2.09x slow
SHA-1 1.21 Gbps 452 Mbps
2.67x slow
845 Mbps
1.43x slow
370 Mbps
3.27x slow
HMAC(SHA-1) 1.21 Gbps 834 Mbps
1.45x slow
SHA-224 805 Mbps 181 Mbps
4.45x slow
739 Mbps
1.09x slow
173 Mbps
4.65x slow
SHA-256 807 Mbps 183 Mbps
4.41x slow
739 Mbps
1.09x slow
173 Mbps
4.66x slow
HMAC(SHA-256) 804 Mbps 739 Mbps
1.09x slow
SHA-384 1.26 Gbps 44.04 Mbps
28.53x slow
452 Mbps
2.78x slow
152 Mbps
8.25x slow
SHA-512 1.27 Gbps 45.79 Mbps
27.65x slow
451 Mbps
2.81x slow
153 Mbps
8.3x slow
SHA3-256 803 Mbps 26.94 Mbps
29.83x slow
SHA3-512 1.26 Gbps 14.31 Mbps
88.28x slow
RIPEMD-128 1.76 Gbps 376 Mbps
4.7x slow
RIPEMD-160 553 Mbps 232 Mbps
2.39x slow
279 Mbps
1.98x slow
RIPEMD-256 1.91 Gbps 376 Mbps
5.09x slow
RIPEMD-320 550 Mbps 230 Mbps
2.39x slow
BLAKE-2s 1.2 Gbps
BLAKE-2b 1.37 Gbps 102 Mbps
13.34x slow
Poly1305 3.67 Gbps 1.28 Gbps
2.87x slow
XXH32 4.35 Gbps
XXH64 4.39 Gbps
XXH3 1.01 Gbps
XXH128 1.01 Gbps
SM3 667 Mbps 188 Mbps
3.55x slow

With 1KB message (5000 iterations):

Algorithms hashlib PointyCastle crypto hash
MD4 1.99 Gbps 806 Mbps
2.47x slow
MD5 1.34 Gbps 692 Mbps
1.94x slow
1.06 Gbps
1.26x slow
801 Mbps
1.67x slow
HMAC(MD5) 1.07 Gbps 881 Mbps
1.22x slow
611 Mbps
1.75x slow
SHA-1 1.11 Gbps 425 Mbps
2.6x slow
797 Mbps
1.39x slow
401 Mbps
2.75x slow
HMAC(SHA-1) 808 Mbps 579 Mbps
1.4x slow
SHA-224 742 Mbps 172 Mbps
4.3x slow
691 Mbps
1.07x slow
172 Mbps
4.32x slow
SHA-256 741 Mbps 173 Mbps
4.29x slow
680 Mbps
1.09x slow
172 Mbps
4.3x slow
HMAC(SHA-256) 530 Mbps 498 Mbps
1.06x slow
SHA-384 1.08 Gbps 40.49 Mbps
26.75x slow
398 Mbps
2.72x slow
165 Mbps
6.56x slow
SHA-512 1.09 Gbps 40.88 Mbps
26.65x slow
397 Mbps
2.75x slow
165 Mbps
6.61x slow
SHA3-256 744 Mbps 25.43 Mbps
29.26x slow
SHA3-512 1.1 Gbps 13.6 Mbps
80.78x slow
RIPEMD-128 1.64 Gbps 355 Mbps
4.61x slow
RIPEMD-160 518 Mbps 218 Mbps
2.37x slow
292 Mbps
1.77x slow
RIPEMD-256 1.77 Gbps 354 Mbps
5.01x slow
RIPEMD-320 516 Mbps 216 Mbps
2.39x slow
BLAKE-2s 1.17 Gbps
BLAKE-2b 1.32 Gbps 101 Mbps
13.07x slow
Poly1305 3.45 Gbps 1.26 Gbps
2.73x slow
XXH32 4.15 Gbps
XXH64 4.1 Gbps
XXH3 951 Mbps
XXH128 943 Mbps
SM3 658 Mbps 177 Mbps
3.71x slow

With 10B message (100000 iterations):

Algorithms hashlib PointyCastle crypto hash
MD4 286 Mbps 142 Mbps
2.02x slow
MD5 252 Mbps 121 Mbps
2.08x slow
125 Mbps
2.01x slow
67.68 Mbps
3.72x slow
HMAC(MD5) 44.8 Mbps 38.62 Mbps
1.16x slow
17.96 Mbps
2.49x slow
SHA-1 143 Mbps 65.93 Mbps
2.17x slow
98.48 Mbps
1.45x slow
42.65 Mbps
3.35x slow
HMAC(SHA-1) 22.88 Mbps 17.64 Mbps
1.3x slow
SHA-224 101 Mbps 27.37 Mbps
3.7x slow
82.92 Mbps
1.22x slow
22.88 Mbps
4.43x slow
SHA-256 99.94 Mbps 27.66 Mbps
3.61x slow
83.27 Mbps
1.2x slow
23.09 Mbps
4.33x slow
HMAC(SHA-256) 15.5 Mbps 15.17 Mbps
1.02x slow
SHA-384 77.33 Mbps 3.48 Mbps
22.23x slow
30.53 Mbps
2.53x slow
11.94 Mbps
6.48x slow
SHA-512 77.58 Mbps 3.48 Mbps
22.3x slow
30.5 Mbps
2.54x slow
12.03 Mbps
6.45x slow
SHA3-256 101 Mbps 1.91 Mbps
52.53x slow
SHA3-512 77.68 Mbps 1.91 Mbps
40.58x slow
RIPEMD-128 238 Mbps 57.95 Mbps
4.1x slow
RIPEMD-160 79.49 Mbps 34.7 Mbps
2.29x slow
35.43 Mbps
2.24x slow
RIPEMD-256 243 Mbps 57.48 Mbps
4.22x slow
RIPEMD-320 78.84 Mbps 33.2 Mbps
2.37x slow
BLAKE-2s 156 Mbps
BLAKE-2b 128 Mbps 7.45 Mbps
17.19x slow
Poly1305 538 Mbps 312 Mbps
1.72x slow
XXH32 858 Mbps
XXH64 646 Mbps
XXH3 88.11 Mbps
XXH128 83.12 Mbps
SM3 98.72 Mbps 28.64 Mbps
3.45x slow

Argon2 and scrypt benchmarks on different security parameters:

Algorithms test little moderate good strong
scrypt 0.057 ms 1.518 ms 11.05 ms 87.86 ms 1440.171 ms
argon2i 0.348 ms 2.539 ms 16.816 ms 202.203 ms 2414.167 ms
argon2d 0.312 ms 2.46 ms 17.917 ms 205.445 ms 2394.531 ms
argon2id 0.311 ms 2.332 ms 16.581 ms 200.097 ms 2420.071 ms

All benchmarks are done on AMD Ryzen 7 5800X processor and 3200MHz RAM using compiled exe

Dart SDK version: 3.3.3 (stable) (Tue Mar 26 14:21:33 2024 +0000) on "windows_x64"


Secure hash functions, checksum generators, and key derivation algorithms in pure Dart

License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:Dart 99.8%Language:Batchfile 0.1%Language:Shell 0.1%