bishoySouser / programmingChallenges


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Programming Challenges

Note: Some of the following programming challenges are solutions to HackerRank and Testdom problems.


You are given the table orders. Return the customerNumber for the customer (or customers) that has placed the largest number of the orders.

Memory game

A memory card game written in JS by using Asynchronous Programming concepts.

Second largest

Finding the second highest number in array (JavaScript).


The function StairCase takes an integer N, the height of the staircase as its argument and prints a staircase (PHP).

String compression

Given a string like abbcccdddddeef it returns the compressed string ab2c3d4e2f (Javascript).

Sum them all

The function sumOfIntegers returns the sum of n integers (PHP).

Show / Hide text

Hide and show divs in a DOM by using jQuery.


Testdom code challenge and more.

Dummy JS

Simple JavaScript examples for practice and quick reference.




Language:HTML 67.4%Language:JavaScript 28.4%Language:CSS 2.8%Language:PHP 1.4%