bisceglie / lvar-examples

Programming with LVars, by example

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Programming with LVars, by example

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LVars are monotonically growing, lattice-based data structures for deterministic parallel programming. LVish is a Haskell library for programming with LVars. This repository contains toy examples of programs that use LVars and LVish, as well as a few that don't use LVars but are there for illustrative purposes.

Installing LVish

You can install LVish from Hackage by running cabal install lvish (perhaps preceded by cabal update). If you want the bleeding-edge version, you can get it from here and then run cabal install:

git clone
cd lvars/haskell/lvish/
cabal install

Then, depending on whether you have lvish-1.1.2 or lvish-2.0 installed, go here or here. Enjoy!


The usual caveats about research code apply: Parts of it are broken. The API will change. It will eat your laundry.


Programming with LVars, by example