Biagio Rosario Greco (birg81)


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Biagio Rosario Greco's repositories


Hi Guys. I'm Biagio, teacher of Computer Science. This repository is where I share code co-developed during our lessons, providing interesting solutions to programming problems. Share your favorite one(s) with friends and colleagues, and if you have any suggestions or edits, I'll be happy to consider them.



In questo repository verranno riportati in buona sostanza gli spezzoni di codice visti in classe



Hi guys. I developed this Java code, for demonstration purposes. This Code, creates a colorPicker. The GUI is able to help you select your favorite color and show you the RGB code in hexadecimal and in its red, green, blue coodrinate. Good luck!


Developed using Jakarta EE framework and built with Maven, this project showcases advanced web application capabilities. It captures comprehensive request information and logs it into a JSON file. The JSON file encapsulates key request details, including endpoints, headers, and payloads, aiding in debugging and performance optimization.


Is a game of chance that expands the traditional game of Rock, Paper, Scissors. It is first used to settle a dispute about what to watch on TV between Sheldon and Raj in "The Lizard-Spock Expansion".



Hi guys. I developed this Java code, for demonstration purposes. This Code, creates a Java GUI (with swing and awt library) showing the graph of the function f (x) = 3 + [x-1] * exp(-x / 3). In addition to the graph of the function, the GUI also shows the Cartesian axes. This software also to change the extremes of the graph and enlarge or reduce the graph. I hope it's simple. Good luck!



Welcome to the GitHub repository of our Maven project! 🚀 Here, we harness the power of Maven to manage our project's dependencies, while utilizing H2 Database for efficient data storage. Explore our code to witness the seamless synergy of Maven and H2DB in action. Join us in the world of streamlined development and data management!



Questo è un esempio di applicazione REST. Adoperando Tomcat e JDBC, il codice si connette al db ed effettua delle operazioni sulla scorta degli specifici metodi lanciati. Adoperando postman sarà possibile invocare dall'url <URL PROGETTO>/api/response.json una delle 4 operazioni CRUD scelta. Su quel url risponderà una servlet che adoperando un approccio DAO invocherà una classe che attraverso il bean effettuerà le operazioni. Il Codice funziona, per qualsiasi dubbio contattatemi



Hi guys. I developed this PHP code, for demonstration purposes. This code simulates a shopping list, like the one used by mom at the supermarket. The code is written in PHP and MySQL. I wrote a PHP script that allows you to automatically create the DB within the DBMS, if it is not already present (./listaSpesaDB.sql.php). I also wrote a configuration file (./, by modifying this file you can change the DB settings. I also used javascript, in fact there is also a page (leggivoci.html) this page, through the javasript fecth() function, makes an ajax request to a php page (./listaspesa.json.php with content-type: application/json ), this page, like a Servlet, returns the list of items in json format. You shouldn't have too much trouble in tweaking the code and make everything work. In case of difficulties, do not hesitate to contact me. Good luck!



This is a test that mixes the Flask Framework with scenarios seen in other languages. The db used for the test is also available in the repository



It contains pieces of code that show the potential of Python at 360 ° in a didactic way



This is a modern web app using Svelte (front-end, hosted on port 5000). The back-end is developed using both Java Spring Boot (running on port 3000) and FastAPI (on port 4000), handling the same functionalities. Communication between the front-end and the back-end is achieved through APIs, ensuring a smooth and responsive user experience.



This java software makes use of tcp sockets and threads. Once the software is started, it creates a Server. The server listens on port 80 (default http port). When the browser starts the local address of your PC, it returns, in HTML format, a page representing a Tombola card. Tombola is an Italian game similar to Bingo. The Tombola card will have an HTML table with 15 cells (3 rows and 5 columns) containing the distinct numbers from 1 to 90. I hope you get lucky and scream "tombola"!



Old university excercises for Linux CLI Bash programming



This is a powerful text encryption with Java's Swing interface and the Vigenère cipher! The repository includes a Java class, offering Vigenère and Caesar Cipher methods. Integrate these features seamlessly into your projects, creating a user-friendly interface for encrypting and decrypting messages.



Hi guys. Whenever I go shopping at the supermarket I always forget what to buy. I usually go home buying a lot of things except what I really need. I then created a webApp for my shopping list in Jakarta EE. I hope you find it useful.



Hi guys. I developed this PHP code, for demonstration purposes. This code simulates a login. The code is written in PHP and MySQL. I wrote a PHP script that allows you to automatically create the DB within the DBMS, if it is not already present (./UsersDB.sql.php). I also wrote a configuration file (./, by modifying this file you can change the DB settings. You shouldn't have too much trouble in tweaking the code and make everything work. In case of difficulties, do not hesitate to contact me. Good luck!



This WebApp is an example tutorial. It exploits the AJAX technology in JavaScript through the use of the fetch function the API of the OpenWeatherMap REST services are called which returns data in JSON format that is printed on the web page. IMPORTANT: you must have your personal secret AppID Key, otherwise the WebApp doesn't work. After registering on the site, you will receive your personal secret key which you will need to paste into the JavaScript code. If your PC is connected to the internet, by typing the name of a location in the search bar, other useful information will be shown in addition to the temperature perceived in that location.
