Biraj Karki's repositories
My personal repository
An enterprise-class UI design language and React UI library
Developed an end-to-end ML pipeline to classify images of bicycles and motorcycles. I deployed the model using SageMaker and implemented AWS Lambda and Step Functions to ensure the application was both scalable and robust.
MERN Chat App using ReactJS, Express, NodeJS, MongoDB, and Socket.IO
Your Own Personal Voice Assistant. It's a mini python project.
I built a robust pipeline to process user-uploaded images. I developed a convolutional neural network (CNN) that predicts the most likely locations based on visible landmarks for any given image, even when location metadata is missing.
I built a neural network classifier using PyTorch to evaluate the MNIST Handwritten Digits dataset. I created a multi-layer model, defined the loss function and optimizer, and trained the network on labeled digit images. The model was fine-tuned through multiple epochs, and I assessed its performance by calculating accuracy on test data.
Utilized AWS SageMaker to build a machine learning workflow that predicted bike-sharing demand. From data preprocessing to model training and evaluation, this project helped me hone my skills in creating scalable ML workflows.