biqar / mNet

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Quick start

First clone this project from github and navigate there from your command line/terminal.

If you have gradle already installed, just run gradle build then you will find a war file in your projects /build/libs/ folder. Deploy it in your favorite container e.g. tomcat.

If you don't have gradle installed, well, there is a awesome news for you! You don't need to download/install gradle to build this project! Here, gradle wrapper is used to make your life easier ;) All you have to do to run script, e.g. if you want to build this project, just execute following command from your terminal

  • ./gradlew build (from Unix)
  • gradlew.bat build (from Windows)

This script will automatically determine your gradle installation or download & install gradle if required & then execute the gradle task, e.g. build war file for above command. To see the list of tasks available, use ./gradlew tasks or gradlew.bat tasks

Quick development -> direct deploy app on embedded tomcat

Well, building project and deploying manually in app container sometimes become pain as these are repetitive work. To make your life easier, here embedded tomcat container has been integrated. Just type gradle tomcatRunWar in your command line and your project will build and run automatically on a tomcat container within a minute. You just have to go http://localhost:8080/ from your browser to see it running. Cool...right? ;)


License:MIT License