bingqiao / spring-webflux-security-demo

Demo app for Spring Security and WebClient

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Spring Webflux Security Demo

Four projects are included here to demo how to implement some typical use cases of OAuth2 via
Spring Security 5 for both Reactive and Servlet stacks.

A legacy Spring Boot service using Spring Security OAuth2 has the following features:

  • Acting as a resource server protected by JWT Bearer token issued by authorization server A
  • Holding a client_credentials OAuth2RestTemplate to access external resource servers
    protected by JWT Bearer token issued by authorization server B
  • Extension to DefaultAccessTokenConverter to add custom authorities to authentication object
  • Method security to allow use of method access-control annotations such as PreAuthorize
  • Parsing hateoas responses

It wasn't an easy path migrating this service to Spring Security 5. But after a lot of searching,
experimenting, and frustrating, I now have two sets of projects that work for all above.

The major mistake I made was to mix Servlet and Reactive stacks in Spring. Spring WebClient
can be used in both stacks but which stack to use has implications on what and how to configure
your Spring Beans.

The two servlet projects are as follows:

  • resourceserver-tomcat
  • resourceserver-webclient-tomcat

The two reactive projects are as follows:

  • resourceserver
  • resourceserver-webclient

The matrix below shows differences setting up those two sets of projects.

Reactive Servlet
Dependencies Exclude spring-boot-starter-tomcat from spring-boot-starter-web
Security Configuration
  • Apply @EnableWebFluxSecurity
  • Configure @Bean SecurityWebFilterChain that takes ServerHttpSecurity
    • Apply @Configuration
    • @Override WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter.configure
    Method Security Apply @EnableReactiveMethodSecurity Apply @EnableGlobalMethodSecurity
    • Configure @Bean WebClient
    • Configurate @Bean ReactiveOAuth2AuthorizedClientManager that
      uses injected ReactiveClientRegistrationRepository and ReactiveOAuth2AuthorizedClientService
    • Configure @Bean WebClient
    • Configure @Bean ReactiveOAuth2AuthorizedClientManager
      that instantiates InMemoryReactiveClientRegistrationRepository
      and InMemoryReactiveOAuth2AuthorizedClientService


    This project only implements Resource Server protected by JWT. The following is the how
    JWT issuer can be configured in application.yml.

              issuer-uri: ${AUTH_SERVER_B}


    This project implements Resource Server, client_credentials WebClient, Method Security,
    custom JwtGrantedAuthoritiesConverter and JwtBearerTokenAuthenticationConverter.

    The following is how both site authentication (as Resource Server) and OAuth2 client can be configured in application.yml.

              # the following is for site authentication
              issuer-uri: ${AUTH_SERVER_A}
          # the following is for webclient. the authorization server is the same
          # as the one configured for external resourceserver
                authorization-grant-type: client_credentials
                client-id: ${CLIENT_ID_FROM_AUTH_SERVER_B}
                client-secret: ${CLIENT_SECRET_FROM_AUTH_SERVER_B}
                scope: demo-external
                provider: customprovider
                token-uri: ${TOKEN_URI_OF_AUTH_SERVER_FOR_B}