bingdu0 / LDialog

👏(Support AndroidX)基于DialogFragment封装的库,丰富的属性,帮助你化繁为简(Based on the DialogFragment packaged library, rich properties to help you simplify)

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(suppor Android X)

A library based on Google's recommended DialogFragment package, according to its own business extraction package, the library is written using kotlin, java can also be called, can meet most project needs, can Used in Activity and Fragment. The guiding principle of this project is to adhere to the maximum degree of freedom.

The library currently has the following features:

  • Rotate the vertical and vertical screens to save the Dialog property state (and maintain the event state of the DialogFragment, such as a click event)
  • Complete custom interface
  • Rich interface property settings
  • Perfect keyboard automatically pops up (not using delay method)

Recommendations: DialogFragment has many advantages over AlertDialog. However, for simple information prompts, only native styles, and no horizontal and vertical rotation is required, a simpler AlertDialog is recommended. Please don't complicate the simple question.

Source description:
If you haven't gotten started with koltin, it is recommended to learn to use it. The environment version of this library is as follows:

  • kotlin 1.3.61
  • AndroidX


Due to the limitations of the screen. Please download the demo experience

Demo download link

demo apk


This library is divided into the necessary LDialog`` and non-essential CustomLDialog. LDialogis the base library;CustomLDialog``` contains custom styles, and you don't need to import them if you don't need them. First add in the repositories of build.gradle :

allprojects {
	repositories {
		maven { url '' }

Add in dependencies:

dependencies {
	//Must be imported
	implementation 'com.github.limuyang2.LDialog:ldialog:1.0.2'
	//3 custom styles, you don't need to import them if you don't need them
	implementation 'com.github.limuyang2.LDialog:custom_ldialog:1.0.2'

if you use Android X,Please use the following:

dependencies {
	//Must be imported
	implementation 'com.github.limuyang2.LDialog:ldialog:1.0.2_androidx'
	//3 custom styles, you don't need to import them if you don't need them
	implementation 'com.github.limuyang2.LDialog:custom_ldialog:1.0.2_androidx'

Simple to use

Both LDialog and CustonLDialog inherit from the BaseLDialog class.

The parameters in init(), Activity use supportFragmentManager, Fragment using childFragmentManager

CustonLDialog Use

There are currently 3 custom styles:

  • IOSMsgDialog
  • MaterialMsgDialog
  • BottomTextListDialog

The following is an example of MaterialMsgDialog:

MaterialMsgDialog.init(supportFragmentManager) //Freagment using childFragmentManager
	.setTitle("Material Style")
	.setMessage("This is Material Design dialog!")
	.setNegativeButton("Decline", View.OnClickListener {
		Toast.makeText(this@MainActivity, "Decline", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
    .setPositiveButton("Accept", View.OnClickListener {
        Toast.makeText(this@MainActivity, "Accept", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
	.setTitle("Material Style")
	.setMessage("This is Material Design dialog!")
	.setNegativeButton("Decline", new View.OnClickListener() {
		public void onClick(View v) {
			Toast.makeText(JavaDemo.this, "Decline", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
    	.setPositiveButton("Accept", new View.OnClickListener() {
        	public void onClick(View v) {
            		Toast.makeText(JavaDemo.this, "Accept", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()

LDialog use (mainly used)

Used to provide a custom layout using layoutRes.

	.setViewHandlerListener(object : ViewHandlerListener() {
		override fun convertView(holder: ViewHolder, dialog: BaseLDialog<*>) {
        	holder.setOnClickListener(, View.OnClickListener {

For Java usage, please refer to under the project.

Method description

Method name Description
setLayoutRes Set layout resources 【priority is higher than setLayoutView】【LDialog only, must】
setLayoutView Set layout view (not recommended)【LDialog only,must】
* setViewHandlerListener (Important) Set the properties of the controls in the layout. If need to consider horizontal and vertical rotation, the relevant properties of the control must be set here. It is recommended that the settings for the controls in the layout be written here.【LDialog only, must】
General method(BaseLDialog)
setBackgroundDrawableRes Dialog Background resource file id
setTag DialogFragment tag
setDismissListener Dialog off Listener
setGravity Dialog Gravity(Examples:Gravity.CENTER Gravity.TOP)
setWidthScale Proportion of screen width(range 0.0 - 1.0, when it is 1.0, it is full)【Priority is higher than setWidthDp
setWidthDp Dialog width, unit dp
setHeightScale Proportion of screen height (range 0.0 - 1.0)【Priority is higher than setHeightDp
setHeightDp Dialog height, unit dp
setKeepWidthScale Whether to maintain the set width ratio when horizontally【Only takes effect when the width ratio setWidthScale is set】(default false)
setKeepHeightScale Whether to maintain the set height ratio when the screen is horizontal【Only takes effect when the height ratio setHeightScale is set】(default false)
setVerticalMargin Set the Margin value in the vertical direction (range 0.0 - 0.1)
setCancelableAll Set whether you can click outside the dialog and Back key to close the dialog
setCancelableOutside Set whether you can click outside the dialog to close the dialog (the Back key is not affected)
setAnimStyle Animated Style resource file id
setNeedKeyboardEditTextId Set the control id that needs to automatically pop up the keyboard. It must be a control of type EditText.
show Show Dialog

Advanced use

If the above still can not meet your needs, you can directly inherit the BaseLDialog class, and also have a general method. For details, please refer to the three Dialog classes in ```CustonLDialog``.
The basic writing is as follows:

class ExKotlinLdialog : BaseLDialog<ExKotlinLdialog>() {

    override fun layoutRes(): Int = R.layout.ldialog_share

    override fun layoutView(): View? = null

     * Must
     * If [need] to consider horizontal and vertical rotation, the relevant properties of the control are set here.
     * @return
    override fun viewHandler(): ViewHandlerListener? {
        return object : ViewHandlerListener() {
            override fun convertView(holder: ViewHolder, dialog: BaseLDialog<*>) {

     * Optional
     * If you don't consider the horizontal and vertical rotation, you can also set the control properties here.
     * @param view
    override fun initView(view: View) {


Java use please refer to under the project


If you are using ProGuard you might need to add the following option:

-keep class top.limuyang2.ldialog.base.** { *; }


2018 limuyang
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.


👏(Support AndroidX)基于DialogFragment封装的库,丰富的属性,帮助你化繁为简(Based on the DialogFragment packaged library, rich properties to help you simplify)


Language:Kotlin 85.0%Language:Java 15.0%