binderb / ecommerce-backend

Express server that provides an API for managing a MySQL database containing e-commerce data with the Sequelize ORM.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

E-Commerce Back End


An Express server implementation that exposes an API for managing a MySQL database using the Sequelize ORM. The project includes the following features in accordance with the challenge guidelines:

  • Proper setup of the .gitignore file to prevent node_modules and other extraneous system files from being tracked.
  • Use of the dotenv package to read database credentials into the environment from a .env file.
  • Use of the MySQL 2 and Sequelize packages to establish a connection to a local MySQL database and perform operations.
  • Use of Sequelize models and associations to structure the MySQL database:
    • Models for product categories, product tags, and products.
    • one-to-many associations between product categories and products.
    • many-to-many associations between products and product tags.
  • Use of Sequelize model methods to perform CRUD operations on categories, tags, and projects.


Package Installation

Use of the tool requires Node.js and relies on the Express, MySQL 2, Sequelize, and dotenv packages as additional dependencies. After cloning the repo, run npm i in the project root directory to install all dependencies.

Database/Connection Setup

In order for the tool to run properly, you must have a MySQL server installed and running locally, and the server must provide access to a database called ecommerce_db as specified in db/schema.sql. In order to set this up, enter your MySQL shell and run

source db/schema.sql

to create the database. Then, exit the MySQL shell and run

npm run seed

to populate the database with sample data, if desired.

You must also specify your MySQL user credentials in a .env file, which should be located in the root directory of the repo. Use the provided .env.EXAMPLE file as a template.

Using the API

After all prior setup steps are complete, run

npm run start

to start the Express server. The following API endpoints are be available on the server once it's running:

  • Categories:
    • (GET all, POST) - /api/categories/
    • (GET one, PUT, DELETE) - /api/categories/(:id)
  • Tags:
    • (GET all, POST) - /api/tags/
    • (GET one, PUT, DELETE) - /api/tags/(:id)
  • Products:
    • (GET all, POST) - /api/products/
    • (GET one, PUT, DELETE) - /api/products/(:id)


🎥 A video walkthrough of required database setup and API usage can be viewed here.


For this challenge, project structure and some basic scaffolding within the code files was provided by the UofM Coding Bootcamp (Trilogy Education Services); code for the API routes, Sequelize models, and Sequelize associations was either written or significantly refactored by the developer.


Please refer to the LICENSE in the repo.


Express server that provides an API for managing a MySQL database containing e-commerce data with the Sequelize ORM.

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 99.4%Language:SQL 0.6%