binaray / falcon_fetch

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Repository for falcon fetch

Setup for RPI

  1. Create i2c and gpio groups using sudo addgroup i2c && sudo addgroup gpio
  2. Add user into both groups using sudo adduser ${USERNAME} i2c && sudo adduser ${USERNAME} gpio
  3. Copy the 72-falcon-i2c.rules into /etc/udev/rules.d by sudo cp ${WORKSPACE_DIR}/falcon_fetch/setup_files/72-falcon-i2c.rules /etc/udev/rules.d
  4. Add the following line into /boot/firmware/usercfg.txt dtparam=i2c_arm=on,i2c_arm_baudrate=50000
  5. Install adafruit bno055 library using sudo pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-bno055 (More info found at

If using PiCam:

Add the following lines into /boot/firmware/config.txt start_x = 1 gpu_mem = 128 Video device shows up as /dev/video* after that. To verify the connection, use qv4l2 to check if the camera is connected and able to view image stream from there.

** For RPI HQ Cam and running opencv2 with python script, second argument for VideoCapture is required

cap = cv2.VideoCapture('/dev/video0', cv2.CAP_V4L)

Using Witmotion IMU:

Additional ECL library is required, can be installed using sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-ecl-core (Need to remove from falcon_drivers CMakeList.txt and package.xml and src/initial_orientation_wit.cpp if want to purge from workspace)

To Run:

Roslaunch falcon_prog main.launch. This launches the following nodes.

  • falcon_prog- main program handling the robot states
  • marvelmind_nav- marvelmind beacon interface
  • falcon_orientation- orientation callibration service node (using witmotion imu)
  • wit_node: witmotion imu

  • To launch the motor drivers on falcon testbed platform (integrated motor driver): rosrun falcon_drivers
  • To launch the motor drivers on falcon fetch platform (roboclaw): rosrun falcon_drivers
  • To launch the bno055 IMU on falcon fetch platform: rosrun falcon_drivers
  • To launch the camera (ros usb_cam package): rosrun falcon_cam usb_cam.launch
  • To launch the camera (opencv2 python script): rosrun falcon_cam
- stationary_beacon_count 
Number of stationary beacons the program will wait for response before executing the program

- x_step, bound_padding
Unused test params for dynamic waypoint generation based on beacon location

- max_linear_speed, max_angular_speed, min_linear_speed, min_angular_speed
Min and max speed for angular and linear movement of the robot. 
*Note control function of the robot does not handle both together accurately yet

- inflation_radius
Distance of robot to a point before linear speed of the robot decreases

- rotation_falloff
Rotation range of robot towards a point before robot angular speed decreases

- kP, kI
Unused params for test PID control

- stationary_threshold
Min distance jitter used to determine if the robot is stationary

- rotation_threshold
Rotation range of robot to move goal robot must adhere to before it can consider linear movement

- distance_threshold
Max distance of robot to move goal to determine goal reached

- waypoint_filepath
Waypoint file to load waypoints



Language:C++ 40.9%Language:Python 37.7%Language:C 13.2%Language:CMake 7.9%Language:Dockerfile 0.2%