billymosis / Flutter-Todo-with-bloc-and-Local-Remote-Synchronization

Todo Project with 3 Data Providers, and Local Remote Synchronization. Using Bloc Pattern.

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Simple Todo APP with 3 Data Providers

My journey to learn flutter.

Using three Data Provider and one Repository:

  • Offline Database with SQLITE / SQFLITE.

  • Online Database with REST API, Laravel + MySQL backend.

  • Offline Fake Memory.

Easy switch data provider from drawer menu.



Online Database ✔


3 Data Provider ✔



State Management

This project using flutter bloc version 7.x for managing state and folder structure. bloc | Dart Package ( flutter_bloc | Flutter Package (

Offline Database

For the offline database using sqflite version 2.x. Sadly sqflite is not yet compatible with web. So if the platform is web browser will get error from start screen. Changing Data Provider to API or Fake Memory will solve the problem. sqflite | Flutter Package (

Additional Package

Internet connection checked with internet_connection_checker | Dart Package (


Backend using Laravel version 8.x and mysql Database. Using Laravel Sanctum for tokenization. For backend implementation check my other repo Todo Laravel Repo.


This application is offline first, so what happen to the client will reflect to the database. I make the client application as dumb as possible. Synchronization is using for backup and get the newest data from last Synchronization. Anything updated or deleted in client will replace existing data on the database. There are 4 Table in client database.

  • Todo Table for offline table.
  • Todo Updated.
  • Todo Created.
  • Todo Deleted.

Todo Table, Updated, Created share same Schema id, title, done, created_at, updated_at. Id is generated on client side using UUID v4 and timestamp using client UTC time. Todo deleted only store todo id.

There are one cubit and one bloc. Cubit for checking internet access. And bloc for todo Logic.

To test the online functionality modify constant.dart file. Insert your own API URL and TOKEN.

const  BASE_URL = 'YOUR URL';
const  HTTP_HEADER = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8',
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Authorization': 'Bearer $API_TOKEN',

Not yet tested with IOS device. Buy me a mac for testing lol 😂.


Todo Project with 3 Data Providers, and Local Remote Synchronization. Using Bloc Pattern.


Language:Dart 89.6%Language:HTML 9.0%Language:Swift 1.0%Language:Kotlin 0.3%Language:Objective-C 0.1%