billjedi / open-mininet

open source Go implementation of mininet and openflow controller examples

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Open source Go implementation of mininet and openflow controller examples.


  • Creating network topology from hosts and switches
  • Host with more than one network interface can be a linux router
  • Switches can be interconnected with each other
  • Hosts are isolated in network namespaces
  • Hosts can run processess
  • Processess can be limited by cgroups
  • JSON defined scheme


Install libcgroups and libcgroups-dev.
Ubuntu commands:

apt-get install libcgroup-dev libcgroup1


Because tests depend from some utilities in apps directory, install package before test

go install ./...

Then, all tests should pass

go test

JSON defined network scheme

Configuration could be imported and exported as a JSON. Take a look at example.json to be familiar with its structure. All we need now to restore this configuration is to run following API

	scheme, err := NewSchemeFromJson("apps/example.json")
	if err != nil {

And switches, hosts, namespaces, links, cgroups and processess will be created, if they don't exist.

Processess and Cgroups

If a Host record has a "Cgroup" field, like net1-h1 host from example.json:

"Hosts": [
                  "Name": "net1-h1",
                  "Cgroup": {
                        "Name": "net1-h1",
                        "Controllers": [

Each process from "Procs" list will be started as follows:

cgexec -g ctrlname,ctrlname:net1-h1 ip netns net1-h1 exec command args...

If there is no cgroups, execution will be as simple as:

ip netns net1-h1 exec command args...

Links and interconnection

Switches ports have two type:

  • general for host connection
  • patch port for switch connection

General port is just a left side of veth pair, created like:

ip link add name net1-h1-eth0 type veth peer name eth0 netns net1-h1

right part eth0 moved to host "h1" namespace. So we become a link

[root] net1-h1-eth0 <------> [h1] eth0

Let's see this pair in our exmaple.json:

      "Switches": [
                  "Name": "s1",
                  "Ports": [
                              "Cidr": "noip",
                              "HwAddr": "08:00:27:95:1e:bf",
                              "Name": "net1-h1-eth0",
                              "NodeName": "s1",
                              "NetNs": "",
                              "State": "UP",
                              "Routes": null,
                              "PeerName": "",
                              "Peer": {
                                    "Name": "net1-h1-eth0",
                                    "IfName": "eth0",
                                    "NodeName": "net1-h1"
      "Hosts": [
                  "Links": [
                              "Cidr": "",
                              "HwAddr": "08:00:27:a2:eb:aa",
                              "Name": "eth0",
                              "NodeName": "net1-h1",
                              "NetNs": "net1-h1",
                              "State": "UP",
                              "Routes": [
                                          "Dst": "",
                                          "Gw": ""
                              "PeerName": "",
                              "Peer": {
                                    "Name": "s1-net1-h1-eth0",
                                    "IfName": "net1-h1-eth0",
                                    "NodeName": "s1"

Pretty straightforward.

Patch port is very similar to normal link except it's created as follows (according example.json):

ovs-vsctl add-port s1 s1-patch-port4
ovs-vsctl set interface s1-patch-port4 type=patch
ovs-vsctl set interface s1-patch-port4 "options:peer=s2-patch-port0"


  • Simple Topo
    creates 10 namespaced hosts connected to the vSwitch and pings each other from each other
go test -run=TestTopoSimple
  • Machines
    creates 10 namespaced "virtual machines", which is a simple go program, which expose IPMI emulator. And are stopped with IPMIPowerOff call.
go test -run=TestMachines


Simple control utility. It has a command line interface with history and some autocompletion.
Sample walkthrough:

> new switch
Switch switch-142 created
> new host
Host host-83 created
> new link switch-142 host-83
[Link] switch-142 host-83-eth0 <---> host-83 eth0
> dump
Switch: switch-142
	host-83-eth0 [UP] <------> eth0 [] [UP]
Disconnected hosts:

Multiple networks and linux router example

NewRouter call exposes a Node with forwarder capability. You can easily reproduce this example:
Start ctl utility and copy/paste following commands:

new switch s1
new host net1-h1
new host net2-h1
new router r1
new link s1 net1-h1 {"Cidr":"noip"} {"Cidr":"","Routes":[{"Dst":"","Gw":""}]}
new link s1 net2-h1 {"Cidr":"noip"} {"Cidr":"","Routes":[{"Dst":"","Gw":""}]}
new link s1 r1 {"Cidr":"noip"} {"Cidr":""}
new link s1 r1 {"Cidr":"noip"} {"Cidr":""}

After that, dump command should return following:

> dump
Switch: s1
	net1-h1-eth0 [UP] <------> eth0 [ 08:00:27:88:60:42] [UP]
	net2-h1-eth0 [UP] <------> eth0 [ 08:00:27:89:c3:14] [UP]
	r1-eth0 [UP] <------> eth0 [ 08:00:27:8b:7d:fb] [UP]
	r1-eth1 [UP] <------> eth1 [ 08:00:27:04:3a:65] [UP]

So, the r1 node has two links into both networks and has net.ipv4.ip_forward=1. The links Routes options exposes route command with corresponding values.
Now, check it:

> net1-h1 route -n
Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface         UG    0      0        0 eth0   U     0      0        0 eth0

And, finally, ping foreign network:

> net1-h1 ping -c1
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=63 time=1.37 ms

Switches interconnection

NewSwitchLink call prepares a link pair for switch AddPatchPort method, then a set of ovs commands for patch interface are exposed.
Ctl example:

new switch s1
new host s1-host1
new link s1 s1-host1 {"Cidr":"noip"} {"Cidr":""}

new switch s2
new host s2-host1
new link s2 s2-host1 {"Cidr":"noip"} {"Cidr":""}

new link s1 s2

so, you will get the following configuration:

> dump
Switch: s1
	s1-host1-eth0 [UP] <------> eth0 [] [UP]
	s1-patch-port1 [] <------>  [:] []
Switch: s2
	s2-host1-eth0 [UP] <------> eth0 [] [UP]
	s2-patch-port1 [] <------>  [:] []

check it with ping:

> s1-host1 ping -c1
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=1.54 ms

Working with processes

There is two command for process executing. First one, you've been familiar with — just write command after hostname. Process isn't detached from console and all output goes to the stdout. E.g.:

> import example.json
> net1-h1 ping -c1
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=63 time=0.047 ms

--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.047/0.047/0.047/0.000 ms

Second one is the command start. E.g.:

> net1-h1 start ping -c1000
Started [/usr/bin/cgexec -g cpu,memory:net1-h1 /usr/sbin/ip netns exec net1-h1 ping -c1000] All output goes to /tmp/output.1440933646

Stderr and Stdout will be redirected to temporary file. Let's see our processes list

> net1-h1 ps
    0 /bin/ping -c100
    0 /bin/ping -c200
30057 ping -c1000

Processes with zero pid were imported but not recovered, because we didn't run recover command, so only the last one are running.
To see the process output type:

> net1-h1 proc output 30057
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=63 time=0.043 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=63 time=0.160 ms

To stop the process use proc stop command. E.g.:

> net1-h1 proc stop 30057
E0830 11:25:06.037889 30040 host.go:156] Process [30057] [/usr/bin/cgexec -g cpu,memory:net1-h1 /usr/sbin/ip netns exec net1-h1 ping -c1000] finished with true, exit status 0

API Walkthrought

Interconnect two hosts with the switch, ping and release the scheme.

package main

import (
	mn ""

func main() {
	// creating an instance of Scheme struct, which is just a
	// a storage for futher nodes
	scheme := mn.NewScheme()

	defer scheme.Release()

	// create new host h1
	host1, err := mn.NewHost("h1")
	if err != nil {

	// create new switch with random name
	sw, err := mn.NewSwitch()
	if err != nil {

	// interconnect nodes
	pair := mn.NewLink(sw, host1, mn.Link{Cidr: "noip"}, mn.Link{Cidr: ""})

	// physically create link
	if err := pair.Create(); err != nil {

	// apply cidr, routes, bring interfaces up
	pair, err = pair.Up()
	if err != nil {



	// repeat for host2

	host2, err := mn.NewHost("h2")
	if err != nil {

	pair2 := mn.NewLink(sw, host2, mn.Link{Cidr: "noip"}, mn.Link{Cidr: ""})
	if err := pair2.Create(); err != nil {
	pair2, err = pair2.Up()
	if err != nil {



	// now we can run some command

	host1.RunProcess("ping", "-c1", "")

	time.Sleep(time.Second * 1)

Openflow network applications

Do the go get -t ./... to install dependencies.

You can find all network application inside apps/netpapps folder:

  • apps/netapps/l2-forwarder.go
    Simple l2 learning.

  • apps/netapps/l3-forwarder.go
    l3 routing between different subnetworks inside one or multiple switches. Beware of this example, the fake routes are hardcoded and coupled with the schemes/l3.json. Just an example.

  • If no apps specified, controller will be run in core mode.

And mn-ofctr utility to control them.

There is a corresponding json scheme for each network application, located in apps/schemes. Suffix -multi means two switches in scheme, connected with a patch link. To get it work, do the following:

  • stop default controller, if it exists
    service openvswitch-controller stop or killall -9 ovs-controller

  • run cleanup script, apps/ (optionally)

  • run mn-ctl, import and recover the scheme, e.g.:

~ go run apps/mn-ctl/main.go
> import apps/scheme/l3.json
> recover
> ctrl+c
  • start corresponding network application
go run apps/mn-ofctr/main.go -name=l3-forwarder

Use -v=4 -logtostderr=true for verbose output.

  • check it works. From another terminal do ping.
~ ip netns exec net1-h1 ping

Please checkout network schemes, there is a field "Controller" in the switch object, this is a controller's address, which is tcp: by default, so you can test altogether inside one host.

Openflow web service

To start web service run, specify apiOn= option of the mn-ofctr utility, e.g:

~ go run apps/mn-ofctr/main.go -apiOn=":8080"


  • GET /switches
    Returns all switches connected to the controller

  • POST /switches/:dpid/flows
    Data prototype:

		"FlowMods": [
				"Match": { 
					// Match options
				"Actions": [
					// Actions list


curl -i -XPOST -d '{"FlowMods":[{"Match": { "DLSrc":"00:11:22:33:44:55", "DLVLAN":5, "TPSrc":10, "DLType":555}, "Actions":[{"Type":"OFPAT_OUTPUT", "Value":"P_FLOOD"}]}]}'  http://localhost:8080/switches/00:00:d6:41:26:c9:e9:45/flows


open source Go implementation of mininet and openflow controller examples

License:MIT License


Language:Go 99.7%Language:Shell 0.3%