billgloff / angular-tasks

A set of Rake tasks for AngularJS projects

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A set of rake tasks to compile a CoffeeScript and SASS in an Angular project that follows the Angular-Seed structure.


I find myself follwoing the layout pattern found in the Angular-Seed example, but I don't like having to put all the controllers in one file. There should be some help there with building several controller files into one.


Depending on what parts you use, you will need a CoffeeScript compiler and Compass to compile the Scss.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'angular-tasks', :git => 'git://'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Add the following to your Rakefile:


Eventually you will be able to add a bit of config to the tasks. The following is an example of what it will be like: do |config|
  config.coffeescripts_dir = 'app/js'
  config.coffeescripts_dir = 'src/js'
  config.compile_sass? = false


Check out the tasks with rake -T.

Right now I'm just using my Compass config.rb to configure all the sassy stuff. If you don't want the sass stuff be sure to set the following in the config:

  config.compile_sass? = false


My biggest hurdle was getting over having all the js/coffee in one giant file. It felt like there was a good opportunity to create a convention on the file concatenation.


There are some config options for handling the CoffeeScript files. Below are all the options and their default values. do |config|
  config.verbose = true                # Verbose logging. Eventually will default to false.
  config.compile_coffeescript? = true  # If we should even compile the CoffeeScript.
  config.coffeescripts_dir = 'app/js'  # The directory of the CoffeeScript files to compile.
  config.javascripts_dir = 'app/js'    # The output directory for the JavaScript files.
  config.files = {                     # A list of the JavaScript files and the directory to find their supporting files
    :config  => "config/#{environment}/**/*.coffee",
    :directives  => "directives/**/*.coffee",
    :filters  => "filters/**/*.coffee",
    :services  => "services/**/*.coffee",
    :controllers => "controllers/**/*.coffee"
    :app => "app/**/*.coffee"

Environment Specific Configuration

You can configure environment specific javascript by including the environment name in the path to the config files.

environment = ENV['MY_APP_ENV'] || 'development' do |config|
  # Other settings
  config.files = {                     # A list of the JavaScript files and the directory to find their supporting files
    :config  => "config/#{environment}/**/*.coffee"
    # other top level files

Then either set that environment variable or pass it in on the command line.

rake build:js MY_APP_ENV=staging

The config file can be a value service and the files in the config folder can append to the top level object. For example, the might look like this:

config = {}
angular.module('my_app.config', []).value 'config', config

Then a file in the app/js/config/development/ might look like the following:

config.myApp =
  serviceUrl: '
  loggingLevel: 'debug'

Default Setup

By default it will set the environment to ENV['ANGULAR_ENV'] or development if that value does not exist.

File Concatenation

Each component will let you concactenate the files in another directory into a top level file For example, the following files will be compiled:

Input CoffeScript Files:


Output CoffeeScript File:


The output of the controller.js file will look like the following:

// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.4.0
(function() {
  var all, the, variables, from, all, files;

  // contents of the

  // contents of the

  // contents of the


Typically, I've been configuring each module like the following:

# Create the top level controller module that the following files will chain onto
controllers = angular.module('myapp.controllers', ['' ])

# Create a helper function to avoid controllers.controller 'SomeController'
controller = controllers.controller

The files in the controllers/ each look like the following:

controller 'HomeController', ($scope) ->
  $ = 'bar'

The get concatenated before they get compiled so they all exist inside the same closure.

// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.4.0
(function() {
  var controller, controllers;

  controllers = angular.module('myapp.controllers', ['']);

  controller = controllers.controller;

  controller('HomeController', function($scope) {
    return $ = 'bar';



  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


A set of Rake tasks for AngularJS projects

License:MIT License