bijay007 / Brastlewark

Showing information of gnomes from a external JSON API

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

🍻 Brastlewark 🍻

A simple web app that helps our heroes to browse into the information of the gnomes living in the happy-go-lucky town southeast of Barcelona - Brastlewark

To install the application on your local machines, you need to :

  1. Clone the repo or download the zip
  2. From inside the repo, open your terminal and type bower install
  3. Type http-server to initialize a local server and open your browser and type localhost:8080
  4. To run tests, type karma start on a new terminal window

Technologies used

  1. AngularJS 1.4.0 - For consuming the JSON responded by the API endpoint
  2. Bootstrap3, SASS and FlexBox - For easy styling and responsive website
  3. UI-Bootstrap - Angular tailored bootstrap directives for pagination and modal windows
  4. UI-Router - For state based routing
  5. Karma + Jasmine - For testing the application
  6. Hover - Hover effects on images

Custom Objects/Functions

  1. I have added some custom-made directives and filters for extended funcionalities.
    i. imagePreLoad.js - Directive - Preloads a light icon while image is loading
    ii. startFrom - Filter - assigns a array chunk size to display in every page

Difficulties Faced

  1. Searching for ways to load large images in a more friendly UX way
  2. Configuring Karma + Jasmine on dev environment


Showing information of gnomes from a external JSON API


Language:JavaScript 45.1%Language:HTML 33.4%Language:CSS 21.5%