bigcommerce / bigcommerce-api-node

A node module for authentication and communication with the BigCommerce API

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Bigcommerce for Node.js

A node module for authentication and communication with the BigCommerce API.

Installation (In Development)

  1. Clone this repository: git clone
  2. Navigate into the cloned repository: cd bigcommerce-api-node
  3. Run npm link: npm link

Now, you can navigate into the directory of some other package (e.g., sample-app-nodejs) and run npm link bigcommerce-api-node which will then allow you to use and test this package as if it was downloaded from NPM.

Type Generation

The bigcommerce-api-node package automatically generates Typescript types from the Open API spec .yml files that power our public API documentation. While making contributions to the bigcommerce-api-node package, you may find it necessary to re-generate types from the spec.

In order to do so, simply run:

npm run generate

This command will:

  1. Run npm run init to compile the TypeGenerator.ts class
  2. Run dist/generate/TypeGenerator.js to generate types
  3. Run npm build to build the types into the distributed Node.js package


First, import the package into your project:

import BigCommerce from '@bigcommerce/api-nodejs';

Then, create a BigCommerce object with configuration options relevant to your use case.

The BigCommerce Object

The main BigCommerce import is an object that contains properties for different use cases of the BigCommerce Node Client. The properties available are described below:

  • Auth: This class can be instantiated and used to handle the OAuth flow that begins when a merchant clicks Install on a single-click app.
  • Rest: This class can be instantiated and used to make API requests to the BigCommerce Public REST API.


The bigcommerce-api-node package can be used to handle the OAuth flow that begins when a merchant clicks Install on a single-click app.

First, create a BigCommerce object with clientId, clientSecret, and authCallback as required configuration options:

const bigcommerceAuth = new BigCommerce.Auth({
  clientId: 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID',
  clientSecret: 'YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET',
  authCallback: '',

The bigcommerceAuth object created above exposes two public methods: authorize and verifyJWT.

The authorize method takes one parameter — an object containing string values for code, scope, and context, which are provided by the GET request to your store when a merchant installs your app.

const payload = await bigcommerceAuth.authorize({code, scope, context});

The object stored in the payload variable above will contain the following key/value pairs:

  access_token: '123abc',
  scope: 'store_v2_orders etc.',
  user: {
    id: 12345,
    username: '',
    email: '',
  context: 'stores/{STORE_HASH}',
  account_uuid: 'uuid-string'

The verifyJWT method can be used to verify and return the payload returned by the load, uninstall, and remove User callbacks. Each event triggers a GET request from BigCommerce to your app's callback endpoints containing a signed_payload_jwt as a query parameter. Once you parse the signed_payload_jwt from the request parameters, you can pass it to the verifyJWT method as follows:

const payload = bigcommerceAuth.verifyJWT(signed_payload_jwt);

The object stored in the payload variable above will contain the following key/value pairs:

  aud: 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID',
  iss: 'bc',
  iat: 1646844813,
  nbf: 1646844808,
  exp: 1646931213,
  jti: 'uuid-value',
  sub: 'stores/{STORE_HASH}',
  user: { id: 1470672, email: '' },
  owner: { id: 1470672, email: '' },
  url: '/'


The bigcommerce-api-node package can be used to communicate with the BigCommerce Public REST API.

const bigcommerceRest = new BigCommerce.Rest({
  storeHash: 'yourStoreHash',
  accessToken: 'yourStoreAccessToken',

// bigcommerceRest.<resource_name>.<method_name>

Each method returns a Promise that resolves to a response containing the resource data.

  .list({ limit: 5 })
  .then(orders => console.log(orders))
  .catch(err => console.error(err));

Some resources contain a listAll() method which returns an Iterator allowing you to loop through every single resource available, with pagination handled for you.

for await (const order of bigcommerceRest.v2.orders.listAll()) {

Rate Limiting Management

The RestClient class provides information on its status in relation to the BigCommerce API rate limiter. The available information includes:

  • msToReset: Time (in milliseconds) until rate limiting window resets
  • nextWindowTime: Date object for the start of the next rate limiting window
  • windowSize: Total size of the current rate limiting window
  • requestsRemaining: Number of requests remaining in the current window before rate limiting is enforced
  • requestsQuota: Total requests allowed per window

This information is updated on every request. It can be accessed via the rateLimitManager property and used to avoid receiving a 429 error from the server.

bigcommerceRest.rateLimitManager.status  // <-- { msToReset, windowSize, requestsRemaining, requestsQuota }

RestClient can be optionally configured to delay requests until the next rate limiting window when a minimum request threshold is met.

  const bigcommerceRest = new BigCommerce.Rest({
    storeHash: STORE_HASH,
    accessToken: ACCESS_TOKEN,
    rateLimitConfig: {
      enableWait: true,
      minRequestsRemaining: 10,

Additionally, a custom callback can be provided with optional params object to be run when the request threshold is met.

  const limitCallback = params => console.log(params.message);

  const bigcommerceRest = new BigCommerce.Rest({
    storeHash: STORE_HASH,
    accessToken: ACCESS_TOKEN,
    rateLimitConfig: {
      enableWait: false,
      minRequestsRemaining: 10,
      callbackParams: { message: 'request threshold reached' },
      callback: limitCallback  // <-- function called with callbackParams when minRequestsRemaining threashold is met

Available Resources and Methods

  • v2
    • v2.orders
      • get(orderId): Get an Order
      • update(orderId, data): Update an Order
      • archive(orderId): Archive an Order
      • count(): Get a Count of Orders
      • list([params]): Get All Orders
      • listAll([params]): Get All Orders (Paginated)
      • create(data): Create an Order
      • archiveAll(): Archive All Orders
    • v2.orders.orderCoupons
      • list(orderId[, params]): List Order Coupons
      • listAll(orderId[, params]): List Order Coupons (Paginated)
    • v2.orders.orderProducts
      • list(orderId[, params]): List Order Products
      • listAll(orderId[, params]): List Order Products (Paginated)
      • get(orderId, productId): Get an Order Product
    • v2.orders.orderTaxes
      • list(orderId[, params]): Get All Order Taxes
      • listAll(orderId[, params]): Get All Order Taxes (Paginated)
    • v2.orders.orderStatus
      • list(): Get All Order Statuses
      • get(statusId): Get a Single Order Status
    • v2.orders.orderShipments
      • list(orderId[, params]): Get Order Shipments
      • listAll(orderId[, params]): Get Order Shipments (Paginated)
      • create(orderId, data): Create Order Shipment
      • deleteAll(orderId): Delete All Order Shipments
      • count(orderId)Get a Count of Order Shipments
      • get(orderId, shipmentId): Get a Shipment
      • update(orderId, shipmentId, data): Update a Shipment
      • delete(orderId, shipmentId): Delete an Order Shipment
    • v2.orders.orderShippingAddresses
      • list(orderId[, params]): Get Order Shipping Addresses
      • listAll(orderId[, params]): Get Order Shipping Addresses (Paginated)
      • get(orderId, addressId): Get a Shipping Address
      • update(orderId, addressId, data): Update a Shipping Address
    • v2.orders.orderMessages
      • list(orderId[, params]): Get Order Messages
      • listAll(orderId[, params]): Get Order Messages (Paginated)
    • v2.orders.orderShippingQuotes
      • list(orderId, addressId): Get Order Shipping Quotes


A node module for authentication and communication with the BigCommerce API

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 97.8%Language:JavaScript 2.2%