biaslab / MultiAgentTrajectoryPlanning

Experiments of the "Multi-Agent Trajectory Planning with NUV Priors" paper

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how to add more obstacle

zdx3578 opened this issue · comments


thanks for your work , add more obstacke just in env add more rectange? need change other ?



The plotting/animation is currently configured for just 2 obstacles:

draw_rectangle!(environment[1]; label="", color="black", alpha=0.5)
draw_rectangle!(environment[2]; label="", color="black", alpha=0.5)

So if you use more obstacles, these might not appear on the figures, whereas they are taken into account during inference. Extension towards plotting more than two obstacles should be trivial.

With respect to the correctness of the simulation results, there are several factors influencing the resulting behavior. I can't judge what happens in the animation you share and some aspects are still under active research.


change code is like the git diff, so result like some wrong.

I would not go as far as saying that the presented results are wrong. There are multiple factors affecting the results, such as the number of discretization steps, initialization of the algorithm, number of message passing iterations and hyperparameters settings. For the situation you show I expect the number of discretization steps in combination with the prior precision on the control to cause the agents to move through the walls. This is a result of decreasing the size of the agents and the width of the rectangles.



thanks your explain, i still confusion , expect document ;

Unfortunately there will not be any documentation on this repository. The accompanying paper, once published, might help.