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  1. open Xcode project > select File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency

  2. Enter the url

Initialize Web3auth CoreKit (tkey iOS) SDK

After installation, the next step to using Web3Auth CoreKit SDK is to Initialize the SDK. The Initialization takes a few steps, including initiating the tKey SDK with the service provider and modules.

Configuration of service provider

Service Provider in tKey is used for generating a Share A, i.e. the private key share managed by a wallet service provider via their authentication flows. This share in our key infrastructure refers to the social login aspect, where we associate a private key share with the user's social login, enabling the seamless login experience.

In order to configure your service provider, you must use CustomAuth Swift SDK. Since CustomAuth Swift SDK is not automatically installed when you install tkey ios SDK, let's start with installation first.

Usage of CustomAuth Swift SDK

You can find more detailed document here.

1. Installation

Swift package manager (SPM)

In project settings, add the Github URL as a swift package dependency.

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    name: "CustomAuth",
    dependencies: [
        .package(name: "CustomAuth", url: "", from: "2.4.0"))
pod 'CustomAuth', '~> 5.0.0'
Manual import or other packages

If you require a package manager other than SPM or Cocoapods, do reach out to or alternatively clone the repo manually and import as a framework in your project

2. Initialization

Initalize the SDK depending on the login you require. The example below does so for a single google login.

  • redirectURL refers to a url for the login flow to redirect into your app, it should have a scheme that is registered by your app, for example com.mycompany.myapp://redirect.
  • browserRedirectURL refers to a page that the browser should use in the login flow, it should have a http or https scheme.
import CustomAuth

let sub = SubVerifierDetails(loginType: .web, // default .web
                            loginProvider: .google,
                            clientId: "<your-client-id>",
                            verifierName: "<verifier-name>",
                            redirectURL: "<your-redirect-url>",
                            browserRedirectURL: "<your-browser-redirect-url>")

let tdsdk = CustomAuth(aggregateVerifierType: "<type-of-verifier>", aggregateVerifierName: "<verifier-name>", subVerifierDetails: [sub], network: <etherum-network-to-use>)

// controller is used to present a SFSafariViewController.
tdsdk.triggerLogin(controller: <UIViewController>?, browserType: <method-of-opening-browser>, modalPresentationStyle: <style-of-modal>).done{ data in
    print("private key rebuild", data)
}.catch{ err in

Documentation of browser type and modal presentation style can be found in CustomAuth repo[].

Logins are dependent on verifier scripts/verifiers. There are other verifiers including single_id_verifier, and_aggregate_verifier, or_aggregate_verifier and single_logins of which you may need to use depending on your required logins. To get your application's verifier script setup, do reach out to or to read more about verifiers do checkout the docs.

After finished configuration of CustomAuth SDK

  1. triggerLogin() returns a promise that resolve with a Dictionary that contain at least privateKey and publicAddress field.
  2. Initialize the service provider with the privateKey retrived by result of triggerLogin().
tdsdk.triggerLogin(controller: <UIViewController>?, browserType: <method-of-opening-browser>, modalPresentationStyle: <style-of-modal>).done{ data in
    print("private key rebuild", data)
    let key = data["privateKey"]
    service_provider = try! ServiceProvider(enable_logging: true, postbox_key: key)
}.catch{ err in



Natively, the instance of tKey, (ie. ThresholdKey) returns many functions, however, we have documented a few relevant ones here. You can check the table below for a list of all relevant functions.

Function Description Arguments Async return
initialize Generates a Threshold Key object corresponding to your login provider. import_share: String, input: ShareStore?, never_initialize_new_key: Bool, include_local_metadata_transitions: Bool Yes KeyDetails
reconstruct Reconstructs the user private key (minimum threshold no. of shares required) void Yes KeyReconstructionDetails
reconstruct_latest_poly Returns the latest polynomial from all the available shares (for this pub-poly). We using Lagrange's interpolation to derive the polynomial void No Polynomial
get_all_share_stores_for_latest_polynomial Get all available ShareStores from latest polynomial void No ShareStoreArray
generate_new_share Generate a new share for the reconstructed private key. void Yes GenerateShareStoreResult
delete_share Delete a share from private key. share_index: String Yes void
CRITICAL_delete_tkey Deletes a threshold key, all shares will be removed, use with caution void Yes void
get_key_details Get the details of the keys. void No KeyDetails
output_share Output a share from the tKey shareIndex: String, shareType: String? No String
share_to_share_store Convert Share to ShareStore share: String No ShareStore
input_share Adds an existing share to tkey. share: String, shareType: String? Yes void
output_share_store Output a share store from the tKey shareIndex: String, polyId: String? No ShareStore
input_share_store Input a share store into the tKey shareStore: ShareStore Yes void
get_shares_indexes Returns an array of all the share indexes from latest polynomial void No [String]
encrypt Encrypt a message/data with the provided publicKey. msg: String No String
decrypt Decrypt a message/data with the provided publicKey. msg: String No String
get_tkey_store Returns data from tkey store given a module name moduleName: String No [[String:Any]]
get_tkey_store_item Returns data from tkey store given id and a module name moduleName: String, id: String No String
get_shares get shares from tKey void No ShareStorePolyIdIndexMap
get_share_descriptions Get a description to a share void No [String: [String]]
add_share_description Add a description to a share key: String, description: String, update_metadata: Bool Yes void
update_share_description Update a description to a share key: String, oldDescription: String, newDescription: String, update_metadata: Bool Yes void
delete_share_description Delete a description to a share key: String, description: String, update_metadata: Bool Yes void

Getting User Information

  • CustomAuth.triggerLogin() returns a Dictionary which contains the user's information and details about the login. You can access the information within it to get the user details from the login provider. The contents of the dictionary may vary depending on the verifier (single_id_verifier, and_aggregate_verifier, or_aggregate_verifier and single_logins).

SubVerifierDetails SubVerifierDetails are the details of each subverifiers to be used.

Parameter Type Description Mandatory
loginType SubVerifierType Type of your login verifier No
loginProvider LoginProviders Yes
clientId String Client ID from your login service provider Yes
verifier String Verifier Name from Web3Auth Dashboard Yes
redirectURL String Yes
browserRedirectURL String? No
jwtParams [String: String] Additional JWT Params No
urlSession URLSession No
import CustomAuth

let sub = SubVerifierDetails(loginType: .web, // web || installed
                            //example of login using a google
                            loginProvider: .google,
                            clientId: "<your-client-id>",
                            verifierName: "<verifier-name>",
                            redirectURL: "<your-redirect-url>",
                            browserRedirectURL: "<your-browser-redirect-url>")

let tdsdk = CustomAuth(aggregateVerifierType: "<type-of-verifier>", aggregateVerifierName: "<verifier-name>", subVerifierDetails: [sub], network: <etherum-network-to-use>)

// controller is used to present a SFSafariViewController.
tdsdk.triggerLogin(controller: <UIViewController>?, browserType: <method-of-opening-browser>, modalPresentationStyle: <style-of-modal>).done{ data in
    print("private key rebuild", data)
}.catch{ err in
# Example
let sub = SubVerifierDetails(loginType: .web,
                                loginProvider: .google,
                                clientId: <your-client-id>,
                                verifierName: "google-pepper",
                                redirectURL: "tdsdk://tdsdk/oauthCallback",
                                browserRedirectURL: "")

let tdsdk = CustomAuth(aggregateVerifierType: .singleLogin, aggregateVerifierName: "google-pepper", subVerifierDetails: [sub], network: .ROPSTEN)
tdsdk.triggerLogin().done { userdata in
    print("private key rebuild", userdata)
}.catch { err in

Initializing tKey

Once you have triggered the login process, you're ready to initialize the tKey. This will generate a Threshold Key corresponding to your login provider.

let key_details = try! await threshold_key.initialize(never_initialize_new_key: false, include_local_metadata_transitions: false)
Parameter Type Description Mandatory
import_share String Initialise tkey with an existing share store. This allows you to directly initialise tKey without using the service provider login. No
input OpaquePointer? Import a key into tkey for initialisation. No
never_initialize_new_key Bool Never initialise using a new key if account not found Yes
include_local_metadata_transitions Bool Pass the previous transition metadata Yes

Getting tKey Details

let key_details = try! threshold_key.get_key_details()

The function get_key_details() returns the details of the keys present generated for the specific user. This includes the public key X & Y of the user, alongside the shares details and the threshold.

Sample Key Details Return

    pubKey: {
      x: "471dbccd7e55eb2d24..329b8174f2339e516a3d1728d",
      y: "3f93da3597ded482fc..b23c5c79011a3deb8ccf8bf50",
    requiredShares: -9,
    threshold: 2,
    totalShares: 11,
    shareDescriptions: {
      "1": [
        '{"module":"webStorage","userAgent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36","dateAdded":1671429485524}',
        '{"module":"webStorage","userAgent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36","dateAdded":1671429560829}',
        '{"module":"webStorage","userAgent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36","dateAdded":1671454332687}',
        '{"module":"webStorage","userAgent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36","dateAdded":1671454508464}',
        '{"module":"webStorage","userAgent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36","dateAdded":1671454832067}',
        '{"module":"webStorage","userAgent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36","dateAdded":1671506806091}',
      "94da7ea9b8680ea13d..1de31915c54c1cfa055134308969088": [
        '{"module":"webStorage","userAgent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36","dateAdded":1671424397242}',
      "9b29f5c69bdcc4c79b..8c573e3001d72dc7a42866e88272866": [
        '{"module":"securityQuestions","questions":"whats your password?","dateAdded":1671424430842}',

Reconstructing User's Private Key

The function reconstruct() reconstructs the private key of the user from the shares. This function returns the private key of the user once the threshold has been met.

let reconstructedKeyResult = try! await threshold_key.reconstruct()

public final class KeyReconstructionDetails: Codable {
    public var key: String
    public var seed_phrase: [String]
    public var all_keys: [String]

Generating a new Share

The function generate_new_share() generates a new share on the same threshold (e.g, 2/3 -> 2/4). This function returns the new share generated.

let newShare = try! await threshold_key.generate_new_share()

Deleting a Share

The function delete_share() deletes a share from the user's shares. This function returns the updated shareStore after the share has been deleted.

let shareStore = try! await threshold_key.delete_share(share_index: idx)

Using Modules for Further Operations

For making advanced operations on tKey and to manipulate the keys, you can use the modules provided by tKey. As mentioned in the initialization section, you need to configure the modules beforehand to make it work with tKey. Once that is done, the instance of the respective module is available within your tKey instance and can be used for further operations.

Making Blockchain Calls

Once you have generated the private key, you can use it to make blockchain calls. The key generated by tKey SDK (secp256k1 curve) is compatible with EVM-based blockchains like Ethereum, Polygon, and many others that use the same curve. However, you can also convert this key into other curves and utilize it. For example, we have a dedicated package for converting this key to the ed25519 compatible private key. This key can be used in Solana and other blockchains that use this curve.

In addition to that, we have dedicated provider packages for EVM and Solana Blockchain libraries. You can check out their respective documentation here:

Getting a Ethereum Provider from tKey: Ethereum Provider Getting a Solana Provider from tKey: Solana Provider


The PrivateKeysModule module provides an interface for setting, getting and managing private keys for a ThresholdKey object.

To use the PrivateKeysModule in your Swift project, you will need to import the module as follows:

import tkey_pkg
Function Description Arguments Async return
set_private_key Set private key to corresponding tKey threshold_key: ThresholdKey, key: String?, format: String Yes Bool
get_private_keys Get Private Keys tthreshold_key: ThresholdKey No [[String:String]]
get_private_key_accounts Get private Key accounts threshold_key: ThresholdKey No [String]

set_private_key(threshold_key: ThresholdKey, key: String?, format: String) async throws -> Bool

Sets a private key for a ThresholdKey object.


  • threshold_key: A ThresholdKey object.
  • key: A private key in string format.
  • format: A string representing the format of the private key.


  • Bool: A boolean indicating whether the operation succeeded or not.

get_private_keys(threshold_key: ThresholdKey) throws -> [[String:String]]

  • Returns a list of private keys for a ThresholdKey object.


  • threshold_key: A ThresholdKey object.


  • [[String:String]]: A list of private keys as dictionaries.


  • RuntimeError: If there is an error in the underlying C code.

get_private_key_accounts(threshold_key: ThresholdKey) throws -> [String]

  • Returns a list of accounts for which private keys are available.


  • threshold_key: A ThresholdKey object.


  • RuntimeError: If there is an error in the underlying C code.


  • [String]: A list of accounts for which private keys are available.


Function Description Arguments Async return
generate_new_share generate a new Share with security question threshold_key: ThresholdKey, questions: String, answer: String Yes GenerateShareStoreResult
input_share input share from security question threshold_key: ThresholdKey, answer: String Yes Bool
change_question_and_answer Get private Key accounts threshold_key: ThresholdKey, questions: String, answer: String Yes Bool
store_answer Store answer of security question in tKey threshold_key: ThresholdKey, answer: String Yes Bool
get_answer Get answer of security question stored in tKey threshold_key: ThresholdKey No String
get_questions Get security questions stored in tKey threshold_key: ThresholdKey No String

generate_new_share(threshold_key: ThresholdKey, questions: String, answer: String ) async throws -> GenerateShareStoreResult

This function generates a new share for a given ThresholdKey, along with the user's security question and answer.


  • threshold_key: A ThresholdKey object representing the key for which to generate a new share.
  • questions: A String representing the user's security question.
  • answer: A String representing the user's security answer.


  • GenerateShareStoreResult: A struct that contains information about the new share that was generated.


  • Error: An error if the operation failed.

input_share(threshold_key: ThresholdKey, answer: String ) async throws -> Bool

A method that inputs a share for a threshold key based on a security question and answer.


  • threshold_key: A ThresholdKey instance for which to input a share.
  • answer: A String representing the answer to the security questions.


  • Bool: true if the share was successfully input, false otherwise.


  • Error: An error if the operation failed.

change_question_and_answer(threshold_key: ThresholdKey, questions: String, answer: String ) async throws -> Bool

A method that changes the security questions and answers for a threshold key.


  • threshold_key: A ThresholdKey instance for which to change the security questions and answers.
  • questions: A String representing a new set of security questions to be answered.
  • answer: A String representing the answer to the security questions.


  • Bool: true if the security questions and answers were successfully changed, false otherwise.


  • Error: An error if the operation failed.

store_answer(threshold_key: ThresholdKey, answer: String ) async throws -> Bool

A method that stores the answer to a security question for a threshold key.


  • threshold_key: A ThresholdKey instance for which to store the answer to a security question.
  • answer: A String representing the answer to the security question.


  • Bool: true if the answer was successfully stored, false otherwise.


  • Error: An error if the operation failed.

get_answer(threshold_key: ThresholdKey) throws -> String

Get answer of security question stored in tKey.


  • threshold_key: A ThresholdKey instance for which to store the answer to a security question.


  • String: A String representing the answer to the security questions.


  • Error: An error if the operation failed.

get_questions(threshold_key: ThresholdKey) throws -> String

This method gets security questions stored in tKey.


  • threshold_key: A ThresholdKey instance for which to store the answer to a security question.


  • String: A String representing the user's security question.


  • Error: An error if the operation failed.


SeedPhraseModule is a Swift module that provides functionality for setting, changing, getting, and deleting seed phrases for a ThresholdKey object.

To use the SeedPhraseModule in your Swift project, you will need to import the module as follows:

import tkey_pkg
Function Description Arguments Async return
set_seed_phrase Set seed phrase to corresponding tKey threshold_key: ThresholdKey, format: String, phrase: String?, number_of_wallets: UInt32 Yes void
change_phrase Changes specific seed phrase threshold_key: ThresholdKey, old_phrase: String, new_phrase: String Yes void
get_seed_phrases Gets all seed phrases stored in tKey. threshold_key: ThresholdKey Yes [seedPhraseStruct]
delete_seed_phrase Delete the seed phrase threshold_key: ThresholdKey, phrase: String Yes void

set_seed_phrase(threshold_key: ThresholdKey, format: String, phrase: String?, number_of_wallets: UInt32) async throws

This function sets the seed phrase for the given ThresholdKey.


  • threshold_key: The ThresholdKey object to set the seed phrase for.
  • format: The format of the seed phrase.
  • phrase: The seed phrase. If nil, a random seed phrase is generated.
  • number_of_wallets: The number of wallets to derive from the seed phrase.


  • Error: An error if the operation fails.

change_phrase(threshold_key: ThresholdKey, old_phrase: String, new_phrase: String) async throws

This function changes the seed phrase of the given ThresholdKey. The old_phrase parameter specifies the old seed phrase, and the new_phrase parameter specifies the new seed phrase. The function is asynchronous and can throw an error.


  • threshold_key: The ThresholdKey object to change the seed phrase for.
  • old_phrase: The old seed phrase.
  • new_phrase: The new seed phrase.


  • Error: An error if the operation fails.

get_seed_phrases(threshold_key: ThresholdKey) throws -> [seedPhraseStruct]

This function returns an array of seedPhraseStruct objects, which contain the seed phrases and their type for the given ThresholdKey.


  • threshold_key: The ThresholdKey object to get the seed phrases for.


  • Error: An error if the operation fails.


  • seedPhraseStruct

delete_seed_phrase(threshold_key: ThresholdKey, phrase: String ) async throws

This method deletes a seed phrase from the given ThresholdKey.


  • threshold_key: The ThresholdKey instance from which to delete the seed phrase.
  • phrase: The seed phrase to delete, as a string.


  • Error: An error if the operation fails.


The ShareSerializationModule is a Swift module that provides functionality for serializing and deserializing threshold key shares.

To use the ShareSerializationModule in your Swift project, you will need to import the module as follows:

import tkey_pkg
Function Description Arguments Async return
serialize_share Serialize share threshold_key: ThresholdKey, share: String, format: String? No String
deserialize_share Deserialize share threshold_key: ThresholdKey, share: String, format: String? No String

serialize_share(threshold_key: ThresholdKey, share: String, format: String?) throws -> String

This method serializes a threshold key share and returns it as a string.


  • threshold_key: A ThresholdKey object that represents the threshold key to which the share belongs.
  • share: A string that represents the share to be serialized.
  • format: An optional string that represents the serialization format. If it is not specified, the default format will be used.


  • RuntimeError: If the serialization operation fails, a RuntimeError will be thrown.


  • A string that represents the serialized share.

deserialize_share(threshold_key: ThresholdKey, share: String, format: String?) throws -> String

This method deserializes a threshold key share and returns it as a string.


  • threshold_key: A ThresholdKey object that represents the threshold key to which the share belongs.
  • share: A string that represents the share to be deserialized.
  • format: An optional string that represents the serialization format. If it is not specified, the default format will be used.


  • RuntimeError: If the deserialization operation fails, a RuntimeError will be thrown.


  • A string that represents the deserialized share.


The ShareTransferModule is a Swift module that provides functions for requesting, approving and transfering a share to another device.

To use the ShareTransferModule in your Swift project, you will need to import the module as follows:

import tkey_pkg
Function Description Arguments Async return
request_new_share request a new share threshold_key: ThresholdKey, user_agent: String, available_share_indexes: String Yes String
add_custom_info_to_request Add custom info to share request threshold_key: ThresholdKey, enc_pub_key_x: String, custom_info: String Yes void
look_for_request Returns an array of indexes of pending requests threshold_key: ThresholdKey Yes [String]
approve_request approve the shareStore to be shared threshold_key: ThresholdKey, enc_pub_key_x: String, share_store: ShareStore Yes void
approve_request_with_share_index approve sharing with share index threshold_key: ThresholdKey, enc_pub_key_x: String, share_index: String Yes void
get_store Get share transfer store threshold_key: ThresholdKey Yes ShareTransferStore
set_store Set share transfer store threshold_key: ThresholdKey, store: ShareTransferStore Yes Bool
delete_store Delete share transfer store threshold_key: ThresholdKey, enc_pub_key_x: String Yes Bool
get_current_encryption_key Get security questions stored in tKey threshold_key: ThresholdKey No String
request_status_check start request status checking threshold_key: ThresholdKey, enc_pub_key_x: String, delete_request_on_completion: Bool Yes ShareStore
cleanup_request cleanup the request threshold_key: ThresholdKey No Bool

request_new_share(threshold_key: ThresholdKey, user_agent: String, available_share_indexes: String ) async throws -> String

Request a new share for the given user.


  • threshold_key: A ThresholdKey object representing the user's threshold key.
  • user_agent: A string representing the user's user agent.
  • available_share_indexes: A string representing the available share indexes for the user.


  • String: A string representing the requested share.

add_custom_info_to_request(threshold_key: ThresholdKey, enc_pub_key_x: String, custom_info: String ) async throws

Adds custom information to a share request.


  • threshold_key: A ThresholdKey object representing the user's threshold key.
  • enc_pub_key_x: A string representing the user's encryption public key.
  • custom_info: A string representing the custom information to add to the request.

look_for_request(threshold_key: ThresholdKey ) async throws -> [String]

Check the status of the user's share request.


  • threshold_key: A ThresholdKey object representing the user's threshold key.


  • [String]: An array of strings representing the status of the user's share request.

approve_request(threshold_key: ThresholdKey, enc_pub_key_x: String, share_store: ShareStore ) async throws

Approves a share request for the user.


  • threshold_key: A ThresholdKey object representing the user's threshold key.
  • enc_pub_key_x: A string representing the user's encryption public key.
  • share_store: A ShareStore object representing the user's share store.

approve_request_with_share_index(threshold_key: ThresholdKey, enc_pub_key_x: String, share_index: String ) async throws

Approves a share request for the user using a specific share index.


  • threshold_key: A ThresholdKey object representing the user's threshold key.
  • enc_pub_key_x: A string representing the user's encryption public key.
  • share_index: A string representing the specific share index to use for the share request.

get_store(threshold_key: ThresholdKey ) async throws -> ShareTransferStore

Get the user's share store.


  • threshold_key: A ThresholdKey object representing the user's threshold key.


  • ShareTransferStore: A ShareTransferStore object representing the user's share store.

`set_store(threshold_key: ThresholdKey, store: ShareTransferStore ) async throws -> Bool

Set the user's share store.


  • threshold_key: A ThresholdKey object representing the user's threshold key.
  • store: A ShareTransferStore object representing the user's share store.


  • Bool: A boolean value indicating whether the operation was successful.

delete_store(threshold_key: ThresholdKey, enc_pub_key_x: String ) async throws -> Bool

Delete the user's share store.


  • threshold_key: A ThresholdKey object representing the user's threshold key.
  • enc_pub_key_x: A string representing the user's encryption public key.


  • Bool: A boolean value indicating whether the operation was successful.

get_current_encryption_key(threshold_key: ThresholdKey) throws -> String

This method is used to get the current encryption key for the given threshold_key.


  • threshold_key: A ThresholdKey object representing the user's threshold key.


  • ShareTransferError: If there is an issue with the underlying share transfer module.
  • RuntimeError: If there is an issue with the runtime environment.


  • String: A string value representing the current encryption key.

request_status_check(threshold_key: ThresholdKey, enc_pub_key_x: String, delete_request_on_completion: Bool ) async throws -> ShareStore

This method is used to check the status of a request for the specified enc_pub_key_x under the given threshold_key. Parameters:

  • threshold_key: The ThresholdKey object for the associated share transfer module.
  • enc_pub_key_x: The encrypted public key X for the request to be checked.
  • delete_request_on_completion: A boolean value indicating whether the request should be deleted upon completion.


  • ShareTransferError: If there is an issue with the underlying share transfer module.
  • RuntimeError: If there is an issue with the runtime environment.


  • ShareStore: A ShareStore object representing the current status of the request.

cleanup_request(threshold_key: ThresholdKey) throws

This method is used to clean up any remaining requests for the specified threshold_key.


  • threshold_key: The ThresholdKey object for the associated share transfer module.


  • ShareTransferError: If there is an issue with the underlying share transfer module.
  • RuntimeError: If there is an issue with the runtime environment.



Language:Swift 90.0%Language:C 9.6%Language:Ruby 0.4%