bhuone-garbu / serverless-auth

Authorizer using Auth0 and AWS Lambda using the serverless framework with Node.js

Repository from Github https://github.combhuone-garbu/serverless-authRepository from Github https://github.combhuone-garbu/serverless-auth

Simple serverless auth service using Auth0

0. Prerequisites

Install serverless framework if you haven't

npm install -g serverless

Create a free developer account with Auth0 and setup an application. (A new tenant environment if u need to)

1. Install dependencies

npm install

2. Create secret.pem file

This file will contain your Auth0 public certificate, used to verify tokens.

Create a secret.pem file in the root folder of this project. Simply paste your public certificate in there from Auth0.

3. Deploy the stack

We need to deploy the stack in order to consume the private/public testing endpoints.

sls deploy -v

4. Final test

To make sure everything works, send a POST request (using curl, Postman etc.) to your private endpoint.

You can grab a test token from Auth0. Make sure to provide your token in the headers like so:

"Authorization": "Bearer YOUR_TOKEN"

And should be golden!!! 😎

To use the authorizer reference it on your existing aws lambda function or public AWS API gateway.


Authorizer using Auth0 and AWS Lambda using the serverless framework with Node.js


Language:JavaScript 100.0%