bholben / Iron-Yard-Index

The Iron Yard. Index linking to Iron Yard repositories

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An index of Iron Yard repositories

The following repos were created during the 12-week front-end engineering bootcamp at The Iron Yard. They contain homework assignments and fast-paced projects (many are simply proof-of-concept) with links to deployed sites. As used below, the word 'Technologies' means languages, frameworks, libraries, plugins, packages, pre-processors, tools, methodologies, etc.

Group Projects

Zen Accounting (in a private repo)
Small business accounting app - similar to QuickBooks. 3 week project. I had a partner who built the Rails back end.
Technologies: HTML, CSS, Jade, Stylus, JavaScript, AngularJS, UI.Bootstrap, Underscore, User auth, cookies, Gravatar, Divshot
Tooling: Gulp (I built the gulp file from scratch), NPM, Bower

Jobber* (Hackathon)
Combined group project with RoR and iOS team members. I was the only front end developer.
Technologies: HTML, CSS, Sass, JavaScript, AngularJS, MaterializeCSS, Flaticon, Underscore, User auth, cookies, Gravatar, Divshot
Tooling: Yeoman, Gulp, NPM, Bower

Monster Checkers*
First combined group project with RoR and iOS team members.
Technologies: HTML, CSS, Sass, JavaScript, Backbone, Bootstrap, Underscore, User auth, cookies, Gravatar, Divshot
Tooling: Yeoman, Gulp, NPM, Bower

Alaydi's Cafe* (Group project - front-end only)
A group project where we created a restaurant website (we chose an actual restaurant).
Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, Sass(SCSS), Underscore (template), Divshot
APIs: Instagram, Flickr, Google Maps, Internal Server
Tooling: Yeoman, Gulp, NPM, Bower

Dynamic Pages - CSS & Javascript

Relationship Manager* (HW 19 & 20)
Angular CRUD app with user authentication and a Parse back end.
Technologies: HTML, CSS, Sass, JavaScript, AngularJS, Bootstrap, UI Bootstrap, Font Awesome, Underscore, User auth, cookies, Gravatar, Divshot
Tooling: Yeoman, Gulp, NPM, Bower

ToDo-Backbone Model* (HW 18)
First Backbone app - a ToDo list app (re-)built using Backbone models and collections.
Technologies: HTML, CSS, Sass, JavaScript, jQuery, Backbone, Divshot
Tooling: Yeoman, Gulp, NPM, Bower

ToDo-jQuery* (HW 17)
A ToDo list app built with jQuery using TDD/BDD.
Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Sass, Mocha, Chai, Divshot
Tooling: Yeoman, Gulp, NPM, Bower

Poker* (HW 15)
Weekend project - create a game.
Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Sass, Underscore, Bootstrap, Image sprites, Divshot
Tooling: Yeoman, Gulp, NPM, Bower

GitHub* (HW 10 & HW 16)
A re-creation of my GitHub repo page (Pulling live data from GitHub's API)
Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Sass(SCSS), Bourbon/Neat, Underscore (template), Moment.js
Tooling: Yeoman, Gulp, NPM, Bower

Etsy* (HW 9)
Re-creation of an Etsy search results page
Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Sass(SCSS)
Tooling: Yeoman, Gulp, NPM, Bower

Caesar Cipher* (HW 9 bonus)
A simple Caesar cipher (ROT13, et al)
Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Chosen (jQuery plugin)

Accordion (HW 8)
A homemade jQuery accordion
Technologies: HTML, CSS, jQuery

Digital Clock* (HW 7, part 3)
A clock converted to hex values and dynamically adjusting the screen background
Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Calculator (HW 6 & bonus)
A calculator mimicking the iOS calculator (portrait view)
Technologies: HTML, CSS, Jade, Sass(SASS), JavaScript

Page Layout - Straight CSS

Surf-Paddle* (HW 3/4 & bonus)
A fictitious landing page created to emphasize CSS layout with one responsive breakpoint
Technologies: HTML, CSS, Sass(SCSS), Normalize, Responsive

Blueprint (HW 4 bonus)
A CSS exercise using floats and positioning
Technologies: HTML, CSS, Jade, Sass(SCSS)

Octodex (HW 2)
A CSS exercise using floats and positioning
Technologies: HTML, CSS

JavaScript Exercises

JavaScript Koans (HW 14)
JavaScript exercises through a testing framework
Technologies: JavaScript

Constructors (HW 13)
Intro to Constructors
Technologies: JavaScript

String Library (HW 12)
Practice at creating a library
Technologies: JavaScript

Map-Reduce-Filter (HW 8 bonus)
Practice at re-writing the builtin looping functions using only a for loop
Technologies: JavaScript

Etsy-Data-Parsing* (HW 7, part 1)
Loop through array of data objects pulled from Etsy's API
Technologies: JavaScript

Ten Simple Javascript Exercises* (HW 7, part 2)
Fun little exercises
Technologies: JavaScript

JS Intro (HW 5)
Real basic variable assignment stuff
Technologies: JavaScript

*Part of a multi-day / weekend assignment


The Iron Yard. Index linking to Iron Yard repositories