bhanML / vild_code

ICML'20: Variational Imitation Learning with Diverse-quality Demonstrations

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Source code of Variational Imitation Learning with Diverse-quality Demonstrations

Source code of "Variational Imitation Learning with Diverse-quality Demonstrations" in ICML 2020. This github repository includes python code and datasets used in the experiments.


Experiments were run with Python 3.6.9 and these packages:

  • pytorch == 1.3.1
  • numpy == 1.14.0
  • scipy == 1.0.1
  • gym == 0.10.5
  • mujoco-py == 1.50.1
  • robosuite == 0.1.0

Important scripts

  • code/ - Script to run experiments with RL-based IL algorithms.
  • code/ - Script to run experiments with SL-based IL algorithms.
  • code/ - Script for parsing arguments. Default hyper-parameters can be found here.
  • code/core/ - Script implementing classes of IRL/GAIL baseline algorithms.
  • code/core/ - Script implementing VILD algorithm. The VILD class extends IRL class.
  • code/core/ - Script implementing classes of RL algorithms (TRPO, PPO, SAC).
  • code/ - Script for plotting experimental results in the paper. Directory code/results_IL contains log files of experimental results reported in the paper.

Important arguments of these scripts

  • To set IL algorithms, set argument --il_method algorithm_name. algorithm_name can be: vild, irl (maximum entropy irl), gail, airl, vail, infogail. Without setting --il_method, the default behavior of the code is to perform RL with the true reward function.
  • To set RL algorithms, set argument --rl_method algorithm_name. algorithm_name can be: trpo, sac, ppo.
  • To set environments, set argument --env_id env_id. Each env_id corresponds to each gym environment, e.g., 2 = HalfCheetah-v2 (see env_dict variable in
  • To run VILD with truncated importance sampling (default), set --per_alpha 2. To run VILD without importance sampling, set --per_alpha 0.
  • To run VILD with log-sigmoid reward function (used for LunarLander and Robosuite), set --vild_loss_type BCE. The default behavior yields rewards that are always positive. To obtain negative rewards (used for LunarLander), set --bce_negative 1.

Demonstration datasets

  • Datasets for experiments except the Robosuite Reacher experiment are included in directory imitation_data/TRAJ_h5.
  • Original dmonstrations for robosuite experiments can be obtained from the Roboturk website: (Mandlekar et al., 2018). We include processed demonstrations used in our Robosuite Reacher experiment in directory imitation_data/TRAJ_robo, where we terminate original demonstrations when the end-effector touch the object and choose 10 demonstrations whose length are approximatedly 500 time steps.


ICML'20: Variational Imitation Learning with Diverse-quality Demonstrations


Language:Python 100.0%