Rushikesh Bhalerao's repositories


The Webapp-Room-Rental-Registration is a PHP-based web application that assists users in registering and finding rental homes or apartments. It offers features such as user registration, search functionality, and admin control. Built with Core PHP, Bootstrap4, jQuery, and MYSQL, it provides a convenient platform for rental property management.



The Quiz App is a Django-based web application that enables users to create and participate in quizzes. It provides a user-friendly interface and efficient quiz management. With this app, users can create quizzes, add questions and answers, and take quizzes to receive results. It's a valuable tool for educational purposes and interactive knowledge



The Text_to_HTML project is a Django-based application that allows users to convert plain text into HTML tags. By cloning the project from the provided GitHub repository and following a few setup steps, users can run the project locally. The application utilizes Django and the ckeditor package to provide a user-friendly interface for convertingtext



The Movie Fetching project is a ongoing endeavor that aims to create an improved clone of Netflix with enhanced functionalities. This web application fetches movies from the database and provides a backend infrastructure that closely resembles Netflix. The frontend is implemented using HTML and CSS, while the backend is managed throu



CSS tells the browser how to display your webpage. You can use CSS to set the color, font, size, and other aspects of HTML elements. In this course, you'll learn CSS by designing a menu page for a cafe webpage.



Selecting the correct colors for your webpage can greatly improve the aesthetic appeal to your readers. In this course, you'll build a set of colored markers. You'll learn different ways to set color values and how to pair colors with each other.



You can use HTML forms to collect information from people who visit your webpage. In this course, you'll learn HTML forms by building a signup page. You'll learn how to control what types of data people can type into your form, and some new CSS tools for styling your page.



Accessibility is making your webpage easy for all people to use – even people with disabilities. In this course, you'll build a quiz webpage. You'll learn accessibility tools such as keyboard shortcuts, ARIA attributes, and design best practices.



Typography is the art of styling your text to be easily readable and suit its purpose. In this course, you'll use typography to build a nutrition label webpage. You'll learn how to style text, adjust line height, and position your text using CSS.



Learn More About CSS Pseudo Selectors By Building A Balance Sheet, 98% Completed. You can use CSS pseudo selectors to change specific HTML elements. In this course, you'll build a balance sheet using pseudo selectors. You'll learn how to change the style of an element when you hover over it with your mouse, and trigger other events on your webpage.



Learn CSS Grid by Building a Magazine, CSS Grid gives you control over the rows and columns of your webpage design. In this course, you'll build a magazine article. You'll learn how to use CSS Grid, including concepts like grid rows and grid columns.



Learn Responsive Web Design by Building a Piano, Completed Responsive Design tells your webpage how it should look on different-sized screens. In this course, you'll use CSS and Responsive Design to code a piano. You'll also learn more about media queries and pseudo selectors.



Learning Intermediate CSS by Building a Picasso Painting, Completed In this course, you'll learn how to use some intermediate CSS techniques by coding your own Picasso painting webpage. You'll learn about SVG icons, CSS positioning, and review other CSS skills you've learned.



Here I upload solutions of all quality questions i solve on geeksforgeeks. I had uploaded exact solution code too for reference and given detailed explanation for that.



Here I upload solutions of all quality questions I solve on, I had uploaded exact solution code too for reference and given detailed explanation for that.



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The Weather App is a Django-based application designed to provide users with accurate and real-time weather information. With a user-friendly interface, this app allows users to access weather updates for any location worldwide. By leveraging Django's powerful framework, the Weather App offers seamless integration of data retrieval from weather API
