bguscott / UniFi-API-browser

Tool to browse data exposed by Ubiquiti's UniFi Controller API (demo:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

UniFi API browser

This tool is for browsing data that is exposed through Ubiquiti's UniFi Controller API, written in PHP, JavaScript and the Bootstrap CSS framework.

It comes bundled with a PHP class for access to the UniFi Controller API, which supports more API endpoints than the UniFi API browser tool does.

If you plan to create your own PHP code leveraging the UniFi controller API, it is recommended to use the standalone version of the API client class which can be found here:

You will find examples and detailed instructions there.

Please keep the following in mind:

  • the API browser tool doesn't support all available data collections/API endpoints, see the list below of those that are currently supported
  • currently, versions 4.x.x and 5.x.x of the UniFi Controller software are supported (version 5.11.50 has been confirmed to work)
  • there is still work to be done to add/improve functionality and usability of this tool so suggestions/comments are welcome. Please use the github issue list or the Ubiquiti Community forums ( to share your ideas/questions.
  • please read the Security Notice below before installing this tool!


A demo version that is connected to Ubiquiti's demo controller is available here:

Upgrading from 1.X to 2.X

Because the structure of the configuration file has changed, we recommend creating a fresh install when upgrading from 1.X to 2.X.


The UniFi API browser tool offers the following features:

  • browse data collections/API endpoints exposed by the UniFi Controller API in an easy manner
  • switch between sites managed by the connected controller
  • switch between output formats (currently JSON, JSON highlighted, PHP array, interactive and PHP array, highlighted have been implemented)
  • copy the results to clipboard (this is only supported with the JSON output format, will fail gracefully with large collections)
  • switch between default Bootstrap theme and the Bootswatch themes
  • an "About" modal which shows version information for PHP, cURL and the UniFi Controller
  • very easy setup with minimal dependencies
  • timing details of API calls can be useful to "benchmark" your UniFi Controller
  • useful tool when developing applications that make use of the UniFi Controller API
  • the API exposes more data than is visible through the UniFi controller's web interface which makes the tool useful for troubleshooting purposes
  • debug mode to troubleshoot cURL connections (set $debug to true in the config file to enable debug mode)

Data collections/API endpoints currently implemented in the API browser

  • Clients/users
    • list online clients
    • list guests
    • list users
    • list user groups
    • stat all users
    • stat authorisations
    • stat sessions
  • Devices
    • list devices (access points, USG routers and USW switches)
    • list wlan groups
    • list rogue access points
    • list_known_rogueaps
    • list devices tags (supported on controller version 5.5.19 and higher)
  • Stats
    • hourly site stats
    • daily site stats
    • hourly access point stats
    • daily access point stats
    • all sites stats
    • health metrics
    • dashboard metrics
    • port forward stats
  • Hotspot
    • stat vouchers
    • stat payments
    • list hotspot operators
  • Configuration
    • list sites on this controller
    • list site settings
    • list admins for current site
    • sysinfo
    • self
    • list wlan config
    • list VoIP extension
    • list network configuration
    • list port configurations
    • list port forwarding rules
    • list firewall groups
    • list current channels
    • list DPI stats
    • dynamic DNS configuration
    • list country codes
    • list Radius accounts (supported on controller version 5.5.19 and higher)
  • Messages
    • list events
    • list alarms
    • count alarms

Please note that the bundled API client supports many more API endpoints, not all make sense to add to the API browser though.


  • a web server with PHP and cURL modules installed (confirmed to work on Apache with PHP Version 5.6.32 and cURL 7.29.0 and with PHP 7.2.5 and cURL 7.60.0)
  • network connectivity between this web server and the server (and port) where the UniFi controller is running (in case you are seeing errors, please check out this issue)
  • clients using this tool should have internet access because several CSS and JS files are loaded from public CDNs.


Installation of this tool is quite straightforward. The easiest way to do this is by using git clone which also allows for easy updates:

  • open up a terminal window on your server and cd to the root folder of your web server (on Ubuntu this is /var/www/html) and execute the following command from your command prompt:
git clone
  • when git is done cloning, follow the configuration steps below to configure the settings for access to your UniFi Controller's API

Alternatively you may choose to download the zip file and unzip it in your directory of choice, then follow the configuration steps below.

Installation using Docker

@scyto maintains Docker containers for quick and easy deployment of the UniFi API browser tool. Please refer to this Wiki page within the repository for more details:


  • credentials for access to the UniFi Controller API are configured in the file named config/config-template.php which should be copied/renamed to config/config.php
  • starting with version 1.0.3, you can store multiple controller configurations in an array inside the config/config.php file
  • please refer to the instructions in the config/config-template.php file for further configuration instructions
  • starting with API browser tool version 2.0.0 you can restrict access to the tool by creating user accounts and passwords, please refer to the instructions in the config/users-template.php file for further details
  • after following these steps, you can open the tool in your browser (assuming you installed it in the root folder of your web server as suggested above) by going to this url: http(s)://<server IP address>/UniFi-API-browser/

Extending the dropdown menu

Since version 2.0.0 you can extend the dropdown menu with your own options by adding them to the config.php file. Here's an example:

 * adding a custom sub menu example
$collections = array_merge($collections, [
        'label' => 'Custom Menu', // length of this string is limited due to dropdown menu width
        'options' => [
                'type' => 'collection', // either collection or divider
                'label' => 'hourly site stats past 24 hours', // string that is dosplayed in the dropdown menu
                'method' => 'stat_hourly_site', // the method/function in the API client class that is called
                'params' => [(time() - (24 * 60 *60)) * 1000, time() * 1000], // an array containing the parameters that are passed to the method/function
                'key' => 'custom_0' // unique key for this menu option, may be required for future versions
                'type' => 'collection',
                'label' => 'daily site stats past 31 days',
                'method' => 'stat_daily_site',
                'params' => [(time() - (31 * 24 * 60 *60)) * 1000, time() * 1000],
                'key' => 'custom_1'
                'type' => 'divider', // dividers have no other properties
                'type' => 'collection',
                'label' => 'enable the site LEDs',
                'method' => 'site_leds', // don't go wild when adding such calls, this example is simply to show the flexibility
                'params' => [true],
                'key' => 'custom_2'
                'type' => 'collection',
                'label' => 'disable the site LEDs',
                'method' => 'site_leds', // don't go wild when adding such calls, this example is simply to show the flexibility
                'params' => [false],
                'key' => 'custom_3'

Note: for a collection type menu option the type, label, method, params and key "properties" are required.

This is what the result looks like:

Custom sub menu


If you have installed the tool using the git clone command, you can install updates by going into the directory where the tool has been installed, and running the git pull command from there.

Otherwise you can simply copy the contents from the latest zip file to the directory where the tool has been installed.


The PHP API client that comes bundled with this tool is based on the work by the following developers:

and the API as published by Ubiquiti:

Other included libraries:

Security notice

We highly recommend enabling the user name/password authentication feature by creating a config/users.php based on the included config/users-template.php file. When creating passwords and their SHA512 hashes for entry in the config/users.php file, please make sure to use strong random passwords.

Please refer to the instructions in the config/users-template.php file for further details

It is your own responsibility to implement the necessary additional controls in securing this application and preventing unwanted access.


Here are a couple of screenshots of the tool in action.

The Login form when user authentication is enabled:

Login form

The controller selection dropdown menu:

Controller selection

The site selection dropdown menu:

Site selection

The collection dropdown menu:

Select collection

Showing the site settings collection in JSON format:

Site settings in JSON format

Showing the site settings collection in interactive PHP format:

Site settings in PHP format

The "About" modal:

About modal


Tool to browse data exposed by Ubiquiti's UniFi Controller API (demo:

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 48.9%Language:HTML 28.2%Language:JavaScript 20.9%Language:CSS 2.0%