bguedes / astra.kafka

Sample test project for injecting data to Datastax Astra using Kafka

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

##Create the Database

To register use this link :

DataStax Astra Database-as-a-Service

Let parameters by default :

Compute Size Free tier Estimated Cost Per Hour

Specify these parameters :

Database name astrademo Keyspace name astrademo Database username datastax Database user password datastax

The database creation could take some minutes to acheive :

Please wait !!

After creation, you will able to use it :

Please download the bundle file needed for Authentification, you will need this zip file for be able to connect the database through your application.

The file is called

For testing Kafka ingestion,you will need to create some Cassandra tables.

create table if not exists astrademo.stocks_table_by_symbol (symbol text, datetime timestamp, exchange text, industry text, name text, value double, PRIMARY KEY (symbol, datetime));
create table if not exists astrademo.stocks_table_by_exchange (symbol text, datetime timestamp, exchange text, industry text, name text, value double, PRIMARY KEY (exchange, datetime));
create table if not exists astrademo.stocks_table_by_industry (symbol text, datetime timestamp, exchange text, industry text, name text, value double, PRIMARY KEY (industry, datetime));

For the database that's all Folks

##Kafka Setup and Running


git clone

Go to the directory

cd kafka-connector-sink-json

Build the DataStax Kafka Connector image

docker build --no-cache -t datastax-connect -f Dockerfile-connector .

Build the JSON Java Producer image

docker build . -t kafka-producer -f Dockerfile-producer

Start Zookeeper, Kafka Brokers, Kafka Connect, Cassandra, and the producer containers

docker-compose up -d

Docker instances Running

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                              COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                         NAMES
7db0cffddbb9        datastax-connect:latest            "/etc/confluent/dock…"   37 hours ago        Up 37 hours>8083/tcp, 9092/tcp              datastax-connect
9a9967a2d8d7        confluentinc/cp-kafka:latest       "/etc/confluent/dock…"   37 hours ago        Up 37 hours>9092/tcp                        kafka-broker
d91eeb822b97        confluentinc/cp-zookeeper:latest   "/etc/confluent/dock…"   37 hours ago        Up 37 hours         2181/tcp, 2888/tcp, 3888/tcp                  zookeeper
2f0c114d78fc        kafka-producer:latest              "bash"                   37 hours ago        Up 37 hours                                                       kafka-producer

Copy Astra credentials file to Docker Datastax Kafka Connector instances

Go to the datastax connector Docker image shell

docker exec -it datastax-connect bash

Create a datastax-connect-driver directory in /home/

cd /home/
mkdir datastax-connect-driver

Copy the Astra bundle file downloaded previously

docker cp datastax-connect:/home/datastax-connect-driver


Create the Kafka topic

Start a bash shell on the Kafka Broker

docker exec -it kafka-broker bash

Create the topic

kafka-topics --create --zookeeper zookeeper:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 10 --topic json-stream --config

Load data into Kafka

Start a bash shell on the Kafka Producer

docker exec -it kafka-producer bash

Write 1000 records ( 10 stocks, 100 records per stock ) to Kafka using the JSON Java Producer in this project

mvn clean compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=json.JsonProducer -Dexec.args="json-stream 10 100 broker:29092"

There will be many lines of output in your console as Maven pulls down the dependencies. The following output means that it completed successfully

2020-03-09 18:01:34.268 [json.JsonProducer.main()] INFO  - Completed loading 1000/1000 records to Kafka in 1 seconds
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 20.254 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2020-03-09T18:01:34+00:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 31M/215M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Start the DataStax Kafka Connector

Execute the following command from the machine where docker is running to start the connector using the Kafka Connect REST API

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @connector-config.json "http://localhost:8083/connectors"

Verifying the Kafka connector Status

Go to the Datastax Kafka Connector shell

docker exec -it datastax-connect bash

Use this Rest Api to chek the status, it has to be in RUNNING state

curl -s | jq '.'

  "name": "kafka-to-astra-sink",
  "connector": {
    "state": "RUNNING",
    "worker_id": "datastax-connect:8083"
  "tasks": [
      "id": 0,
      "state": "RUNNING",
      "worker_id": "datastax-connect:8083"
  "type": "sink"

if you don't have jq already installed :

apt update
apt-get install jq

Check data load in Astra tables

datastax@cqlsh> select * from astrademo.stocks_table_by_symbol limit 10;

 symbol | datetime                        | exchange | industry | name        | value
    XOM | 2020-06-20 09:00:40.042000+0000 |     NYSE |   ENERGY | EXXON MOBIL | 80.20207
    XOM | 2020-06-20 09:00:50.042000+0000 |     NYSE |   ENERGY | EXXON MOBIL | 79.53933
    XOM | 2020-06-20 09:01:00.042000+0000 |     NYSE |   ENERGY | EXXON MOBIL | 79.94806
    XOM | 2020-06-20 09:01:10.042000+0000 |     NYSE |   ENERGY | EXXON MOBIL | 79.21969
    XOM | 2020-06-20 09:01:20.042000+0000 |     NYSE |   ENERGY | EXXON MOBIL | 79.24684
    XOM | 2020-06-20 09:01:30.042000+0000 |     NYSE |   ENERGY | EXXON MOBIL | 79.74106
    XOM | 2020-06-20 09:01:40.042000+0000 |     NYSE |   ENERGY | EXXON MOBIL | 80.46026
    XOM | 2020-06-20 09:01:50.042000+0000 |     NYSE |   ENERGY | EXXON MOBIL | 79.96613
    XOM | 2020-06-20 09:02:00.042000+0000 |     NYSE |   ENERGY | EXXON MOBIL | 79.57981
    XOM | 2020-06-20 09:02:10.042000+0000 |     NYSE |   ENERGY | EXXON MOBIL | 80.22131

(10 rows)

Using Kafka Producer Rest Api

Launch Spring Boot application

cd ./astra-kafka-producer-demo/

./mvnw spring-boot:run

Use a REST client like Advanced REST Chrome client extension

And check in Astra the uploading data :

select * from astrademo.stocks_table_by_symbol where symbol='BGU';


Sample test project for injecting data to Datastax Astra using Kafka


Language:Java 100.0%