bgpkit / monocle

See through all BGP data with a monocle.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Rust License

See through all BGP data with a monocle.


Using cargo

cargo install monocle

Using homebrew on macOS

brew install bgpkit/tap/monocle

Install cargo-binstall first:

cargo install cargo-binstall

Then install monocle using cargo binstall

cargo binstall monocle



  • parse: parse individual MRT files
  • search: search for matching messages from all available public MRT files
  • whois: search AS and organization information by ASN or name
  • country: utility to lookup country name and code
  • time: utility to convert time between unix timestamp and RFC3339 string
  • rpki: check RPKI validation for given ASNs or prefixes

Top-level help menu:

➜  ~ monocle                      
A commandline application to search, parse, and process BGP information in public sources.

Usage: monocle [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

  parse    Parse individual MRT files given a file path, local or remote
  search   Search BGP messages from all available public MRT files
  whois    ASN and organization lookup utility
  country  ASN and organization lookup utility
  time     Time conversion utilities
  rpki     RPKI utilities
  help     Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -c, --config <CONFIG>  configuration file path, by default $HOME/.monocle.toml is used
      --debug            Print debug information
  -h, --help             Print help
  -V, --version          Print version

monocle parse

Parsing single MRT file given a local path or a remote URL.

➜  monocle git:(main) ✗ monocle parse --help
Parse individual MRT files given a file path, local or remote

    monocle parse [OPTIONS] <FILE>

    <FILE>    File path to a MRT file, local or remote

    -a, --as-path <AS_PATH>          Filter by AS path regex string
    -h, --help                       Print help information
    -j, --peer-ip <PEER_IP>          Filter by peer IP address
    -J, --peer-asn <PEER_ASN>        Filter by peer ASN
        --json                       Output as JSON objects
    -m, --elem-type <ELEM_TYPE>      Filter by elem type: announce (a) or withdraw (w)
    -o, --origin-asn <ORIGIN_ASN>    Filter by origin AS Number
    -p, --prefix <PREFIX>            Filter by network prefix
        --pretty                     Pretty-print JSON output
    -s, --include-super              Include super-prefix when filtering
    -S, --include-sub                Include sub-prefix when filtering
    -t, --start-ts <START_TS>        Filter by start unix timestamp inclusive
    -T, --end-ts <END_TS>            Filter by end unix timestamp inclusive
    -V, --version                    Print version information

monocle search

Search for BGP messages across publicly available BGP route collectors and parse relevant MRT files in parallel. More filters can be used to search for messages that match your criteria.

➜  monocle git:(main) ✗ monocle search --help
Search BGP messages from all available public MRT files

Usage: monocle search [OPTIONS] --start-ts <START_TS> --end-ts <END_TS>

      --dry-run                    Dry-run, do not download or parse
      --json                       Output as JSON objects
      --pretty                     Pretty-print JSON output
      --sqlite-path <SQLITE_PATH>  SQLite output file path
      --mrt-path <MRT_PATH>        MRT output file path
      --sqlite-reset               SQLite reset database content if exists
  -t, --start-ts <START_TS>        Filter by start unix timestamp inclusive
  -T, --end-ts <END_TS>            Filter by end unix timestamp inclusive
  -c, --collector <COLLECTOR>      Filter by collector, e.g. rrc00 or route-views2
  -P, --project <PROJECT>          Filter by route collection project, i.e. riperis or routeviews
  -o, --origin-asn <ORIGIN_ASN>    Filter by origin AS Number
  -p, --prefix <PREFIX>            Filter by network prefix
  -s, --include-super              Include super-prefix when filtering
  -S, --include-sub                Include sub-prefix when filtering
  -j, --peer-ip <PEER_IP>          Filter by peer IP address
  -J, --peer-asn <PEER_ASN>        Filter by peer ASN
  -m, --elem-type <ELEM_TYPE>      Filter by elem type: announce (a) or withdraw (w)
  -a, --as-path <AS_PATH>          Filter by AS path regex string
  -h, --help                       Print help
  -V, --version                    Print version

monocle time

Convert between UNIX timestamp and RFC3339 time strings.

➜  ~ monocle time --help              
Time conversion utilities

    monocle time [TIME]

    <TIME>    Time stamp or time string to convert

    -s, --simple   Simple output, only print the converted time
    -h, --help       Print help information
    -V, --version    Print version information

Example runs:

➜  monocle time
│ unix       │ rfc3339                   │ human │
│ 1659135226 │ 2022-07-29T22:53:46+00:00 │ now   │

➜  monocle time 0
│ unix │ rfc3339                   │ human        │
│ 0    │ 1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00 │ 52 years ago │

➜  monocle time 2022-01-01T00:00:00Z
│ unix       │ rfc3339                   │ human        │
│ 1640995200 │ 2022-01-01T00:00:00+00:00 │ 6 months ago │

➜  monocle time 2022-01-01T00:00:00 
Input time must be either Unix timestamp or time string compliant with RFC3339

monocle whois

Search AS/organization-level information with ASN or organization name.

Data source:

➜  ~ monocle whois --help
ASN and organization lookup utility

Usage: monocle whois [OPTIONS] [QUERY]...

  [QUERY]...  Search query, an ASN (e.g. "400644") or a name (e.g. "bgpkit")

  -n, --name-only     Search AS and Org name only
  -a, --asn-only      Search by ASN only
  -C, --country-only  Search by country only
  -u, --update        Refresh local as2org database
  -p, --pretty        Output to pretty table, default markdown table
  -F, --full-table    Display full table (with ord_id, org_size)
  -P, --psv           Export to pipe-separated values
  -f, --full-country  Show full country names instead of 2-letter code
  -h, --help          Print help
  -V, --version       Print version

Example queries:

➜  ~ monocle whois 400644
| asn    | as_name    | org_name   | org_country |
| 400644 | BGPKIT-LLC | BGPKIT LLC | US          |

➜  ~ monocle whois bgpkit
| asn    | as_name    | org_name   | org_country |
| 400644 | BGPKIT-LLC | BGPKIT LLC | US          |

You can specify multiple queries:

➜  monocle whois 13335 bgpkit               
| asn    | as_name       | org_name         | org_country |
| 13335  | CLOUDFLARENET | Cloudflare, Inc. | US          |
| 400644 | BGPKIT-LLC    | BGPKIT LLC       | US          |

Use --pretty to output the table with pretty rounded corner

➜  monocle whois 13335 bgpkit --pretty
│ asn    │ as_name       │ org_name         │ org_country │
│ 13335  │ CLOUDFLARENET │ Cloudflare, Inc. │ US          │
│ 400644 │ BGPKIT-LLC    │ BGPKIT LLC       │ US          │

monocle country

Country name and code lookup utilities.

➜  ~ monocle country --help              
Country name and code lookup utilities

Usage: monocle country <QUERY>

  <QUERY>  Search query, e.g. "US" or "United States"

  -h, --help     Print help
  -V, --version  Print version

Example runs:

➜  monocle country US    
│ code │ name                     │
│ US   │ United States of America │

➜  monocle country united
│ code │ name                                                 │
│ TZ   │ Tanzania, United Republic of                         │
│ GB   │ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland │
│ AE   │ United Arab Emirates                                 │
│ US   │ United States of America                             │
│ UM   │ United States Minor Outlying Islands                 │

➜  monocle country "United States" 
│ code │ name                                 │
│ UM   │ United States Minor Outlying Islands │
│ US   │ United States of America             │

monocle rpki:

Check RPKI validity for given prefix-ASN pair and provide utility to read ROA and ASPA files from the RPKI archive.

We use Cloudflare RPKI validator as our data source.

➜  monocle rpki --help
RPKI utilities

Usage: monocle rpki <COMMAND>

  read-roa   parse a RPKI ROA file
  read-aspa  parse a RPKI ASPA file
  check      validate a prefix-asn pair with a RPKI validator
  list       list ROAs by ASN or prefix
  summary    summarize RPKI status for a list of given ASNs
  help       Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

monocle rpki check

Check RPKI validity for given prefix-ASN pair. We use RIPE NCC's routinator instance as the data source.

➜  monocle rpki check --help
validate a prefix-asn pair with a RPKI validator

Usage: monocle rpki check --asn <ASN> --prefix <PREFIX>

  -a, --asn <ASN>        
  -p, --prefix <PREFIX>  
  -h, --help             Print help
  -V, --version          Print version
➜  monocle rpki check --asn 400644 --prefix 2620:AA:A000::/48 
RPKI validation result:
| asn    | prefix            | validity |
| 400644 | 2620:aa:a000::/48 | valid    |

Covering prefixes:
| asn    | prefix            | max_length |
| 400644 | 2620:aa:a000::/48 | 48         |

➜  monocle rpki check --asn 400644 --prefix 2620:AA:A000::/49 
RPKI validation result:
| asn    | prefix            | validity |
| 400644 | 2620:aa:a000::/49 | invalid  |

Covering prefixes:
| asn    | prefix            | max_length |
| 400644 | 2620:aa:a000::/48 | 48         |

monocle rpki read-roa

Parse a given RPKI ROA file and display the prefix-ASN pairs with max length.

➜  monocle rpki read-roa

| asn    | prefix            | max_len |
| 393949 |   | 24      |
| 393949 |  | 24      |
| 393949 | 2620:98:4000::/44 | 48      |

monocle rpki read-aspa

Parse a given RPKI ASPA file and display the allowed upstreams.

➜  monocle rpki read-aspa
| asn | afi_limit | allowed_upstream |
| 945 | none      | 1299             |
|     |           | 6939             |
|     |           | 7480             |
|     |           | 32097            |
|     |           | 50058            |
|     |           | 61138            |

monocle rpki list

List signed ROAs for a given ASN or prefix.

➜ monocle rpki list 13335
| asn   | prefix              | max_length |
| 13335 |    | 22         |
| 13335 |    | 24         |
| 13335 |    | 24         |
| 13335 |    | 24         |
| 13335 |    | 24         |
| 13335 | 2c0f:f248::/32      | 32         |
| 13335 |      | 24         |
| 13335 |     | 23         |
➜ monocle rpki list
| asn   | prefix     | max_length |
| 13335 | | 24         |

monocle rpki summary

Summarize RPKI status for a list of given ASNs.

➜ monocle rpki summary 701 13335 15169 400644                 
| asn    | signed | routed_valid | routed_invalid | routed_unknown |
| 701    | 956    | 890          | 35             | 361            |
| 13335  | 1184   | 1000         | 4              | 221            |
| 15169  | 1372   | 989          | 0              | 5              |
| 400644 | 1      | 0            | 0              | 0              |

NOTE: due to Cloudflare API's current limitation, the maximum number of entries per routed_ category is 1000.

monocle radar:

Lookup BGP information using Cloudflare Radar API using radar-rs crate.

Using this command requires setting up the CF_API_TOKEN environment variable. See the Cloudflare Radar API getting started guide for detailed steps on obtaining a API token.

monocle radar stats: routing statistics

Global routing overview:

➜  monocle radar stats   
│ scope       │ origins │ prefixes │ rpki_valid      │ rpki_invalid  │ rpki_unknown    │
│ global      │ 81769   │ 1204488  │ 551831 (45.38%) │ 15652 (1.29%) │ 648462 (53.33%) │
│ global ipv4 │ 74990   │ 1001973  │ 448170 (44.35%) │ 11879 (1.18%) │ 550540 (54.48%) │
│ global ipv6 │ 31971   │ 202515   │ 103661 (50.48%) │ 3773 (1.84%)  │ 97922 (47.68%)  │

Country-level routing overview:

➜  monocle radar stats us
│ scope   │ origins │ prefixes │ rpki_valid     │ rpki_invalid │ rpki_unknown    │
│ us      │ 18151   │ 304200   │ 97102 (31.39%) │ 2466 (0.80%) │ 209820 (67.82%) │
│ us ipv4 │ 17867   │ 262022   │ 73846 (27.81%) │ 1042 (0.39%) │ 190689 (71.80%) │
│ us ipv6 │ 4218    │ 42178    │ 23256 (53.08%) │ 1424 (3.25%) │ 19131 (43.67%)  │

Data generated at 2023-07-24T16:00:00 UTC.

AS-level routing overview:

➜  monocle git:(main) ✗ monocle radar stats 174
│ scope      │ origins │ prefixes │ rpki_valid  │ rpki_invalid │ rpki_unknown  │
│ as174      │ 1       │ 4425     │ 216 (4.88%) │ 15 (0.34%)   │ 4194 (94.78%) │
│ as174 ipv4 │ 1       │ 3684     │ 201 (5.46%) │ 9 (0.24%)    │ 3474 (94.30%) │
│ as174 ipv6 │ 1       │ 741      │ 15 (2.02%)  │ 6 (0.81%)    │ 720 (97.17%)  │

Data generated at 2023-07-24T16:00:00 UTC.

monocle radar pfx2asn: prefix-to-ASN mapping

Lookup prefix origin for a given prefix (using Cloudflare as an example):

➜  monocle radar pfx2as
│ prefix     │ origin  │ rpki  │ visibility    │
│ │ as13335 │ valid │ high (98.78%) │

Lookup prefixes originated by a given AS (using BGPKIT AS400644 as an example):

➜  monocle radar pfx2as 400644    
│ prefix            │ origin   │ rpki  │ visibility    │
│ 2620:aa:a000::/48 │ as400644 │ valid │ high (93.90%) │

Data generated at 2023-07-24T16:00:00 UTC.

Lookup RPKI invalid (with flag --rpki-status invalid) prefixes originated by a given AS:

➜  monocle radar pfx2as 174 --rpki-status invalid
│ prefix              │ origin │ rpki    │ visibility   │
│ 2606:d640::/40      │ as174  │ invalid │ low (7.32%)  │
│     │ as174  │ invalid │ mid (29.27%) │
│     │ as174  │ invalid │ mid (31.71%) │
│    │ as174  │ invalid │ low (10.98%) │
│     │ as174  │ invalid │ low (10.98%) │
│ 2602:fd92:900::/40  │ as174  │ invalid │ mid (23.17%) │
│ 2606:d640:a000::/36 │ as174  │ invalid │ mid (23.17%) │
│ 2606:d640:11::/48   │ as174  │ invalid │ mid (23.17%) │
│      │ as174  │ invalid │ low (13.41%) │
│ 2606:d640:100::/40  │ as174  │ invalid │ low (7.32%)  │
│      │ as174  │ invalid │ mid (31.71%) │
│ 2606:d640:200::/40  │ as174  │ invalid │ low (7.32%)  │
│        │ as174  │ invalid │ mid (31.71%) │
│      │ as174  │ invalid │ mid (31.71%) │
│      │ as174  │ invalid │ mid (31.71%) │

Data generated at 2023-07-24T16:00:00 UTC.

Built with ❤️ by BGPKIT Team


See through all BGP data with a monocle.

License:MIT License


Language:Rust 100.0%