bgirardot / odm_vagrant

Vagrant machine for using OpenDroneMap

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Vagrant machine for using OpenDroneMap, meant primarily for Windows users who want to leverage ODM.

How to use

  1. Install VirtualBox ( )
  2. Install Vagrant ( )
  3. (For Windows and Mac) Install Github ( or )
  4. Make a directory c:\users\yourusername\Documents\odm\vagrant_data
  5. Copy 'odm_vagrant' to c:\users\yourusername\Documents\odm\
  6. Launch GitHub Command Line
  • Navigate to vagrant directory.:
cd c:\users\yourusername\Documents\OpenDroneMap\
  • Type the following in the command line
mkdir ..\vodm_data
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
  1. Clone zip of and
cd /vagrant_data/
sudo apt-get install git
git clone
git clone
  1. Install:
cd /vagrant_data/OpenDroneMap

Wait patiently... Now let us run OpenDroneMap on our test dataset.

cd /vagrant_data/odm_data/odm_data/

Wait patiently again...

Outputs will be in /vagrant_data/odm_data/reconstruction-with-image-size-1200 and /vagrant_data/odm_data/reconstruction-with-image-size-1200-results .

In your Windows host, these will be at c:\users\yourusername\Documents\odm\vagrant_data\odm_data\reconstruction-with-image-size-1200

Install MeshLab 1.3.3 or later on your Windows host. Then...

From Meshlab 1.3.3:

* Open Project file, navigate to:
	* c:\users\yourusername\Documents\odm\vagrant_data\odm_data\reconstruction-with-image-size-1200\reconstruction-with-image-size-1200\bundle\bundle.out
* It will prompt for the image list file
	* c:\users\yourusername\Documents\odm\vagrant_data\odm_data\reconstruction-with-image-size-1200\reconstruction-with-image-size-1200\list.txt
* Control-L and delete "0 model"
* Import dense point cloud:
	* e.g. c:\users\yourusername\Documents\odm\vagrant_data\odm_data\reconstruction-with-image-size-1200\reconstruction-with-image-size-1200-results\option-0000.ply
	* (there may be multiple ply files)
* Make a mesh:
	* Filters:Remeshing, Simplification and Reconstruction:Surface Reconstruction Poisson
* Texture the mesh
	* Parameterization + texturing from registered rasters

Celebrate. Now try your own dataset. If you don't have one, saunter over to for DIY balloon advice, or get yourself a nifty quad copter with a commodity camera (preferably not a GoPro for now until we have a routine to calibrate those). Aim for 70-80% overlap between your photos.


Vagrant machine for using OpenDroneMap

License:The Unlicense