bfeher / BFPaperColors

Flat colors taken from Google's Paper Material Design.

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Flat colors taken from Google's Material Design: Paper.


Blue Detail


UIColor+BFPaperColors is a category for UIColor that adds class methods to conveniently produce over 240 new colors designed for flat or semi-flat interface designs by Google's Material Design Labs.


Please refer to this


Add the UIColor+BFPaperColors header and implementation file to your project. (.h & .m)

After doing that, it is a simple as calling:[UIColor paperColorXXXXX] (where XXXXX is the color of your choice). Each paper color method is prefixed with the words "paperColor" for easy recognition in Xcode's code complete. All colors have a wide range of shades, noted by a number suffix. For example, A very light blue could be [UIColor paperColorLightBlue100] while a darker shade could be [UIColor paperColorLightBlue700].

Working Example

view.backgroundColor = [UIColor paperColorCyan600];

Utility Macro and Functions


Returns a UIColor from a given hex-code.

@param rgbValue The hex-code to use to get a UIColor. ex: 0xffffff
@return A UIColor object of the color of the passed in hex-code.

+ (BOOL)isColorClear:(UIColor *)color

Returns a BOOL indicating whether or not the color passed to this function is clear or not.

@param color The UIColor to test.
@return YES if clear, NO if not clear.

+ (BOOL)isColorDark:(UIColor *)color;

Returns a BOOL indicating whether or not the color passed to this function is dark or not.

@param color The UIColor to test.
@return YES if dark, NO if not dark.

+ (BOOL)isColorLight:(UIColor *)color;

Returns a BOOL indicating whether or not the color passed to this function is light or not.

@param color The UIColor to test.
@return YES if light, NO if not light.

+ (UIImage *)imageFromColor:(UIColor *)color

Returns a UIImage generated by a color. (Useful for setting button background images for states that are a solid color.)

@param color The color to create an image out of.
@return A UIImage of the passed color.

+ (NSString *)hexStringFromRGBColor:(UIColor *)color

Returns the hex-code representation of a UIColor.

@param color The color to inspect for its hex-code.
@return An NSString representing the hex-code of the passed in color.

+ (CAGradientLayer *)gradientWithStartColor:(UIColor *)startColor endColor:(UIColor *)endColor

Returns a simple gradient layer built from two colors.

@param startColor A UIColor to use as the start color of the gradient layer.
@param endColor A UIColor to use as the end color of the gradient layer.
@return A CAGradientLayer starting with the startColor and ending with the endColor.


CocoaPods are the best way to manage library dependencies in Objective-C projects. Learn more at

Add this to your podfile to add the UIColor+BFPaperColors category to your project.

platform :ios, '7.0'
pod 'UIColor+BFPaperColors'


UIColor+BFPaperColors uses the MIT License:

Please see included LICENSE file.


Flat colors taken from Google's Paper Material Design.

License:MIT License


Language:Objective-C 99.1%Language:Ruby 0.9%