bfaivre / alembic-sqlalchemy-demo

Alembic & SQLAlchemy Demo

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

A simple demo of using Alembic and SQLAlchemy.


This demo assumes you have access to a MariaDB or MySQL database. Create an empty database named "Demo" on your server.


  1. Clone the repository:
$ git clone
  1. Change directory into it:
$ cd alembic-sqlalchemy-demo
  1. Create a virtual environment:
$ python -m venv venv
  1. Activate the newly created virtual environment (Windows):
$ .\venv\Scripts\activate
  1. Install pip packages:
(venv) $ pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Edit .env and set DATABASE, PASSWORD, SERVER and USER variables for your MariaDB/MySQL server. For example:
  1. Initialize Alembic:
(venv) $ alembic init alembic
  1. Edit alembic.ini and set sqlalchemy.url for your environment. For example mysql://root:root@localhost/Demo for MariaDB/MySQL, username "root", password "root, server "localhost" and database "Demo".

  2. Edit in the alembic folder to read our file for generating scripts. Comment out "target_metadata = None" and add the following below:

import os
import sys
import models
target_metadata = models.Base.metadata
  1. Take a look at the file. We have defined a simple table named "Fv". Create the initial database migration script based off of the file:
(venv) $ alembic revision --autogenerate -m "Initial migration."
  1. Run the the initial database migration script to create the "Fv" table:
(venv) $ alembic upgrade head
  1. At this point the database "Demo" should now contain a table for "Fv" and "alembic_version". You'll also notice that a script has been created in folder alembic/versions if you want to inspect/modify the upgrade and/or downgrade commands.

  2. Edit and uncomment the following lines to add a new table named "Gravity":

    # Gravities = relationship("Gravity", backref = "FV", lazy = "dynamic")

# class Gravity(Base):
#     __tablename__ = "Gravity"
#     GravityId = Column(Integer, primary_key = True)
#     FvId = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("Fv.FvId"), nullable = False) 
#     Gravity = Column(Float, nullable = False)
#     Timestamp = Column(DATETIME(fsp = 6), nullable = False)
  1. Let's create our next database migration script to add the changes to our database from the modification of the file in the step above:
(venv) $ alembic revision --autogenerate -m "Added Gravity table."
  1. Let's run the alembic upgrade command to update our database with the Gravity table:
(venv) $ alembic upgrade head
  1. Refresh your database and confirm that the Gravity table was added.

  2. To downgrade to the previous version of the database (without the Gravity table), run the alembic downgrade command:

(venv) $ alembic downgrade -1
  1. Confirm that the Gravity table was removed.

  2. Run the alembic upgrade command one more time to prepare for using the SQLAlchemy demo scripts:

(venv) $ alembic upgrade head
  1. At this point the database "Demo" should now contain a table for "Fv", "Gravity" and "alembic_version". Now you can modify and run to show some simple examples and to demonstrate the use of SQLAlchemy if you don't have a models file that you've been maintaining for a database that you'd like to manipulate using SQLAlchemy and Python:
(venv) $ python
(venv) $ python


Alembic & SQLAlchemy Demo

License:MIT License


Language:Python 99.0%Language:Shell 1.0%