betandr / summariser

Media Services - Summariser

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Media Services - Summariser

1. Preface

Summariser summarises users viewing habits to help the BBC to intelligently recommend content. It accepts a mapping between programmes and categories supplied as a JSON file of the format:

    "childrens": [
        "Peter Rabbit",
        "Blue Peter",
        "Danger Mouse"
    "current_affairs": [
        "Question Time",
        "The One Show"
    "drama": [
        "Holby City",
        "Killing Eve"
    "science_fiction": [
        "Dr. Who",
        "Douglas Hill"

These mappings are loaded into memory to be matched against a list of shows that audience members have watched—and the amount of time they spent watching them. These viewings are supplied as a file of comma-separated values of the format:

<date in epoch seconds>, <user_identifier>, <programme name>, <watch time in seconds>, <device_type>

...such as:

1539268536,88888888,Holby City,3600,ip_tv
1539268599,99999999,Dr. Who,180,mobile

Because the viewings file can potentially be large, this file is streamed using a java.util.Scanner.

Summariser will then generate a JSON output file containing a summary of the viewing data organised by identifier, week of the year (see explanation why week is used), and category, of the format:

	"results": [{
		"identifier": 88888888,
		"summary": [{
			"categories": [{
				"drama": 21720,
				"childrens": 7200,
				"current_affairs": 3600,
				"science_fiction": 7200
			"week": "41"
	}, {
		"identifier": 98765432,
		"summary": [{
			"categories": [{
				"current_affairs": 3600
			"week": "43"
	}, {
		"identifier": 12345678,
		"summary": [{
			"categories": [{
				"current_affairs": 7200
			"week": "39"

A message will be printed to stderr any time a customer has spent more than 15 hours watching BBC content in a rolling 7 day period. e.g.

WARNING: 88888888 consumed 15 hours of bbc content between 01/01/19 and 07/01/19

2. Runtime

Summariser runs in O(n) time and uses O(n) storage. This storage relates to the pathological worst case where each item would be a different user, category, and time.

3. Pre-requisites

To build this project you will need to:

3a. Install Bazel

install Bazel. Bazel is an open-source build and test tool similar to Make, Maven, and Gradle.

When running a build or a test, Bazel does the following:

  • Loads the BUILD files relevant to the target.
  • Analyzes the inputs and their dependencies, applies the specified build rules, and produces an action graph.
  • Executes the build actions on the inputs until the final build outputs are produced.


The following command is used to set your JAVA_HOME automatically (assuming you don't already have this set); you will need the command line tool realpath which can be installed on OS X using Homebrew:

brew install realpath

Then JAVA_HOME is set with:

export JAVA_HOME="$(dirname $(dirname $(realpath $(which javac))))"

This export command can be added to your .bash_profile (or .zshrc etc) to be run automatically when starting a new interactive shell.

4. Run all tests

bazel test //:AllTests --test_output=all

This executes all tests within the test suite and outputs the results. Run without --test_output=all for less detail.

5. Generate test coverage report

bazel coverage -s \
  --instrument_test_targets \
  --experimental_cc_coverage \
  --combined_report=lcov \
  --coverage_report_generator=@bazel_tools//tools/test/CoverageOutputGenerator/java/com/google/devtools/coverageoutputgenerator:Main \

6. Run the project

bazel --host_jvm_args="-Xmx256m" run //:ProjectRunner -- \
    --category-mappings=/FULL/PATH/TO/category_mappings.json \
    --viewings=/Users/FULL/PATH/TO/viewings.csv \


--category-mappings is the path to a category_mappings.json file.

--viewings is the path to a viewings.csv.

--output is the path to an output json file.

7. Build a distributable binary

bazel build //:ProjectRunner

8. Run the distributable binary

bazel-bin/ProjectRunner \
    --category-mappings=/FULL/PATH/TO/category_mappings.json \
    --viewings=/FULL/PATH/TO/viewings.csv \

9. Build the action graph

The action graph represents the build artifacts, the relationships between them, and the build actions that Bazel will perform. By using this graph Bazel can track changes to files and actions, such as build or test commands, and know what build work has previously been done. This allows Bazel to complete fast and incremental builds.

The action graph can be used to trace dependencies in your code. To generate a graph; which can be pasted into Webgraphviz:

bazel query  --nohost_deps --noimplicit_deps "deps(//:ProjectRunner)" --output graph

10. Clean the project

To completely clean the project run:

bazel clean --expunge

11. Future Work

Currently the resultant JSON contains weeks rather than months. This is because the durations are batched in weeks to determine if a user has watched more than 15 hours of content in a week. This deviates from the spec and some future work is needed to convert these weeks into months.


Media Services - Summariser


Language:Java 88.5%Language:Python 11.5%