bestwebua / todo-api-ontrails

Simple Rails RESTful API with Trailblazer and friends.

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Todo API on Trails

Simple Todo RESTful JSON API with trailblazer abstraction. Implemented with Rails 5.2.2, demo:


  1. User registration/verification
  2. Smart API versioning with default version, accepts version in headers
  3. Automated API documentation

Key points

1. User registration/verification

User verification via email with queues. Scheduled background task to find and erase not verificated users. Implemented with Redis and Sidekiq bundle.

2. Data access methods

Implemented endpoints:


GET /api/documentation/:version


POST /api/users/registration

GET /api/users/verification

3. Automated API documentation

Independent API documentation, [app_url]/api/documentation/v[version_number]

For rebuild current api doc just use:

rails api:v1:docs

Technology summary

  • Ruby 2.5.3, Rails 5.2.2, PostgreSQL 9.5.14, Redis 3.0.6
  • App gems: trailblazer-rails, trailblazer-endpoint, reform-rails, jsonapi-rails, sidekiq
  • Documentation: Dox, Aglio
  • Testing gems: rspec, rspec-rails, rspec_file_chef, factory_bot_rails, shoulda-matchers, faker, database_cleaner, letter_opener


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The application is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


Simple Rails RESTful API with Trailblazer and friends.


Language:Ruby 65.3%Language:HTML 34.7%