A node cache lib
Can be used alone without a message queue system
Or Can sync data between server or pm2 process depends on redis, or some other message queue.
npm install rss-cache
const rssCache = new RssCache('mycache', 10 * 60 * 1000)
const key = 'cacheKey'
const value = rssCache.get(() => { return parseInt(Math.random(100) * 100) }, key)
const rssCache = new RssCache('mycache', 10 * 60 * 1000)
const key = 'cacheKey'
const val = rssCache.get(new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => {
resolve(parseInt(Math.random(100) * 100))
}, 1000)
}), key)
val.then((value) => {
res.write(`get key [${key}]: ${value}`);
you can allso depend on others message queue
RssCache.initSync(new RssRedis({channel: 'RssCacheChannel', host: 'localhost'}))
you can try it with
npm install -g pm2
rm -rf dist && npm run build && cd dist/examples && pm2 start demo.js -i 2
then visist
in your browser