besirovic / alacrity-bookstore

Minimal bookstore app developed during interview process with Alacrity Law

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Alaciry Law

Simple bookstore app developed as interview tech test for Alacrity Law

Table of content

Tools I used

In following I will give a brief overview of tools, libraries and framework I used in this app.


For styling app I decide to use Grommet, which is very simple React UI framwork, as well as Styled-components. Styled-componets are used by Grommet internally so I decide to use them in this project for writting few very simple custom styles.

Beside of that I used normalize.css to reset browser's default css.


For client-side implementation of GraphQL, I used Apollo Client as simplest and easiest way to work with GraphQL in client-side apps.

To make things even easier I used apollo-boost for setting up Apollo Client and react-apollo for running queries and mutations from React components.

State management

When it comes to managing state in aplication I decide to not use solutions such as Redux or Mobx. Instead, I used Apollo Client built in state management solution. That allowed me to make GraphQL single source of data in my app and manage state with simply writing local queries and mutations.


To handle forms in this app I used Formik which is very useful when it comes to handling form state, dealing with errors and handling form submission... I combined it with Yup for handling form validation.

Coding style

To make code looks nice and consistent I used ESLint and Prettier with StandardJS coding style.


Before you try to run this project locally make sure you have installed NodeJS on your machine by running following command in your terminal:

node -v

If you get an error try to download and install NodeJS. More about it on official website

To start, simple clone this repository by running next command in your terminal:

git clone

After that navigate to just cloned repo and install dependencies by running

npm install


yarn install

Run it locally

Before you attempt to run the app make sure to run your local server which is required for app to work properly. More details about how to do it are available on next link

Once you get your local server running, make sure to provide it's url to client app by creating .env file in root of project. As reference for it you can use .env.example file. If you don't provide your own url to app it will use http://localhost:4567/graphql as default url for GraphQL server.

Running app locally is very easy thing. To do it, open your terminal, navigate to repo and run start command by typing

yarn start


npm start

Very quickly app should appear in your default browser.

Available commands

Command Description
start Start app locally
build Build app for production
test Run unit tests
eject Eject app from react-scripts
cypress Open Cypress runner and run tests


Since this is very simple app, I decide to not write any unit tests.

Instead, I used to write a couple Cypress test, such as testing process of creating new and editing existing book, testing header component or home page.

To run this tests, in you terminal run cypress command from list of available commands, by typing:

yarn cypress


npm run cypress


Minimal bookstore app developed during interview process with Alacrity Law


Language:JavaScript 95.1%Language:HTML 4.9%