berniwal / CIL_Project

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This Repository contains code from bert-for-tf2 and their provided examples for movie sentiment analysis on GPUs and TPUs were used as our starting point for the CIL-Notebook.ibynb.


The final report can be found in the folder report/bubblesort-submission.pdf.

How to run CIL-Notebook.ipynb

  • Clone the project from this GitHub repository.
  • Download Twitter Datasets from Dropbox and put them in the folder CIL/twitter-datasets.
  • Download corresponding checkpoints of the models you want to run (follow readme in specific CIL/bert/checkpoints/"model_name" folder), checkpoint for the different Models need to be put into the CIL/bert/checkpoints/"model_name" folder. For example for our best performing solution download and unpack it in the CIL/bert/checkpoints/albert_xxlarge folder.
  • To run everything now on Google Colab, upload everthing to your Google Drive and then run the Notebook on TPUs if available.
  • Cell 3 contains the config for the notebook:
    • set MODEL= 'bert' or 'bert_large' or 'albert' to change the model
    • set ADDITIONAL_DATA = True or False to toggle the use of extra data.
    • set DATASET_PREPROCESSING = ' ' or '_monoise' or '_monoise_b' to select your pre-processing
  • Note for albert you have to change the CHECKPOINT parameter to the corresponding albert version you want to run! Currently this is set to './bert/checkpoints/albert_xxlarge', for training a albert_xlarge model, just change the path to './bert/checkpoints/albert_xlarge' and make sure you have put the checkpoints in the corresponding folder.
  • IMPORTANT When training the largest models like bert_large, albert_xxlarge, albert_xlarge it is possible to run into memory issues, in this case you can not run them unless you get assigned a high ram runtime from google or have one as you have a google colab pro subscription.
  • For bert_xlarge and all the albert models training we used CURRENT_LEARNING_RATE=1e-6, for all the others we set CURRENT_LEARNING_RATE=1e-5.

Reproduce results of our best solution


  • Make sure to have put the albert_xxlarge checkpoint files (downloaded from unziped in the './bert/checkpoints/albert_xxlarge' folder and set the variable CHECKPOINT='./bert/checkpoints/albert_xxlarge' for the "if MODEL=='albert':' case.
  • Make sure to have downloaded the MoNoise training and testing data for the addititional data (extra_pos_monoise.txt, extra_neg_monoise.txt) and the initial data (train_pos_full_monoise.txt, test_pos_full_monoise.txt, train_neg_full_monoise.txt, train_neg_full_monoise.txt) from Dropbox and put in the 'CIL/twitter-datasets' folder.
  • Now you can run the Notebook from top to bottom. (albert_xxlarge training can take a while, one epoch takes about half a day and the first epoch with the additional data about one day)
  • TIPP To prevent Google Colab from disconnecting after 4 hours use:

Model reloading and generate prediction.

  • If you don't want to retrain the model you can also just generate our final prediction by downloading our best checkpoint from Dropbox.
  • Make sure to have set the parameters in the first cell according to the first and second step in the Retraining section above, and make sure to have the testing data mentioned there correctly uploaded. Then run all cells up to and including the cell below the Build Model Text.
  • Also upload the checkpoint to Google Drive and uncomment and set the use_checkpoint parameter in the third lowest cell to the directory you have put the checkpoint + checkpoint_file_name, in our case this is just 'albert_xxlarge_additional_monoise.h5' and also uncomment the line model.load_weights(use_checkpoint).
  • Now run the last 4 cells to generate the prediction and the corresponding csv file.
  • IMPORTANT If you run this you might run into out of memory issues, as our largest model has a lot of parameters. In this case you have either to hope that google will assign to you a high ram runtime or you need to have a google colab pro subscription and run it there with a high ram runtime.

How to generate the learning plots

  • Make sure to have the folder results/results_final with all the *_final.txt files uploaded to google drive, if you have cloned the repo and uploaded it with everything you are fine.
  • Run the first two cells to initialize your runtime for the notebook.
  • Then go to the cell below the 'Generate Plots' cell
  • Adjust the save_label to the plots you want to see, the options are:
    • albert_bert : generates a plot where all the bert models and albert models without lexical normalization and without monoise get plotted
    • comparison_full: generates a plot where all the bert and albert models with all the experiments for lexical normalization and monoise get plotted
    • comparison_bert: gererates a plot where all the bert models with all experiments for lexical normalization and monoise get plotted
    • comparison_albert: generates a plot where all the albert models with all experiments for lexical normalization and monoise get plotted

How to generate MoNoise data

  • If you want to generate the MoNoise data yourself just follow the steps below, otherwise you can also download the MoNoise processed data files from Dropbox.
  • Clone MoNoise repo
  • Follow "Example run" instructions in repo readme to compile and test MoNoise with an example
  • copy twitter-datasets folder to monoise folder
  • in monoise/src run command ./tmp/bin/binary -r ../data/en/chenli -m RU -C -b -t -d ../data/en -i ../twitter-datasets/train_pos_full.txt -o ../results/result_pos_full.txt" (-b is bad-speller mode)
  • to run on euler cluster in chunks:
    • connect to Euler
    • use scp to copy monoise folder to Euler cluster
    • load gcc with module load new && module load gcc/6.3.0
    • use split -l 200000 train_pos_full.txt train_pos_full --additional-suffix=.txt if you want to split data in chunks
    • use bsub -W 48:00 -R "rusage[mem=4096]" "./tmp/bin/binary -r ../data/en/chenli -m RU -C -b -t -d ../data/en -i ../twitter-datasets/train_pos_fullaa.txt -o ../results/result_pos_fullaa.txt" to submit job (-W 24:00 sufficient when not using bad-speller) (run for all chunks)
    • use cat result_pos_fullaa.txt result_pos_fullab.txt result_pos_fullac.txt result_pos_fullad.txt result_pos_fullae.txt result_pos_fullaf.txt result_pos_fullag.txt > result_pos_full.txt to merge chunks

Other files

Other resources/papers



  • Trainig data set
  • Preprocessing
    • Stop-words, URLs, usernames and unicode-characters are removed
    • Extra white-spaces, repeated full stops, question marks and exclamation marks are removed.
    • Emojis were converted to text using the python libraryemoji4
    • Lemmatization, restoring language vocabulary to general form (can express completesemantics) by WordNetLemmatizer5.
    • Finally all tweet tokens are converted to lower-case.
  • Sample project on COVID

Lexical normalization

  • MoNoise Model Rules Code
    • For each word we find the top 40 closest candidates in thevector space based on the cosine distance
    • We use the Aspell spell checker to repair typographical errors
    • We generate a list of all replacement pairs occurring in the training data.
    • We include a generation module thatsimply searches for all words in the Aspell dictionary which start with the character sequence of ouroriginal word. To avoid large candidate lists.
    • We generate word splits by splitting a word on every possible position and checking if bothresulting words are canonical according to the Aspell dictionary.
  • Lexical Normalization with BERT
  • Twitter Fine-Tuning BERT

Links to training results



Language:Jupyter Notebook 80.6%Language:Python 19.4%