bernie-g / minecraft-add-on-schemas

JSON schemas for Minecraft add-on developers

Repository from Github https://github.combernie-g/minecraft-add-on-schemasRepository from Github https://github.combernie-g/minecraft-add-on-schemas


JSON schemas for Minecraft Bedrock Edition add-on developers


These steps are for Visual Studio Code

Local to project

  1. Create .vscode folder at root of project
  2. Create settings.json folder
  3. Add the following:
    // Allows comments in JSON files
    "files.associations": {
        "*.json": "jsonc"
    // Schema associations
    "json.schemas": [
            "fileMatch": [
                // Entity behavior files
                // May change depending on your setup
            "url": ""

The "fileMatch" option checks the schema against any files ending in ".behavior.json" or any file within the entities/ directory


JSON schemas for Minecraft add-on developers