berkayinan / audiovisual-separation-for-vc

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Evaluating Audiovisual Source Separation in the Context of Video Conferencing


  • Extract 'model_weights' directory into root of this repo. It is not included in the repo. Contact me if you need it.
  • Install dependencies
conda install numpy
conda install cmake # if you don't have it
conda install pytorch  # v0.4.2 for this version
conda install -c conda-forge opencv
conda install -c conda-forge librosa 
pip install dlib 
pip install pystoi # These two are not necessary for demo, may remove their dependencies later
pip install mir_eval
  • There might be more dependencies you might need, try using conda or pip in a similar way.

Running demo

Demo requires a noisy video as input, longer than 3 seconds, 25 fps, and only one face is detectable whole time. If the video contains multiple faces, the workaround is to crop your video to only contain your target speaker.

If you want to create synthetic input videos, you can use:

ffmpeg -i target_video.mp4 -i interfering_video.mp4 -c:v copy -map 0:v:0 -map 1:a:0 mixed_video.mp4

If you have only audio for interfere, you can use,

ffmpeg -i target_video.mp4 -i interfering_audio.wav -c:v copy -map 0:v:0 -map 1:a:0 mixed_video.mp4
python --model [PATH/TO/MODEL.pth]
                       --video_path [PATH/TO/INPUT_VIDEO.mp4]
                       --audio_out [OUTPUT/PATH/TO/DENOISED/AUDIO.wav]
                       --video_out [OUTPUT/PATH/TO/DENOISED/VIDEO.wav]

Models can be found under model_weights/separation_models.


Training only works on preprocessed data for efficiency. Check this repo if you need to download and preprocess the dataset.

After you finish, you should have two directories. One for video embeddings, and one for corresponding audio spectrograms. Right now, there is some automatic way to find the corresponding audio for each video, but it is hardcoded. Then you can run,

                --eval [/PATH/TO/CSV/FILE/FOR/EVALUATION/VIDEOS]
                --root_dir [/PATH/TO/VIDEO/EMBEDDINGS]
                --interference_train [/PATH/TO/CSV/FILE/FOR/TRAINING/VIDEOS/TO/INTERFERE] # Interfere = noise
                --interference_eval [/PATH/TO/CSV/FILE/FOR/EVALUATION/VIDEOS/TO/INTERFERE]
                --interference_root_dir [/PATH/TO/VIDEO/EMBEDDINGS/TO/INTERFERE]
                --mix [FLOAT COEFFCIENT] # number to multiply noise amplitude before mixing
                --gradual # experimental, ignore if not testing. Increases noise level during training
                --lr [LEARNING RATE] # default=3e-4
                --n_speaker [NUMBER OF SPEAKER FACES] # This should be 1. 2 is experimental.
                --audio_only # Removes video stream network'

Logs and models will be saved on ~/logs/. You can plot the training process by using the csv files written under. They are updated before each epoch.



Language:Jupyter Notebook 83.8%Language:Python 16.2%