berkanlafci / oadat

OADAT: Experimental and Synthetic Clinical Optoacoustic Data for Standardized Image Processing

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OpenReview Documentation Data License: CC BY-NC 4.0

OADAT: Experimental and Synthetic Clinical Optoacoustic Data for Standardized Image Processing

Paper : OpenReview Link
Documentation : Website Link
Data : ETH Zurich Research Collection


  • Experimental Data: OADAT provides experimental clinical data of forearm raw signals and reconstructed images.
  • Simulated Data: The paper provides methods to simulate forearm acoustic pressure maps, raw signals and reconstructed images using optoacoustic forward model and backprojection reconstruction algorithm (OA Armsim).
  • Benchmarks: 44 benchmark experiments are conducted for 3 different tasks, namely sparse acquisition, limited view and segmentation (OADAT Evaluate).
  • Reconstruction Algorithm: We provide image reconstruction algorithm called backprojection to generate optoacoustic images from raw signals (pyoat).
  • Open Source: All simulation, benchmarking and reconstruction algorithms are presented publicly. We provide easy-to-use scripts for data reading, simulations, reconstructions and benchmarks.


To use the provided codes, please follow the steps below.

Clone the repository

git clone

Initialize submodules (oa_armsim and oadat_evaluate)

git submodule init  
git submodule update


We present three datasets (two experimental, one simulated) where each has several subcategories for the purpose of tackling different challenges present in the domain. Raw signal acquisition data that is used to reconstruct all images are also provided with the datasets.

Experimental Data

Single wavelength forearm dataset (SWFD) is collected using both multisegment and semi circle arrays from 14 volunteers at a single wavelength (1064 nm) for both arms. The choice of the wavelength is based on maximizing penetration depth for the dataset. For each array, volunteer, and arm, we acquired 1400 slices, creating a sum of 2 x 14 x 2 x 1400 = 78 400 unique signal matrices. It is important to note that despite the data being acquired from the same volunteers, signals between multisegment array and semi circle array are not paired due to physical constraints.

Experimental semi circle array images are shown in the figure below with different reconstruction schemes.

Experimental multisegment array images are shown in the figure below with different reconstruction schemes.

Simulated Data

Scripts used to generate simulated acoustic pressure maps are available here: OA Armsim

Simulated virtual circle array images are shown in the figure below with different reconstruction schemes.

Simulated multisegment array images are shown in the figure below with different reconstruction schemes.

Distribution of features in simulated data are summarized in the figure below. The plots give information about:

  • number of pixels (size) distribution for each vessel,
  • number of vessels distribution in each image,
  • PSNR values compared to full sampling virtual circle reconstructions (artifact free images).

ms: multisegment || vc, ss128: virtual circle, sparse 128 || vc, ss64: virtual circle, sparse 64 || vc, ss32: virtual circle, sparse 32 ||
vc, lv128: virtual circle, limited view 128 || linear: linear part of multisegment array

Simulating with OA Armsim


A demo file showcasing how to generate synthetic acoustic pressure maps and ground truth annotation maps of background, vessels, and skin curve is shown in file demo.ipynb

Using GenerateVesselsAndSkinAndMasks class under oa_armsim/src/, first define an object with the desired hyperparameters. Then use generate() attribute of the object. Example use:

import os, sys, numpy as np
from oa_armsim.src import utils as utils

seed                          = 99
resolutionXY                  = 256 # acoustic pressure map is a square 
cylinder_size_max             = 15 # pixels
cylinder_size_min             = 1 # pixels
max_depth_cylinder_from_skin  = 90
numEllipsesMax                = 8 # not used anymore
lims_rot_x                    = 80 # max rotation along x-axis (axis parallel to skinline), high values can lead to vessels being parallel to imaging plane  
lims_rot_y                    = 30 # max rotation along y-axis (axis orthogonal to skinline)
behind_skin_noise             = True
skin_noise_min                = 10 # pixels
skin_noise_max                = 40 # pixels
vessel_noise                  = True
prng                          = np.random.RandomState(seed)

sim_ellipses_obj              = utils.GenerateVesselsAndSkinAndMasks(resolutionXY=resolutionXY, cylinder_size_max=cylinder_size_max, cylinder_size_min=cylinder_size_min, max_depth_cylinder_from_skin=max_depth_cylinder_from_skin, numEllipsesMax=numEllipsesMax, lims_rot_x=lims_rot_x, lims_rot_y=lims_rot_y, skin_noise_min=skin_noise_min, skin_noise_max=skin_noise_max, behind_skin_noise=behind_skin_noise, vessel_noise=vessel_noise, prng=prng)  
acoustic_pressure_map, gt_multichannel = sim_ellipses_obj.generate()

gt_skin, gt_vessels           = gt_multichannel[...,0], gt_multichannel[...,1]
labels                        = utils.process_vessel_and_skinline(v=gt_vessels, sl=gt_skin)

# Picture above has output in the order (acoustic_presure_map, labels, gt_skin, gt_vessels)

Transducer Arrays

Positions of all array elements are included in the oadat, under arrays subfolder.

Virtual Circle

The array is generated to simulate images with 360 degree angular coverage which results in artifact free reconstructions. It contains 1024 transducer elements distributed over a full circle with equal distance. The radius of the transducer array is kept equal to semi circle array (40 mm) to allow comparison between simulations and experimental acquisitions.

Semi Circle

The array contains 256 piezocomposite transducers distributed over a semi circle (concave surface) equidistantly with the radius of 40 mm. The single transducer elements have dimensions of 0.37 mm x 15 mm with inter-element distance of 0.10 mm. This configuration of transducer elements results in cylindrical (toroidal) focusing at 38 mm (close to the center of the array). The central peak frequency of array is 5 MHz with 60% bandwidth at -6dB.


The array is formed by the combination of a linear detector array and concave parts on the right and left sides. The linear part contains 128 elements distributed on a linear surface with inter-element pitch size of 0.25 mm. Both of the concave parts include 64 elements which make the total number of elements equal to 256 (128 linear + 128 concave). The inter-element pitch size of concave part is 0.6 mm with 40 mm radius of curvature. The height of all elements are equal to 10 mm. Concave parts are designed to increase angular coverage in OA imaging. This configuration results in a cylindrical focusing at 38 mm close to the center of the array. The array has 7.5 MHz central frequency with 70% bandwidth at -6 dB.


The array is central part of the multisegment array with 128 transducer elements distributed over a line with pitch size of 0.25 mm. Similar to concave parts, the linear array has 7.5 MHz central frequency with 70% bandwidth at -6 dB. The linear array is optimized for US data acquisitions with planar waves. Hence, the array produces OA images with limited view artifacts due to reduced angular coverage which is a limiting factor for OA image acquisitions.


The network architectures and trained weights for benchmarking can be found here: OADAT Evaluate

Sample script to load a pretrained model:

import os
os.chdir('oadat_evaluate') # changing working dir for fetching git LFS pretrained model weights.
from oadat_evaluate.src import utils as utils

mpm_obj   = utils.Manage_Pretrained_Models()
task_str  = 'seg_ss32,vc'
model     = mpm_obj.load_model(task_str=task_str)

We define 44 experiments based on 3 tasks (sparse reconstructions, limited view corrections and segmentation). Sparse sampling and limited view corrections are grouped under image translation task.

Image Translation

Through a list of permutations of our datasets, we can define several pairs of varying difficulty of image translation experiments where target images are also available.

  • Sparse Reconstructions: We present sparse reconstructions of both single wavelength forearm dataset (SWFD) and simulated cylinders dataset (SCD) for semi circle and virtual ring arrays. Accordingly, sparse sampling correction experiments learn mapping functions where the task is correction of sparse sampling (ss) artifacts from the reduced number of elements used for image reconstruction with different array geometries.

  • Limited View: Further, we offer limited view reconstructions for all datasets and for all arrays. Accordingly, limited view correction experiments learn mapping functions where the task is correction of limited view (lv) artifacts from the reduced angular coverage used for image reconstruction with different array geometries.


Simulated cylinders dataset (SCD) includes pixel annotations for skin curve, vessels and background. In addition to segmentation of these structures on the ideal reconstructions, we define segmentation task on sparse sampling and limited view reconstructions that contain the relevant artifacts encountered in experimental data. All data in segmentation task is generated from SCD and the objective is to match the ground truth annotations of the acoustic pressure map.

Train models from scratch

We provide two scripts to train models from scratch, one for image translation experiments (oadat_evaluate/src/ and another for semantic segmentation experiments (oadat_evaluate/src/

One needs to download the corresponding dataset proposed within the scope of this work (MSFD, SWFD, SCD) in order to train from scratch. Next, modify the following attributes within ExpSetup class to fit your needs:

  • datasets_parent_dir: Directory where the corresponding dataset is located. Please do not rename the dataset files.
  • task_str: String variable that identifies the experiment to be trained for. Full list of experiments are
    ['msfd_lv128,li', 'swfd_lv128,li', 'swfd_lv128,sc', 'swfd_ss32,sc', 'swfd_ss64,sc', 'swfd_ss128,sc', 'scd_ss32,vc', 'scd_lv128,vc', 'scd_ss64,vc', 'scd_ss128,vc', 'scd_lv128,li', 'scd_lv256,ms', 'seg_ss32,vc', 'seg_ss128,vc', 'seg_ss64,vc', 'seg_lv128,li', 'seg_lv128,vc', 'seg_vc,vc']
  • logdir: Path to the directory where you want model checkpoints, logs during training, final serialized model after training and everything else to be saved.

Sample script to train an image translation model from scratch for experiment swfd_ss128,sc:

import os, sys
from oadat_evaluate.src import train_translation as train_translation

datasets_parent_dir   = '/data/oadat' # assuming datasets downloaded here.
task_str              = 'swfd_ss128,sc'
logdir                = '/trained_models/oadat_swfd_ss128,sc'
args                  = train_translation.ExpSetup(datasets_parent_dir=datasets_parent_dir, task_str=task_str, logdir=logdir)


Sample script to train semantic segmentation model from scratch for experiment seg_ss64,vc:

import os, sys
from oadat_evaluate.src import train_segmentation as train_segmentation

datasets_parent_dir   = '/data/oadat' # assuming datasets downloaded here.
task_str              = 'seg_ss64,vc'
logdir                = '/trained_models/oadat_seg_ss64,vc'
args                  = train_segmentation.ExpSetup(datasets_parent_dir=datasets_parent_dir, task_str=task_str, logdir=logdir)


Evaluate a serialized model

We provide two scripts to evaluate a given serialized model (can be either one of the pretrained models we provide or a custom serialized model you provide), one for image translation experiments (oadat_evaluate/src/ and another for semantic segmentation experiments (oadat_evaluate/src/

One needs to download the corresponding dataset proposed within the scope of this work (MSFD, SWFD, SCD) in order to train from scratch. Next, modify the following attributes under main to fit your needs:

  • datasets_parent_dir: Directory where the corresponding dataset is located. Please do not rename the dataset files.
  • task_str: String variable that identifies the experiment to be trained for. Full list of experiments are
    ['msfd_lv128,li', 'swfd_lv128,li', 'swfd_lv128,sc', 'swfd_ss32,sc', 'swfd_ss64,sc', 'swfd_ss128,sc', 'scd_ss32,vc', 'scd_lv128,vc', 'scd_ss64,vc', 'scd_ss128,vc', 'scd_lv128,li', 'scd_lv256,ms', 'seg_ss32,vc', 'seg_ss128,vc', 'seg_ss64,vc', 'seg_lv128,li', 'seg_lv128,vc', 'seg_vc,vc']
  • fname_out: Path to the file where you want the computed metrics to be saved to.

When evaluating one of the provided pretrained networks, this is sufficient. However, when evaluating a custom serialized model, you need to uncomment the following two lines and provide:

  • path_serialized_model: Path to the directory where the serialized model is saved to.

Sample script to evaluate a pretrained translation model (same logic applies to evaluating segmentation model):

import os, sys
from oadat_evaluate.src import utils as utils
from oadat_evaluate.src import eval_translation as eval_translation

mpm_obj               = utils.Manage_Pretrained_Models()
task_str              = 'swfd_lv128,li'
datasets_parent_dir   = '/data/oadat' # assuming datasets downloaded here.
fname_out             = '/trained_models/oadat_swfd_ss128,sc/eval.p'
model                 = mpm_obj.load_model(task_str=task_str)

eval_translation.eval(model, task_str, datasets_parent_dir, fname_out)

Sample script to evaluate any serialized (custom) model for a segmentation experiment (same logic applies to evaluating image translation model):

import os, sys, tensorflow as tf
from oadat_evaluate.src import utils as utils
from oadat_evaluate.src import eval_segmentation as eval_segmentation

mpm_obj               = utils.Manage_Pretrained_Models()
task_str              = 'seg_ss64,vc'
datasets_parent_dir   = '/data/oadat' # assuming datasets downloaded here.
fname_out             = '/trained_models/oadat_seg_ss64,vc/eval.p'
path_serialized_model = '/trained_models/oadat_seg_ss64,vc/serialized_model_step_80000' ##assuming path to the serialized custom model
model                 = tf.keras.models.load_model(path_serialized_model, compile=False)

eval_segmentation.eval(model, task_str, datasets_parent_dir, fname_out)

Use data loaders to read a sample from datasets

We provide a data loader class to read from datasets, whether it is to train a neural network model or simply analyzing the datasets. Sample script to read a desired index from desired dataset variables (also available as a notebook):

import os, sys
from oadat_evaluate.src import generators as generators

datasets_parent_dir   = '/data/oadat' # assuming datasets downloaded here.
fname_dataset         = 'SWFD_semicircle_RawBP.h5' # example for SWFD semi circle dataset
fname_h5              = os.path.join(datasets_parent_dir, fname_dataset)
inds                  = None # if not None, generator will be limited to the provided dataset indices.
in_key                = 'sc,ss32_BP' # example for semi circle sparse 32 images 
out_key               = 'sc_BP' # example for semi circle array images
gen                   = generators.Generator_Paired_Input_Output(fname_h5=fname_h5, inds=inds, in_key=in_key, out_key=out_key, shuffle=True)
x, y                  = gen[42] # returns (in_key, out_key) tuple for 42th index in the dataset.

Reconstruction Algorithms

Image reconstruction algorithms used in this project are included in the following package: pyoat

We use backprojection algorithm in this study to generate OA images from the acquired signals. The algorithm is based on delay and sum beamforming approach. First, a mesh grid is created for desired field of view. Then, the distance between the points of the mesh grid and transducer elements are calculated based on the known locations of the array elements and the pixels. Time of flight (TOF) is obtained through dividing the distance by the SoS values that are assigned based on the temperature of the imaging medium and tissue properties. The corresponding signals are picked from signal matrix based on TOF. Then, the signals are added up to create images. The clinical and simulated data are reconstructed with SoS of 1510 m/s in this study as the simulations and the experiments were done at the corresponding imaging medium temperature.


Please cite to this work using the following Bibtex entry:

  title       = {{OADAT}: Experimental and Synthetic Clinical Optoacoustic Data for Standardized Image Processing},
  author      = {Firat Ozdemir and Berkan Lafci and Xose Luis Dean-Ben and Daniel Razansky and Fernando Perez-Cruz},
  journal     = {Transactions on Machine Learning Research},
  issn        = {2835-8856},
  year        = {2022},
  url         = {}


This project is supported by Swiss Data Science Center (SDSC) grant C19-04.


The dataset is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC-BY-NC).
pyoat package, oadat-evaluate, and oa-armsim projects are licensed under the MIT License.


OADAT: Experimental and Synthetic Clinical Optoacoustic Data for Standardized Image Processing

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%