benmcevoy / cmd-tools

Handy aliases for IIS and windows dev

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handy aliases for IIS and windows dev

add to your path and run in administrator command window, or powershell

  • kiss # reset iis immediately /timeout:0
  • hosts # open hosts file in notepad
  • head # do a HEAD for the url
  • get # do GET for the Url
  • wp # list the worker processes and pids
  • touch # update last modified date on a file
  • lpath # like PATH but a list
  • clean # aggresively clean a c# project by deleting the bin and obj folders
  • markjump #

example figlet

figlet "oh hi" .\fonts\larry3d.flf

         __                     __
        /\ \                   /\ \         __
  ___   \ \ \___               \ \ \___    /\_\
 / __`\  \ \  _ `\              \ \  _ `\  \/\ \
/\ \L\ \  \ \ \ \ \              \ \ \ \ \  \ \ \
\ \____/   \ \_\ \_\              \ \_\ \_\  \ \_\
 \/___/     \/_/\/_/               \/_/\/_/   \/_/

Love me some figlet

customize your PS profile to include common scripts

do you have a profile?

Test-Path $profile

make a profile

New-Item -path $profile -type file –force

edit the profile, add this

. markjump.ps1


Handy aliases for IIS and windows dev


Language:PowerShell 72.9%Language:Batchfile 27.1%