benjivesterby / env

Development Environment Setup and Notes

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Go vim/tmux Environment Installation

LINUX Pre-Installation

wget && \
chmod +x ./ && \
./ "Firstname Lastname"

This will setup the local enviornment by installing the full Go environment from a fresh setup.

There is a 4th argument to which is the signingkey ID of the GPG key you wish to use for signing code commits.

Post Installation

Open TMUX and execute <prefix>+I to load the TMUX plugins

Updating your environment

Execute the script without the -i flag


Current Font

Monoid Nerd Font

Setting up Font in Terminal - MAC ZSH

Terminal: You must set the font in terminal properly after installation for Powerline fonts

Preferences -> Startup Theme -> Text (tab) -> Font (Change) -> Select Font

You must setup the fonts in the settings for ITerm in order for the chevrons to show properly.

Preferences -> Profiles -> User -> Text (tab) -> Font Dropdown -> Select Font

Setting the font for the VSCode terminal

How To

Add setting: to VSCode json configuration

    "terminal.integrated.fontFamily": "Monoid Nerd Font",

GPG Configuration

After installing the env script unplug and re-plug Yubikey with the signing key on it

Execute gpg --card-status to ensure that the key is visible to the gpg system.

NOTE: if the key ids are not showing properly then execute the following

gpg --card-edit
gpg/card> fetch

Ths will pull the public key from the keyserver. If this doesn't work it's because the URL in the Yubikey is not set for where to pull the public key.

Once the card status shows the keys stored on the yubikey

Add the key you want to sign with to your global git configuration.

git config --global user.signingkey <KEYID>


For Ubuntu the lint script will not properly work unless you reconfigure the default shell from dash => bash using sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash and selecting NO as the option to unlink dash from /bin/sh otherwise the list of git files will not work in the lint script.


curl -o ~/bin/up && chmod +x ~/bin/up && ~/bin/up


Development Environment Setup and Notes

License:MIT License


Language:Shell 61.9%Language:Lua 19.9%Language:Vim Script 10.1%Language:Python 6.2%Language:Dockerfile 2.1%