Ben Hodgson (benjamin-m-hodgson)


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Location:New York, New York

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Ben Hodgson's repositories


A proof-of-concept application to demonstrate a tokenized model on the Ethereum network that rewards participants in the life cycle of a plastic bottle for recycling.



A decentralized application that interfaces with a Solidity smart contract on the Ethereum network to enable sport betting. The contract uses a trustless result acquisition system enforced by an implicit Schelling point to reach a consensus match outcome.



Java program to play a 2D game of Breakout, in which a ball bounces around the screen and destroys blocks as it bounces into them. The player controls a paddle to block the ball from moving off the screen. The ball may bounce off of some sides of the screen; however, if the ball moves off a specific area of the screen (typically the bottom), the player loses a life and the ball is reset to its starting position. If the player misses blocking the ball too many times, the game should end and display a message that the player lost. If all the blocks are cleared from the screen, the level should end and a new one loaded (with a different configuration of blocks). If the player clears all the levels, the game ends with a message that declares the player won.



A Java program using JavaFX that animates any 2D grid CA simulation. The cells are composed of their state and their rules for interacting with their neighbors. The grid can be of any size (chosen by the user) and a set of rules (e.g., whether a cell changes state, is created, or moves to another position in the grid). The simulation is run by applying the rules on each cell "simultaneously", i.e., based only on their current state, and then updating their states in a second pass.



Programs that pertain to Cryptography and some related number theory problems.



Various mathematical confirmations achieved through simulation.



An integrated development environment, IDE, that supports users to write SLogo programs. Unlike IDEs such as Eclipse, which are designed around files that represent a complete program, SLogo users should be able to command the turtle interactively on a per expression basis. This is the read-eval-print loop used in environments for interpreted languages such as Python, Lisp, and Smalltalk (even the command-line shell could be considered such an environment). The IDE focuses on helping users to experiment with and manage expressions, building up complex expressions from previously entered ones and keeping the visual representation of the turtle appropriately updated.



A game authoring environment that allows game designers, people with no programming skills, to build arcade-style 2D video games of the Tower Defense genre, using a variety of visual tools and requiring minimal programming. These games should be saved in XML format that allows them the be re-loaded by the program for additional editing or deployed, loaded into a different program to be played by a user.
